Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 102 A group that calls itself ‘players’! Grandpa’s identity!

"Damn it! Is this guy really just trying to get fifty silver coins?"

"That's awesome! This is the first time I've seen such crisp and agile players in the Six Nations Freshman Competition!"

"Did the opponent know that there was no hope of qualifying, so they took their own life? But this was too simple."

"Luck also plays a part in this qualifier, why don't you try?"

"Perhaps the other person, like me, has despaired of his own luck?"

"It's so miserable, I want to give him a reward!"

"I'll reward you too!"

"This guy is so crisp and clear. Life must be too difficult. I'll reward him with one silver coin!"

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed as she returned to her private space in the virtual world.

Assistant Xiaomei appeared and said with a smile:

"King, you have multiple rewards and they have been transferred to your private account."



Zhao Xin was stunned, and he doubted whether he heard correctly:

"Where did the reward come from?"

He opened the income and expenditure interface.


I saw a large number of rewards of a few or dozens of copper pennies, and occasionally there were even rewards with a silver coin as the suffix.


This reward is still being refreshed.

" going on?"

He was speechless as he looked at the total amount of rewards that had reached four pounds, fifty-two silver and sixty-five copper pennies.

This is as much as his monthly salary from working in the torture hall!

"Did I kill myself just now?"

He muttered to himself.

Originally I just wanted to make some fifty silver coins.


The rewards are still coming in a steady stream?

Shaked his head.

He ignored it and left the virtual world directly.

More than a month ago.

If he could receive so many rewards, he would be very happy.


Although I was quite happy, I could no longer touch his G-spot.

After all, he is already a rich man!

In the lounge.

Zhao Xin took off the virtual helmet and found Zhou Xi looking at him with an alien expression.

"……What's wrong?"

Zhao Xin smiled.

"You...actually committed suicide in the Six Nations Freshman Competition?!"

Zhou Xi reached out and wanted to touch Zhao Xin's forehead to see if he had a fever.

This kind of thing.

How could a normal person do this?

"You are no longer an amateur."

Zhao Xin looked enigmatic and had a plan in mind:

"Even if I'm lucky and pass the first round of qualifying, it's nothing more than a consolation prize of twenty silver coins."

"But do you know how much reward I just got?"

"...and a reward?"

"How many?"

Zhou Xi's eyes lit up and he said with great interest.

"So far, it's over five pounds."

"Isn't this more profitable than competing in the qualifiers?"

Zhao Xin raised her eyebrows at Zhou Xi, as if 'everything is planned by me'.

"Five pounds more?!"

Zhou Xi’s voice rose a few pitches. He was surprised at first, and then said excitedly:

"Zhao Xin, you are so amazing, you can actually think of such a trick!"

"No, you want a treat!"


Zhao Xin was speechless.

I had to treat this colleague to a big meal.

As for Zhou Xi's suggestion of calling a few more colleagues, he rejected it without hesitation.

Eating with Zhou Xi is quite eye-catching.

How many more people should I call?

He's not familiar with it.

And that costs a lot of money...

His money didn't come from the strong wind...

After lunch, Zhou Xi took her to watch a movie.

He was able to escape and return to No. 15 Bell Street.

"This girl, doesn't she have a crush on me?"

He muttered in his mind.

I think it's still very possible.

After all, he is so good and works so hard, what girl wouldn't like him?

"You are handsome but you have a lot of troubles."

He sighed.

Looking at the clouds rolling in the sky, I feel very good.

But just then.

Suddenly his heart moved, and he took out the two special badges from the space ring.

One came from his grandfather.

One came from a ninth-level elder of Bailing Sect who was killed by him.

at this time--

These two badges were flashing a dark red light.

Because he could not determine the function of these two badges, he did not place them in the star realm.

"Why did the dark red light suddenly light up?"

"What does this mean?"

His eyes flickered, a little confused.

Think about it.

He picked up the dark red badge belonging to the elder of Bailing Sect.

Looking at the humble black-robed figure above, a ray of spiritual power poured into it.


He also explored it with his mental power.

But neither of the two badges gave him any reaction.

Just like an ordinary badge, it has no extraordinary power.

but now--

He poured in with his spiritual power again, but suddenly saw a passage.

A passage shimmering with colorful light, winding and leading to no one knows where.


Zhao Xin thought for a long time before deciding to go along the passage.

However, he has also been prepared to cut off this ray of mental power at any time if the situation arises.

As his spiritual power stepped into the color channel.


He saw the color channel moving suddenly and rapidly.

Just a moment.

His eyes flashed, and he appeared in a black room.

The room was dim, and the walls were covered with a strange plant pattern with sixteen leaves.

And in the center of the room.

It is a large round table.

The round table is black, and its surface is also covered with those strange plant patterns.

Chairs were fixed around the round table. Some chairs were empty, while others had people on them.

However, it was hazy and foggy, making it difficult to see the true appearance of those figures.

Zhao Xin found that he was also sitting on a chair, and the fog surged around him, blocking the sight of the others.

"Okay, everything that should come should come."

“Those who don’t come will never come again.”

An old female voice came from one of the chairs.

"Master Witch, Master High Priest has not participated in the meeting for eight years. Did something happen?"

someone asked.

Zhao Xin thought.

Lord High Priest?

Eight years?

He thought of the badge that 'Grandpa' left him.

On the badge, isn't there a high priest who looks aloof?

And it also matches the time.

Could it be that the high priest this person was talking about was his 'grandfather'?

He remained calm and observed the figures on the chairs.

There are thirty-five chairs.

Seventeen of them were empty.

The remaining eighteen pictures all have figures sitting on them.

"The high priest's badge did not respond, but with the high priest's strength, even if he encounters Xu Daohong, it should be impossible for anything to happen."

The old female voice replied.

Is this the witch...

Zhao Xin looked at the black mist figure who spoke and thought to himself:

"This person is also called an adult, and his status is obviously not low here, and may even be as low as that of the high priest..."

"But is the high priest so strong? Xu Daohong is the strongest person in the world. Nothing will happen to him if he encounters Xu Daohong?"

He was a little surprised.

How could a being who is recognized as the strongest person in the world be weak?


Caused by him.

Xu Daohong has not made a move for many years, but he has always been the strongest in the world!

It is estimated that only a few people know what level it has actually reached.


"This is the twenty-third player meeting."

"The main thing to discuss is the opening of the Ruins of Liuling Civilization No. 3 on June 22."

"Have all the players here received Elana's invitation?"

At this time, another very deep male voice came.

Players meeting?


Zhao Xin frowned.

Are all the people here so-called ‘players’?

There were some waves in his heart.

Logically speaking.

The word player should be used in games.

Another word corresponding to players is NPC!

"Could it be a dust star, or a game world?"

He was a little shocked, but quickly rejected:


"No game world can be as real and intelligent as dust stars."

"This is definitely the real world."

"But what about the players?"

He remained calm and continued to listen.

he thinks--

This strange organization definitely contains earth-shattering secrets!


A figure in the black mist nodded.

Zhao Xin also nodded.

"Relic No. 3 was formed by the crash of a mothership of the Liuling Civilization."

"You all know the Liuling civilization."

"That is an existence that is not inferior to our own civilization."

"And the mothership in the No. 3 ruins is a transport ship. It was originally intended to transport a batch of supplies to the frontline battlefield."

"It can be said that Relic No. 3 is very precious."

"And this is also the first time that Ruin No. 3 has been opened since our arrival."

The old female voice named 'Witch' also spoke again.

Not inferior to our own civilization?


Zhao Xin's pupils shrank slightly.

These players——

They're not even from the Dust Stars?

alien? !

at this time.

He somewhat understood why these people called themselves ‘players’.

Intelligent life from advanced civilization comes to ordinary civilization as a game experience?

His 'grandpa' too?

"This isn't right either..."

"According to Elana, Ruin No. 3 is opened once every thirty years."

"But this witch said that this is the first time Ruin No. 3 has been opened since they arrived."

"Could it be that it hasn't been thirty years since they arrived?"

"But my 'grandpa' was seventy-eight years old when he 'died'..."

He pondered in his heart.

Suddenly his expression turned strange.

These ‘players’——

Could it be that he was just like him, coming directly through his soul and occupying the body of the Dust Star man?

"It's been a tough day..."

"Group travel?"

"And it doesn't look like an accidental time travel!"

He was shocked.

The civilization behind these ‘players’ is so terrifying!

You can actually let people travel through time in groups without making a sound?

And the other party calls himself a ‘player’.

Obviously you can go back!

"My 'grandpa'——"

"Could it be that you have already gone back?"

This doubt arose in his mind.

"Those people from Dust Star will definitely get in the way."

"Master Witch, Master Knight, how about we all reveal our identities and directly surround and kill all the kings of Dust Star?"

"As long as we kill them, the No. 3 ruins are still free for us to use?"

A cold female voice suddenly came, very cold, cold and ruthless.

But hear the other side's voice.

Zhao Xin suddenly felt a bit familiar...

Two chapters today.

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