Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 104 The power of the little skeleton! Slavery!

"Conquer the battlefield again?"

Zhao Xin squinted his eyes.

Only then did he find out.

Although the opponent's ancient tree of life reached an astonishing nine hundred meters high.

It has obviously evolved many times more than his ancient tree of life.

But it seemed vaguely illusory, not as real as his ancient tree of life.

"Not a real ancient tree of life?"

"What's happening here?"

"Did the Ancient Tree of Life get swallowed up during the fight for hegemony?"


"If the Ancient Tree of Life was swallowed up during the battle for hegemony, he should have died long ago and would be unlikely to reappear."

Confusion arose in his heart.

The other party’s situation——

Something is not normal.

And what are those three broken stone slabs?

Why does the shadow of the ancient tree of life appear on it?

But the other party had no intention of solving his doubts.


The branches of the opponent's ancient tree of life surged and extended towards his ancient tree of life.

A thick ancient bridge of life was formed directly, running through the starry sky!


"This is your destination."

"Even if my ancient tree of life is broken, even if I have encountered failure, I can still kill you with one hand."

"What a death tribunal, only the Mother Church of Bailing is the real controller of death!"

Ortav Encyclopedia sneered.

The eight wings behind him were dark and cold, and figures appeared one after another beside him.

"hold head high!"

The ghost bone dragon hung in the air and let out a shocking dragon roar. The soul fire in its eyes burned like a torch, its wings spread over a hundred meters, and its king-level aura was mighty.

The black bones are covered with cold lines, making people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts just at a glance.

"I represent death!"

A 100-meter-tall skeleton king walked out, wearing a crown, holding a scepter, and roared.

"The noble knight has always brought the true meaning of life and death!"

Gray flames ignited, and a gray knight slowly emerged, wearing gray armor and holding a three-meter dragon gun. Sitting down was the Nightmare King Beast, whose whole body was burning with terrifying flames like those from hell.

"I come, I conquer, I deliver death!"

With a gray-black cloak, a cold gray staff, and scarlet eyes, this is a necromancer with a throne rising and falling at his feet, just like a king of necromancers.

Four terrifying auras rose into the sky.

The four strands of cold death chilled people's hearts.

Every breath.

Even the weakest one is at the two-star king level!

Among them, the skeleton king and the necromancer king have even more terrifying auras, and they have reached the three-star king level!

Such four king-level astral creatures.

If placed in the Red Moon Kingdom.

Caught off guard, the Red Moon Kingdom will be severely damaged and even in danger of extinction!

after all--

Three star king level.

That is already the level of the elder of the Imperial Palace.

Any existence of this level, placed above Chen Xing, would be a peak powerhouse.

Except for the five powerful men in the world.

The three-star king level is already the strongest!

"Two three-star kings and two two-star kings."

Zhao Xin was also a little surprised.

He is worthy of being a veteran in the struggle for hegemony among all races.

This strength is truly terrifying.

If it was five days ago.

In the battle in Tai'an City, this person also appeared, and it was really uncertain who would win in the end.


Are they all death-type astral creatures?

There was a strange look on his face.


Did the other party just say ‘Bailing Mother Cult’?

Behind the Bailing Cult, is there a ‘Bailing Mother Cult’?


"Kill him and all his astral creatures."

Ortav. Encyclopedia ordered.

His whole body was shrouded in the eight-winged Meteor King's battle suit, which was cold and chilling.

"hold head high!"


"Noble knight, bring death!"

"I come, I deliver death!"

The Ghost Bone Dragon, Skeleton King, Nightmare Knight, and Necromancer stepped into the void and came suddenly along the Ancient Bridge of Life.

There is terrifying dragon breath gathering in the mouth of the ghost bone dragon.

The sword in Skeleton King's hand glowed with a dazzling gray light, and the light of the sword, which was hundreds of meters long, seemed to be able to cut everything into pieces.

The Nightmare Knight's dragon gun was raised, cold and ruthless, and the fire of hell was burning.

The necromancer waved his staff gently, and one after another dead gray meteorites appeared in the sky, filled with a terrifying atmosphere.

Zhao Xin looked calm.

If it were other astral creatures from other systems.

He also wanted the Death Angel Zhao Yan to use the last 'Light of Faith' to kill the Royal Star Envoy first.

But now——

The four king-level astral creatures in front of me are all death type.

Why do we need so much trouble?

He had a thought in his mind.

A small skeleton appeared next to him, with pale bones and a black sickle in his hand.

The soul fire in his eyes was unwavering, and he stared blankly at the four king-level astral creatures rushing towards him.

"Little skeleton?"

Ortav Encyclopedia was stunned for a moment.

There was a feeling of laughter in his heart.

On such a king-level battlefield, the opponent actually summoned a small skeleton?

Haven't you seen--

Among his four king-level astral creatures, is there a super mutated skeleton king?

Skeletor is present.

Any skeleton will have no effect at all and will be enslaved by the Skeleton King in an instant!

This is the ability that Skeletor has.

And his super mutated skeleton king, who has reached the three-star king level, is even more terrifying. Any skeleton who dares to appear, even if he is a king level, will be enslaved!


"Is it possible to think that a skeleton that has reached the king level will not be enslaved by the Skeleton King?"

"too naive."

He sneered inwardly.

At first.

In order to cultivate his own Skeleton King, he purchased countless precious items in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

Only then did the Skeleton King finally achieve super mutation and be promoted to the three-star king level!

This is also the Skeleton King he specially trained in order to improve his status in the 'Mother Cult of Hundred Spirits'.

after all--

Most of the astral creatures they gave birth to as members of the Bailing Mother Cult were of the death type.

And in the death system——

Skeletons account for a large proportion.

He possesses a super-mutated Skeleton King, which will give him a great advantage if he encounters other members of the Bailing Mother Cult.

"Can they all be enslaved?"

Zhao Xin looked at the little skeleton and conveyed his spiritual thoughts.

The little skeleton has the ability to 'enslave the undead'.

And it also has the ability of 'Death Realm', which can put away undead creatures.


The soul fire of the little skeleton flashed.

There was vague information passed to Zhao Xin.

"Can we only enslave that Skeleton King?"

"The remaining three death-type creatures need to be severely injured before they can be enslaved?"

"But you can also use 'Suppress the Undead' to suppress the strength of those three death system astral creatures into a small realm?"

Zhao Xin understood the vague message sent by the little skeleton.

He nodded and ordered:

"Let's do it."

at the same time--

He had a thought in his mind.

Medusa and Death Angel Zhao Yan were directly summoned.


There was a flash of gray light.

Zhao Yan, the angel of death, spread out her death-gray wings, like an angel descending from myths and legends, floating in the air.

Medusa appeared next to Zhao Xin, with three thousand green hairs flying like snakes, and a pair of extremely terrifying eyes. Everything she looked at was turning to stone.


"Haicheng Angel!!"

"And that petrified banshee!!"

"Haicheng Angel, isn't this the astral creature of Daphne Modesty of the Tribunal of Death!!"

"The Petrified Banshee is not a star creature from the Earth Tribunal Clara Stheno!!"

"How would it appear here!!"

Ortav Encyclopedia's pupils suddenly shrank, a look of shock appeared on his face, and he lost his voice.

this moment.

He finally realized something.

His eyes widened and he looked at Zhao Xin in disbelief:

"Daphne Modesty and Clara Stheno are all you?!"

"Even those tribunals are all you?!!"

He was truly shocked.

He attaches great importance to those major tribunals.

After all, Daphne Modesty came out of the Tribunal of Death, and the astral creature could actually make the lord-level beings of the undead world surrender.

This is scary enough.

As members of the Hundred Spirits Mother Cult, they worshiped death and naturally knew how terrifying the lords of the undead world were.

But such terrifying existences all surrendered before the angels of Haicheng.

How could he not pay attention to the Inquisition of Death?

But now——

The scene before my eyes——

But he told him that whether it was the Tribunal of Death or the Tribunal of the Earth, one person might actually be playing the role! !

This set off a storm in his heart.

There was a sense of uneasiness.

That Haicheng Angel is too scary.

It made him extremely afraid.

But now it appears on the opposite side!

"I have the Skeletor King and the Necromancer King."

"I have the Ghost Bone Dragon and the Nightmare Knight."

"This sea city angel has just survived the catastrophe of the king's level. There must be limits to that shocking sword!"

"Maybe it can't be cut out anymore."

"Don't panic."

"I will win this battle!"

"Tear them apart!"

He took a deep breath and shouted.

"hold head high!"


"Death brings you!!"

The four king-level astral creatures roared, and the death energy surged in all directions, distorting the world.


Haicheng Angel and Medusa rushed out.

Seeing that the sea city angel did not use that shocking sword, Oltav Encyclopedia let out a long sigh of relief.


"The sea city angel can no longer use that shocking sword."

"But this sea city angel contains a big secret."

"You can actually make a lord-level being surrender."

"This time——"

"Maybe I can get this big secret, and even gain the allegiance of a lord-level existence!"

Think of this.

He became excited again, his face flushed and his breathing quickened.

A lord-level existence!

If he can obtain it, then he will obtain the highest status in the Bailing Mother Cult!

Become a being who needs to look up to who he is now!


next moment.

He saw the little skeleton stepping out.

The soul fire in the little skull's eyes suddenly turned into a dark golden color.

An indescribable terrifying majesty rushed out from the eye sockets of the small skeleton and filled all directions!

On the sky.

A huge dark golden skeleton appeared.

This phantom of a skeleton is a thousand meters high, like a skeletal god, looking down at the sky and the earth with its ruthless eyes.

The Skeleton King's body suddenly froze in place.

The soul fire in the eye sockets fluctuated violently, and even the skeleton's body trembled. He knelt on the ground uncontrollably and surrendered to the little skeleton.

The other ghost bone dragons, nightmare knights, and necromancers also trembled, and their strength was greatly suppressed.


Ortav Encyclopedia was completely stunned, looking at this scene with wide eyes in disbelief.

Asking for a monthly ticket! !

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