Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 15 Dream world, true god-level talent!

As the sacred mountain shook, billions of divine swords roared.

One after another, bright figures with translucent bodies appeared next to a divine sword.

They are of similar height to normal humans.

But it is extremely gorgeous, as if it is completely formed by sword light.

Tap tap tap——

Footsteps sounded.

At the top of the sacred mountain.

A translucent dazzling figure walked out of the sacred mountain and knelt on one knee in the void:

"'Dongfang Yue', deputy commander of the Sixth Legion of the Sword God Department, pays homage to the great master!"

"May the great Lord be glorious forever and be immortal!"

"Your loyal believer, I present you with the low-level true god-level swordsmanship talent 'Sword God'!"

The words fell.

A brilliant ball of light flew out of him.

In this light group, there seemed to be countless figures sitting cross-legged, practicing sword skills.

It also seems to represent part of the law of the sword.


The space in front of the dazzling figure was shattered.

The brilliant light group flew into the broken space and disappeared.

at the same time.

Zhao Xin's spirit returned to normal.

There was a look of surprise on his face.

The dream world actually appeared again!

The last time was ‘Ogu Cohen’, the deputy commander of the 36th Legion of the Death God System.

And this time——

But it’s ‘Dongfang Yue’, the deputy commander of the Sixth Legion of the Sword God Department?

This dream world.

How many pantheons are there?

How many legions are there in each pantheon?

"The lower level true god-level swordsmanship talent 'Sword God'..."

He felt something had changed in him.


He now feels that the sword should be very handy.

"Yesterday I killed the demon, why didn't the dream world reappear?"

“How is today different from yesterday?”

"Is it the level of an extraordinary demon?"

"Yesterday he was a second-level demon with low intelligence."

"Today he is at least a fourth-level demon, and his intelligence is comparable to that of ordinary people."

"Is it because of strength or wisdom?"

he mused.

I felt a burst of joy in my heart.

did not expect--

Killing monsters of level 4 and above, and you still get this kind of gain?

Although he still doesn't know how powerful the talent of 'Sword God' is.


It can only be seen from the 'lower true god level'.

Absolutely amazing talent!

after all--

This already belongs to the level of true gods.

And the true God?

What level is that?

On the Internet in this world.

Any description of true gods, gods, deities, etc. are all ‘myths and legends’!

"I'll try the virtual world later."


"I wonder if we can bring the low-level true god-level talent of 'Sword God' into the virtual world?"

He whispered in his heart.

I didn’t think much about it, I’ll see if I try it later.

He looked ahead.

at this time.

The bottom of the vampire woman's body had cracked open again.

The vampire woman's body began to slide away.

The little skeleton's brows that had been waiting for a long time bloomed with light, slowing down the vampire woman's corpse.

A large amount of death energy poured in from the crack.

The extremely rich death energy was swallowed up by the little skeleton.

The dark gold lines on his body appeared again.

Revealing the ultimate sense of nobility!

"The little skeleton seems pretty smart."

"I already knew yesterday that you can't just block the crack and leave it open."

Zhao Xin had a look of satisfaction on his face.

If the crack remains open.

This will definitely be discovered by the execution hall.

But now, it makes the body slide slower.

It went from one or two breaths to four or five breaths.

The chances of being discovered are extremely slim.

after all--

The corpses of monsters have different shapes.

The speed at which the corpse slides into the underground dead air space may be fast or slow, which is quite normal.

He stepped forward.

Looking into the dead air space.

The crystal coffin was not seen again.

The gray death air floated like a strong surge.

After a while.

The rift closes.

The little skeleton smashed his mouth several times with satisfaction.

Zhao Xin took the little skeleton into the star realm and inspected it.

There are no changes in abilities or levels.

But the combat power increased by 0.1.


"The combat power is 4.6."

"If the combat power is increased by another 0.1, it will reach the fourth level of high-level combat power."

"If you can increase your combat power by 0.1 every day..."

"The fourteen-day survival trial."

"The little skeleton has at least a combat power of 6, which is comparable to a sixth-order astral creature!"

Zhao Xin was in a happy mood.

The execution hall is really a great place.

Steady improvement in strength every day.

This is much faster than when he goes out to hunt monsters and improves.

The death energy space accumulated in the execution hall for countless years is simply the best place for the little skeleton to improve its strength!

"I don't know how the woman in black carrying the crystal coffin entered the dead air space-"

"If I can also bring the little skeleton into the dead air space -"

His eyes flashed.

That will definitely greatly increase the little skeleton's combat power!

"It seems like we still need to get involved a little bit in this matter -"

"But Gou is the king."

"We can only hide in secret and investigate secretly..."

He made a decision in his mind.


Can't be exposed!

This is the premise!

Hall Master's Office.

Zhao Xin returned the No. 10 token to the leader of the Red Dress Hall.

"Looks like you're pretty lucky."

"I haven't encountered any mid-level monsters with special methods."

The red-skirted hall master leaned on the chair and chuckled.

The clothes on her chest were extremely tight and the curvature was amazing.

The red skirt covered a little part of her knees, revealing a calf as white as jade.

Even with a veil on his face.

But just by listening to the voice, Zhao Xin could guess that the hall master was not too old.

I just don’t know what it looks like...

However, I always wear a veil, fearing that my appearance will not be as good as expected...

He thought to himself.

"It's all thanks to the hall master."

He cupped his hands.

Seeing the red-dressed hall master wave his hand.

Then he turned and left.


He came to the lounge.

There was no one in the lounge at this time.

It seems that Zhou Xi and the others haven't completed their mission yet.

Sitting on a comfortable armchair, he put on the virtual helmet.

But just for a moment.

He exited the virtual world and took off his virtual helmet.


"The virtual world cannot bring the talent 'Sword God' into it."

"In the virtual world, even if I hold a sword, I don't feel anything."

He frowned slightly and thought to himself.

at this point--

He had just made a guess.

after all--

Lower level of true god.

This is obviously far beyond the limit of this world!

It is normal that the virtual world cannot be simulated.

"It seems that we have to find a martial arts school in reality..."

He stepped out of the lounge.

For swordsmanship.

Of course he knew nothing about it.

Even in the memory of this body, there is no memory related to swordsmanship.

“The physical fitness I have now.”

"It has far surpassed the normal first-order Star Envoy."

"Even a first-level demon may not be as strong as me."

"But I don't know any martial arts."

"I can't show my physical strength."

"I have a hunch——"

"If you can learn swordsmanship."

"My own strength will also increase explosively!"

His face was calm, but he was looking forward to it.

In his opinion.

Astral beings are beings from the astral plane.

The Royal Star Envoy is the Royal Star Envoy.

The Star Envoy who can only hide behind the creatures in the astral world.

What kind of strong person is that?

Only the rich blood, violent strength, and invincible swordsmanship, all added up, can crush everything.

This is the real strong man!

Half an hour later.

Zhao Xin got off the hovercar.

Looking at the vast area in front of me, the largest swordsmanship hall in Haicheng——

Jianyi Martial Arts School!

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