Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 133 A huge improvement in strength! Get the strongest trump card!


Zhao Xin directly summoned the Little Skeleton, Death Angel Zhao Yan and Holy Angel from the star realm.

at the same time--

He himself also displays his special talent ‘Trinity’.

The shadow twisted out and turned into another figure wearing a ten-winged armor.

Not only that.

The blood energy from his body rushed out and also twisted to form a second figure wearing a ten-winged armor.

Ten months.

He has reached the intermediate level of this special talent 'trinity'.

The horror of the Trinity can truly be shown.

The shadow clone and the blood clone can exist for an hour, and their strength is almost the same as his own.

This is equivalent to his strength increasing three times in one hour!

"Kill these demons."

Looking at the rolling demon charging towards him from afar, he ordered.

Although the demon monsters are coming in front, the number is staggering.

There are hundreds of high-level demons alone, thousands of mid-level demons, and tens of thousands of low-level demons.

But he didn't have any worries.

The gap in strength cannot be smoothed out by quantity.

He only saw two three-star king-level monsters.

The other king-level demons are all two-star or one-star.

But just a little skeleton——

He has two three-star kings and two two-star kings in his hands!

The soul fire flashed in the little skeleton's eyes, and he stretched out his right hand.

The realm of death opens.

Necromancer, Skeleton King, Ghost Bone Dragon, and Nightmare Knight rushed out.

"I represent death!"

"The noble knight has always brought the true meaning of life and death!"

"I come, I deliver death!"

"hold head high!"

The four death-type king-level creatures roared and rushed directly towards the wave of monsters ahead.

The targets are two three-star kings and two two-star kings!

And at the same time——

Four lines of deathly gray mist shot out of the little skeleton's eyes and fell to the ground.

The mist rolled in.

Four large skeletons over forty meters tall walked out.

His whole body was pitch black, reflecting the cold metallic luster. He held a shield in one hand and a huge bone knife in the other.

The aura of terror swept out of them.

Everyone has reached the level of two-star king level!


The four big skeletons roared, and the cold death power was overwhelming and surging in all directions!

They strode on the ground, and then rose into the sky, directly killing the remaining king-level demons in the demon tide.

This time there is a wave of monsters.

Zhao Xin only saw two three-star kings, three two-star kings, and six one-star kings.

There are eleven kings in total.

But it was enough to surprise him.

"Holy radiance, all evil and radiance shall be punished."

The wings of the holy angel spread out behind her, and the divine light enveloped the heaven and earth. There seemed to be a shadow of heaven behind her.

The surging divine light was too blazing.

She stood in mid-air, like a blazing sun shining brightly, extremely bright!

boom! !

One after another, terrifying blazing lightsabers descended from the sky, killing a large number of ordinary monsters.

Lightsabers are densely packed.

There are thousands of them!

The power of each path is enough to kill high-level demons.

"Death is the true meaning of life."

"I give you death."

Death Angel Zhao Yan also flew into the air, holding an angel sword and looking down.

The wings spread out behind her, and a deathly gray light rose into the sky.

boom! !

As her words fell.

The angel sword in her hand suddenly swung, and the death-gray sword energy flying all over the sky centered on her, directly forming a death-gray sword energy storm that penetrated the sky and the earth!

Her body moved rapidly.

Everything he passed along the way was shattered by the sword energy.

All the demons were pierced by the sword energy and fell to the ground in despair. Their corpses were corroded by the death energy and turned into powder and flew away!

"Summon the devil."

The fallen angel Chen Mingyue also stood in the air, her sword raised high.

The terrifying evil aura is expanding.

A huge black vortex appeared silently on the ground, as if an ancient evil demon opened its mouth and wanted to swallow the sky and the earth.


An arm as black as ink stretched out from the black vortex.

A demon full of evil aura, like the essence of evil, rushed out, screamed ferociously, and killed directly towards the wave of demons.

Immediately afterwards——

Demons came out one after another, all with ferocious demon wings. Their bodies were dark, covered in scales, their arms were thick, and they were evil.

After hundreds of demons came out, the black vortex gradually disappeared.

Every demon has the combat power of a pseudo-king!

There were even several of them with one-star king-level combat power. Wherever they passed, a large number of demons showed fear and trembled.


"Why are there so many demons here!!"

"She summoned it!"

"She smells so evil!!"

Saw this scene.

All the famous king-level monsters were horrified, their scalps were numb, and they couldn't believe it.


Among their demonic civilization, they are an extremely terrifying group.

Mysterious origins, powerful strength, and extremely evil!

But now——

They actually saw someone being able to summon demons directly! !

This was simply beyond their imagination.

Boom boom boom——! !

The divine light is spreading, the power of death is sweeping, and corruption and evil are expanding.

The little skeleton himself is also taking action.

Wherever he passed, the soul fire of all demons was extinguished, their bodies were shattered, and their bones were reduced to ashes.

Death dances around him, as if he is a god who brings death to all living beings. All living beings have only death as an option in front of him!

One after another soul light points flew towards Zhao Xin.


"Unprecedented harvest."

"I don't know how this wave of demons came about."

"Man-made? Or did it occur naturally?"

"If it's man-made -"

"I really want to thank him!"

Zhao Xin's face was filled with joy.


The first light spot of soul merged into his body.


He saw the dream world.

The long river of time is still mighty, and two drops of time river shatter the void.

But the picture didn’t disappear in time.

Another soul light spot merged in again.

Two more drops of time water flew out...

Just for a moment.

Fifteen soul light points flew over.

Exactly thirty drops of time river water flew out of the dream world, allowing Zhao Xin and all astral creatures to directly 'steal' thirty months of time!

The aura on Zhao Xin's body changed again and again, and it had directly reached the sixth level of perfection.

It has even begun to transform towards the seventh level!

Without the use of special materials, it has begun to transform towards the seventh level!


"At the sixth level of the Star Envoy, a truly talented Star Envoy can reach the seventh level on his own without using special materials!"

"Although my talent is not peerless, the astral creatures under my command are peerless, and their combat prowess is unparalleled."

"The cultivation speed of more than six times is enough for me to rival or even surpass those monsters with extraordinary talents."

Zhao Xin was extremely happy.

This is a great gift!

An unprecedented gift!

at this time--

He can feel it.

The combat power of all astral creatures is soaring.

Thirty months.

Little Skull, Death Angel Zhao Yan, Holy Angel, and Fallen Angel Chen Mingyue have directly reached the three-star king level!

And the other astral creatures have all reached the peak of the two-star king level!


This is only part of this wave of monsters.

There are still soul lights flying in.

He enters the dream world again and again.

Less than half an hour.

Another thirty-five soul light points poured in.

However, most of them still see the long river of time and the water of time gushes out.

But this time, part of it was the soul light provided by the king-level demon.

So he got more time and water than he imagined.

Eighty-five drops in total!

This is equivalent to 'stealing' eighty-five months of time.

Seven whole years!

Zhao Xin's cultivation has reached the seventh level of perfection.

And the combat power of all the astral creatures under his command has also increased by leaps and bounds, and they have all reached the level of four-star kings.

Little Skeleton, Holy Angel, Death Angel Zhao Yan, and Fallen Angel Chen Mingyue have reached the pinnacle of the four-star king level!

"You...your strength is improving!!"

"Why is this happening!"

A three-star king-level demon roared in despair, and his body was directly pierced by the sacred giant sword.

The soul light flew out and merged into Zhao Xin's body.

And this time——

Zhao Xin finally stopped seeing the long river of time.

Instead, I saw a dark world.

There is only darkness in the whole world, without any light.

The world is filled with dark power that is so rich that it is unimaginable.

But the next moment——

Zhao Xin saw a dazzling black light shining in a certain area of ​​this world.

Although in a world where there is no light but only darkness, it seems extremely weird to light up the black light.

But this is indeed Black Light.

A figure wearing black armor and holding a two-handed sword flew from nowhere in the world and landed in the center of the black light in this area.

Immediately afterwards——

Another warrior with a more terrifying aura flew over.

And then——

A shadow of a warrior that was more terrifying than a breath all overlapped.

The darkness shines brightly.

All the phantoms were spinning, and then directly condensed into a deck of cards.

Every card——

They all showed the figure of a warrior who flew in before!


The void in front of the card shattered, and the card flew into it and disappeared.

"Warrior card?"

Zhao Xin was surprised and felt the black cards in his mind.

This black card is called the ‘Warrior Card’.

The first card——

Above is the warrior who flew first, wearing black armor and holding a two-handed sword.

This warrior has a burly body, a resolute face, and fiery red hair, giving him the impression of being as fierce as fire.

In the upper left corner of the card, there are two lines of writing:

[Warrior pursuing darkness, Nine-Star King Rank]

[As the owner of the card, you can use the card to allow yourself or others to temporarily possess the power of this card. The card will disappear after use]

"It actually works like this!"

Zhao Xin was surprised.

He quickly checked the other cards.

The second card——

[Warrior pursuing darkness, Lord’s Limit]

The third card——

[Warrior pursuing darkness, legendary limit]

The fourth card——

[Warriors pursuing darkness, the limits of the sanctuary]

"Lord's limit!"

"Legendary Limit!"

"The limit of the holy realm!"

Zhao Xin was shocked.

This gives him a set of the strongest trump cards!

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