Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 13 Exchange treasures! Meteor King suit!

after an hour.

Zhao Xin opened his eyes.

There was a look of surprise and joy on his face:

"This 'Hengsha World Map' is really amazing."

"Just one practice allowed me to reach the perfection of my apprenticeship."

"And I feel-"

"My current physical fitness is comparable to that of a first-order demon!"


This is also because the little skeleton's combat power reaches 4.5.

The reason why his cultivation speed directly reached 4.5 times.

4.5 times the cultivation speed, in conjunction with the Hengsha World Map——

Only then did he let him practice for the first time.

The apprenticeship is complete.


With only those three special materials, he could break through and be promoted to the first-level Star Envoy.

He glanced at the darkening sky outside the window.

He didn't hesitate.

He just put on a coat and left the old building.

The little skeleton was also there at the moment he left the house.

He was taken into the star realm.

"The reward I received at the Star Tower."

"I need to go to the 'Virtual Building' to get it."

"Virtual Building——"

"It is a building completely controlled by the virtual world, without any human employees."

"It seems that some of the rumors on the Internet are not groundless."

"virtual reality--"

"It may not be current technology, but it may come from the legendary super-ancient civilization."

Zhao Xin stopped a hover car casually and whispered in her heart.


He is going to the virtual building to receive the reward.


The virtual building is not only used as a place to receive awards.

There are many more functions.

all the time.

There will be many people entering the virtual building to deal with various things.

in short--

Virtual building.

It is the management point established in the virtual world in reality.

Qinglan Street.

This is one of the main streets in Haicheng.

Located in the most prosperous Fu'an District, there are many high-rise buildings lined up in rows.

The Virtual Building is also located on this street.

The hover car stopped in front of the virtual building, Zhao Xin paid and got off.

"Is this the virtual building?"

"It really has the style of a virtual world."

"Compared to the surrounding buildings, it looks like the future."

He looked up at the building in front of him, which was only nine stories high.

But it is all silver-white, like a building like a spaceship.

People were coming and going at the door of the building, coming in and out.

There are robots keeping order.

Zhao Xin entered the virtual building with a calm expression.

He was led by a robot to a separate silver-white style room.


"What can I help you?"

A ray of light fell.

A female figure wearing a black uniform appeared, bowing slightly and saluting.

"I'm here to receive the reward from the Royal Star Tower."

Zhao Xin spoke.

He knows.

The female projection in front of me.

Like his assistant ‘Xiao Mei’ in the virtual world, he is a virtual intelligence.

"please wait."

The female projection reaches out a little.

A projection screen appeared in front of him.

Zhao Xin's information and rewards obtained are clearly displayed above.

"You can claim sixty-five pounds in gold coins."

"You have thirty achievement points and can open the 'Achievement Treasury' to redeem items."

The female projection said with a smile.

"Open the treasure house of achievements first."

Zhao Xin said.

According to what is said online.

The achievement treasure house contains the most treasures in the entire human world.

Almost all the treasures available in the human world.

You can redeem it in the Achievements Treasury.

It can be seen from this——

Achievement points are precious.

"You have thirty points, and you can only view the 'Treasury of Achievements' with a maximum of thirty points."

The female projection taps again.

A projection light screen appeared in front of Zhao Xin.

Information about a large number of treasures surfaced.

[First-order fire crystal]: Fire energy crystal can greatly accelerate the improvement of the strength of first-order fire astral creatures, with a small probability of comprehending abilities. Exchange price: 1 point

[Star Power Crystal]: Crystal of the original energy of heaven and earth, which can speed up the improvement of the Star Master's strength. Exchange price: 2 points

[Water of Life]: An item containing extremely strong vitality, which can regenerate broken limbs and recover injuries of first-, second-, and third-level Star Envoys and astral creatures. Redemption price: 5 points

[Double-wing level detector]: Can detect the location of first-, second- and third-level monsters within a radius of one kilometer. Redemption price: 5 points

[Fire Emblem War Ape Dragon Egg]: It can increase the chance that the Royal Star will give birth to a seventh-level low-level star creature, Fire Emblem War Ape, exchange price: 30 points

Look at the dazzling array of items in front of you.

Zhao Xin was amazed.

It is indeed a treasure house known as the most treasures in the human world.

It certainly lives up to its reputation.

There are more than a thousand kinds of treasures in the treasury within the scope of thirty points alone.

Most of the treasures.

He didn't remember it at all.

"It turns out that giving birth to astral creatures is not all about luck."

"There are also many precious items that can increase the chance of giving birth to higher-level astral creatures."

He thought to himself.

This also made him understand.

Why some families thrive so long.

If it all depends on luck——

Then the luck of these families is too strong.

And now it seems.

Those long-lasting big families have the ability to obtain some similar treasures!

"I will redeem ten star power crystals."

"A double-winged Meteor King suit."

Thought for a moment.

He spoke.

Star power crystallization can speed up his cultivation again, which is necessary.

Although his cultivation speed is extremely fast now.


Who would dislike his fast cultivation speed?

Ten star power crystals equal 20 points.

As for the double-winged Meteor King suit.

This is a special protective suit.

Not only can it be transformed into any shape.

It can also protect the whole body without any blind spots.

Level one, level two, and level three astral creatures and demons cannot break the defense.

The redemption price is 10 points.

"This is the item you redeemed."

"The Meteor King suit requires you to activate it with your mental power."

The female projection said.


Two more rays of light fell.

Ten thumb-sized star power crystals appeared, as well as a set of black cold-blooded suits.

Zhao Xin put away the star power crystal.

At the same time, weak spiritual power surged out and merged into the black suit.


He just felt it.

This black suit can be changed according to his wishes.


In a flash of thought.

The black battle suit turned into a simple watch and was put on his right hand.

“It’s so convenient.”

"In the future, if you have points, you will have to change the two-winged Meteor King suit into four-winged, six-winged, eight-winged, etc."

Zhao Xin was satisfied.

There is this double-winged Meteor King suit.

His own safety is greatly increased.

"Take out the sixty-five pounds gold coin and give it to me."

Looking at the female projection, he spoke again.

"Please put it away."

Six ten-denomination banknotes and one five-denomination banknote appeared on the female projection's hand, and they were handed to Zhao Xin.

Zhao Xin took it, turned and left.

At the Yuxing Building, which is more than 120 meters away from the virtual building.

Cost seven pounds and ninety silver.

He purchased a first-order demon heart core, a drop of star power water, and a fixed star array at Yuxing Building.

"Three special materials are complete."

"You can go back and be promoted to the first-level Star Envoy..."

"I don't know if I was promoted to the first level of Star Envoy——"

"How much improvement can the 'Hengsha World Map' bring to me——"

Zhao Xin had a look of expectation on his face.

Stopped a hover car, merged into the traffic flow at night, and headed home.

The book has been signed.

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