You don't need to hide in the east to get to the deepest part, and here you can see a pile of ashes in the hall.

Opposite the ashes is the sealed gate, where General Morgan and Lucas are hiding!

Chapter 650: Miss Liang gives you courage

Dong dong dong, there was a knock on the door, followed by Eddie's joking sound, "Hey, Morgan, right, hello old dog, why, when you see an old friend coming, you also need to hide? Come out? Come on, don't hide, your wife ran away with someone else, and you're still hiding? You're going to be green, brother!"

Pfft, Ada, Shirley, Zoe and others were all amused, and Xie Wa looked at her boss with beautiful eyes. This young boss always made people laugh when he spoke!

The Morgan Rao inside is already very stable, and he is still furious with anger. This damn, every day he says he is going to be green, who the fuck can stand this?Do you need the dignity of a man?

"You've only been green, your whole family is green, my wife is already dead, I don't have a mother, let alone a daughter, what can you do with me? Eddie, you pervert, go to hell, bastard! "General Morgan began to curse regardless of his identity!

Obviously, he already knew what happened to Simmons. Simmons doesn't have a wife, but he does have a mother.

Simmons' mother is miserable. She can't die, and she is alive and handsome. At least the task of giving birth is handed over to her.

Morgan obviously doesn't want to be like Simmons, and Eddie rides on his head as a father, he would rather die than be humiliated and live like this!

Eddie's expression turned cold, "I was going to hand you over to the local detective, but now I've changed my mind. I want to watch you burn to death by flames!"

These words made General Morgan's heart cool. He knew that this terrifying man really did what he said. This is no joke! "Come if you have the ability!"

Bang!In the next second, Eddie smashed the gate out. The heavy gate weighed three tons, and when it flew out, it crushed several sturdy guards.

Da da da!The submachine gun began to fly a large number of bullets, and the sparks that collided with the firing pin and the bullets still appeared in the air.

It was all in vain, Eddie waved his hand and all the bullets hit the air.Strangely, it stayed in the air, unable to advance a single point, nor to retreat a single point, and it did not fall to the ground due to gravity.

Seeing such a strange scene, General Morgan felt chills in his heart, while Lucas's eyes were shining. He seemed to have discovered a new continent. This brother-in-law has something!

The bullets of the submachine gun ran out, Eddie waved his hand, and all the bullets were returned in full, and they turned into a funnel sieve.

Only General Morgan and Lucas were still alive, and the next second, Neil, who had turned into a cocoon and died in the hall, roared.

The cracked cocoon exploded and flew in all directions, like a strong man, and his right hand was composed of countless pitch-black tentacles of ouroboros.A tyrant with a variant of ouroboros appeared, and I didn't expect to meet him again!

Lucas grinned, "Very well, I knew that mold and ouroboros would definitely become the latest weapon! Kill him, my servant!"

Bang!Laughing wildly, Lucas was slapped and slapped out by Neil, "You are my servant!"

Boom!Neil punched the sealed back door and pushed General Morgan out, "General, you must fulfill your promise and turn the world into a new world!"

Boom!Another punch shattered and sealed the back door before turning to face Eddie.

From the beginning to the end, Eddie was watching the play, and he had locked the position of General Morgan, even if the opponent could run again, it would be useless.

Cats catch mice, of course, they will eat them only if they have enough fun.

Besides, the dog General Morgan has scolded him, so he can't be forgiven. Simply letting the other party die is not enough to vent his anger. It is Eddie's real purpose to give him hope in despair. , and then suddenly turned into despair in the hope, repeated horizontal torment, and finally killed him!

Neil turned his head, although he had turned into a monster, he still retained a certain level of consciousness, "Eddie, is Claire with you?"

"Yes, she is currently pregnant with a second child, and I have no plans to have a third child for the time being. By the way, you are ugly, don't worry about my wife, my wife is very beautiful. You are ugly and you are not qualified, garbage, what do you have to say? What do you want to say? Say it anyway, your mother is gone anyway." Eddie was not polite at all.

Neil was annoyed when he heard it, "I'll turn your head off, do you think you're very powerful? Haha, sooner or later you will die at the hands of more powerful people. Now I'll send you on your way first!"

Bang!As soon as Neil finished speaking, the Ouroboros virus in his right hand was cut off, and a flame began to burn for no reason.

"Ah!" Neil let out a scream, and then watched as his body was cut off piece by piece. Even if he gave up his human identity and turned into a monster, he was still no match for Eddie.

Eddie spent ten minutes with great interest, giving Neil an experience of what it means to be cut by a thousand knives, and finally squeezed Neil's head into pieces with a firm grip.

Let Neil die can't die anymore.

Walking over to the container, Lucas was almost out of breath.

Zooey asked in an uncertain tone, "Lucas, is it your fault that Dad became like this?"

Lucas grinned, "It's none of my business, I'm just joining them, but you, shameless, actually want to collude with this man, hehe, you will regret it later. You are not worthy of being my family! Margaery Especially a bitch, shameless woman, not worthy of being my mother. Jack, that idiot, not worthy of being my father, you, Zoe, you are an ignorant and stupid reproductive tool!"

Bang!Eddie took out the Desert Eagle and headshot Lucas, "This kind of scum, it's useless to live."

Lucas' body fell down, his head was gone.

The mold began to repair his head quickly, "Hey, I didn't expect it, I can't die at all!"

Lucas, whose head was blasted by the Desert Eagle, was resurrected strangely. He lost his brain, how could he recover quickly?

Zooey was also taken aback, and she was terrified. She took Eddie's Desert Eagle and kept shooting at Lucas.

This time, half of Lucas' body was smashed to pieces, but in the next second, the mycelium began to reorganize his body again, as if he couldn't be beaten to death at all.

The mold gradually metamorphosed, simulating the skin of a human before his death, and it looked no different from a normal person.

"Haha, I'm immortal, this is my invention, immortal mold!" Lucas said with a wicked smile.

Chapter 651: The End of Biochemical Seven

It seems that Lucas' undead mold seems to be quite powerful. It can recover quickly while maintaining sanity. This is a little stronger than his father, but only limited.

At this time, a group of armed team members came from the pothole, which were mercenaries of the Blue Umbrella Company, led by a black detective and Joe!

"Zoe, are you alright!" Joe wore a mechanical iron glove on his right hand, which seemed to be the latest anti-biochemical weapon?

Zooey shook her head, "I'm fine, Lucas killed his father, he colluded with those bad guys!"

Qiao was extremely angry. Even though he had no feelings for his younger brother Jack, he was also his own brother. Now that his own brother was killed by his nephew, he, the uncle, had to avenge his younger brother!

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