Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 116 Meeting with the Red Moon Empress! The identity of the hall master!

June 21st.

It is suitable for getting married, buying clothes, breaking ground, installing a gate, building a building, laying a foundation, coming of age ceremony, and seeking children.

Avoid traveling, praying, planting, and burying.

Zhao Xin took away Zhou Xuan's arm holding her, got up from the bed, stood by the window sill and stretched against the morning glow.

He got dressed, came to Dalikos's space sacred tree, and sat down cross-legged.

Every morning.

He will practice the "Hengsha World Map" for an hour.

The key to cultivation lies in perseverance.

He, Zhao Xin, is as strong as he is today, but it is all due to his own hard work.

An hour passed quickly.

Looking at the scorching sun that was gradually rising, he twisted his neck refreshed.

"Sixth-level Star Envoy."

"This is already the last level of the Intermediate Star Master."

"It won't take long before I can reach the seventh level and become a high-level Star Envoy."

He was very satisfied with the progress of his practice.

all of these.

Naturally, it is inseparable from his hard training efforts day and night.

After happily finishing breakfast with Zhou Xuan, who had already gotten up, he went to drive leisurely.

He actually liked this kind of life very much.

Ordinary, with occasional surprises, watching the sunset and sunrise, sleeping with the stars and the moon.

The hover car drove out from the villa gate.

Zhao Xin leaned leisurely on the driver's seat and looked ahead.


But suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he looked at the girl on the side of the street who had a very deep impression in his memory.

Simple white clothes.

Black hair tied into a ponytail.

Cool expression, slim body.

Wearing a pair of black tight trousers and leather boots, a pair of very elegant eyes looked directly at him.

"is her!"

Zhao Xin's brows jumped sharply and she stopped the car.

He stepped off the hovercar and looked at the girl less than five meters away.

The girl looked at him too.

The two people looked at each other in the air, and everything around them seemed to have become unreal.


The emotions and thoughts in their hearts are completely different.

"Zhao Hongyue..."

"Another childhood sweetheart..."

"After being 'my' girlfriend for three days, she suddenly disappeared without a trace..."

"Why did it suddenly appear again now..."

"The aura on her body is very vague. Even with my special mental power, it is difficult to accurately judge..."

"Identity is not simple...strength is not simple..."

"I don't know if there is any special purpose for coming back this time."

There was no expression on Zhao Xin's face, but many thoughts flashed through his heart.

Even now he recalled that memory.

You can see something unusual.

This girl named ‘Zhao Hongyue’ has a very good relationship with her grandfather.

He didn't care about his parents.

He was curious.

Zhao Hongyue, what is her identity?

And on the other side——

The Red Moon Empress looked at Zhao Xin, but her expression was slightly dazed, as if she had returned to the time five years ago.

At that time, she had just expelled the Bailing Sect and ended the turmoil.

And at that time——

She is only sixteen years old.

A sixteen-year-old girl, however, put an end to the rebellion and brought the Red Moon Kingdom back to normal, earning the awe and trust of countless people throughout the country.


She can do it all.

Naturally, it is impossible to rely on her own strength.

In fact.

Six years ago, she was appointed in critical condition. When she first ascended the throne, she was only a sixth-level Star Envoy.

Although extremely talented.

But what does the sixth-level Star Royal Envoy compare to the King-level one she needs to face?

"Five years..."

"But the aura on you is very strange."

"It seems to be an ordinary Star Envoy, and it seems to be a sixth-level Star Envoy..."

"But no matter what, there is no aura of king rank."

"The Death Tribunal really has nothing to do with you..."

A lot of thoughts flashed through the heart of the Red Moon Empress.

Looking at Zhao Xin's much mature but still very familiar face, I was a little stunned.

The two looked at each other in silence.

Passers-by all around looked at the two people strangely.

"long time no see."

"where did you go?"

Finally, it was Zhao Xin who broke the silence and spoke.

"Went to the royal capital."

"My name is Hongyue, and I was born to be in Hongyue City."

Zhao Hongyue replied.

The two were silent again.

Zhao Xin felt strange. He felt that the atmosphere was really embarrassing.

It was as if a couple who had been separated for many years reunited again, and thousands of words finally turned into silence.

But speaking of it——

The two of them seem to be a couple who have been apart for many years...

Girlfriend for three days, that’s also a girlfriend...

And they have never broken up. They should... maybe... probably... still a couple, right?

"It's getting late, I should go to work."

"If you have time, you can go find Zhou Xuan."

"This is not your first time coming to this villa."

Zhao Xin looked at the time, it was already eight fifty, and he would be late in ten minutes.

As an excellent employee, I am never late.

Moreover, the atmosphere when staying with Zhao Hongyue was too awkward, making him quite uncomfortable.

This feeling appeared to him for the first time.


Zhao Hongyue’s words were concise and to the point.

The slim body passed directly over Zhao Xin and walked towards Villa No. 15.

Leather boots stepped on the ground, and the sound of footsteps was very clear.

Looking at Zhao Hongyue's back, Zhao Xin squinted her eyes.

"What is the purpose..."

He whispered in his heart, got back on the hover car, and headed towards the Demon Slayer Department.

As for Darikos' space sacred tree in the villa, he was not worried about being discovered by the other party.

This is a space sacred tree.

Space is best at hiding.

"She came to Haicheng?!"

"Why did she come to Haicheng?!"

Zhao Man, the leader of the execution hall, looked at the leader of the Red Moon Army in front of him in great astonishment.

But thinking that she grew up in Haicheng, I felt a little relieved.

"Who can guess what His Majesty is thinking?"

The leader of the Red Moon Army shook his head.

She was wearing a red battle armor, with a perfect curvature of her figure, slender legs, and a long red sword hanging from her waist.

"Come on, come on, what do you mean by asking you to tell me?"

Zhao Man calmed down and said puzzledly.

She didn't have much feelings for that sister.

Although the sister had amazing skills, she single-handedly saved the kingdom from chaos.

But she just admired the other person's skill. Should she like it or not, she still didn't like it.

That's why as the sister of the Red Moon Empress, she came to Haicheng instead of staying in Red Moon City.

"Your Majesty asks you to meet her."

"She has something she wants to ask you."

The leader of the Red Moon Army said in a deep voice.

"I see."

Zhao Man said calmly.

"My subordinates say goodbye."

The leader of the Red Moon Army crossed his fists and left the office.


"Isn't this the king who followed the Red Moon Empress in Tai'an City?"

"Why did she come out of the hall master's office?"

Zhao Xin watched the leader of the Red Moon Army walk out with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Commander of the Red Moon Army!

A king of rank!

This is the absolute top executive of the Red Moon Kingdom, a giant.

His status is higher than the head of the Demon Slayer Department and the Lord of Haicheng City.

But how could such a being come out of the hall master's office?

"Is it possible that this hall master has some special identity..."

He muttered in his mind.

But this has little to do with him.

Even if the hall leader is actually the princess of the Red Moon Kingdom, he won't care too much.

After all, with his current strength.

It can already rival a kingdom.


The hall master lets them enter and extract tasks.

The war hall returned to its previous state again, except that some low-level monsters and two medium-level monsters were sent.

"The war hall has started to work hard again..."

"This won't work..."

Zhao Xin frowned.

But considering that he is already a sixth-level Star Envoy.

The ninth-level demon must be killed before the dream world can be opened.

Even if the war hall doesn't grind foreign workers, it is estimated that it will be difficult to capture the ninth-level demon.

"Haicheng Xingtang, a novice village, can no longer satisfy me..."

“It’s time to cultivate the ‘Silver Sun’ organization.”

“It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others.”

He whispered in his heart that he had already made a decision.

Not only Haicheng Xingtang could not satisfy him.

Even if he tried to find a way to transfer to the torture hall of the royal capital, he would definitely not be able to satisfy him.

Ninth level demon!

This is already a super monster.

Any ninth-level demon can intimidate a city and make it nervous.

Such a super monster.

It is no longer something that the Demon Exterminator can capture.

after all--

There are no more than five ninth-level people in Haicheng.

The other cities in the Red Moon Kingdom are not far behind.

Ninth level——

He is the giant of a city, the real top powerhouse.

Such a giant would never leave the city easily. How could he capture a ninth-level monster?


He wants to kill the ninth-level demon.

You can only rely on yourself.

"Silver Lieyang is responsible for finding the location of ninth-level, pseudo-king-level, and king-level demons."

"I'm responsible for killing them myself."

His eyes flashed.

On weekdays, he is naturally an ordinary member of the execution hall, working from nine to five.

Not long.

He left work and returned to the villa at No. 15 Bell Street.

In the living room.

Zhao Hongyue and Zhou Xuan held hands and talked very well.

See this scene.

Zhao Xin actually felt like his wife was entertaining guests on his behalf?

Shaked his head.

He smiled and said:

"Hongyue, the three of us can be considered childhood sweethearts."

"I remember when we were young, the three of us were basically inseparable."

"How long do you plan to stay when you come back this time?"

Zhao Hongyue stretched out her hand to lift up a strand of hair that was hanging down and put it behind her back, then smiled and said:

"It shouldn't last more than a few days."


"I haven't congratulated you yet. I didn't expect you to come together."

This sentence fell.

Zhou Xuan's face suddenly turned red, her hands kept stirring the hem of her clothes, she lowered her head and whispered:

"Hongyue, won't blame me..."

After speaking, the voice was full of nervousness.

"Blame you?"

Zhao Hongyue was stunned.

"Zhao...Zhao Xin is your boyfriend..."

"You haven't broken up yet..."

Zhou Xuan whispered.

If it weren't for the silence in the living room, no one would be able to hear what she said clearly.

Zhao Hongyue glanced at Zhao Xin, shook her head and smiled:

"We were just joking at that time, how could we take it seriously?"

"By the way, I have something to do with Zhao Xin. Do you mind letting me stay alone with him for a while?"

Zhou Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stood up:

"You guys chat, I'll prepare some fruit for you."

Tap tap tap——

After saying that, he stepped on high heels and left the living room.

Zhao Xin looked at Zhao Hongyue, who occasionally showed a bit of majesty:

"whats the matter?"

"About grandpa."

Zhao Hongyue spoke.

Zhao Xin narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhao Hongyue.

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