Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 151 Shock a god! Respect from the gods! (2-in-1)

"has a problem!"

Zhao Xin perked up and looked at the mansion in front of him.


He flew directly to the main hall, which occupied the largest area in the mansion.

Although the entire mansion was deathly silent, there was light coming from the main hall.

If there is light, maybe someone is there.

However, as he got closer and closer to the main hall, he felt a feeling of palpitations.

It seems that there is some terrible danger in the main hall.

"Making my heart palpitate?"

Zhao Xin stopped, frowning and looking at the main hall less than ten meters ahead.

With his strength, how could he feel such palpitations on this dusty planet?

Not to mention the combat power of oneself and astral creatures.

He alone has a lot of cards.

Death Angel Zhao Yan's 'Light of Faith' can borrow the power of that lord-level believer to unleash a strike close to lord-level.

The two flowing water warriors can reach the peak of king level combat power.

More importantly, it's the warrior card in his hand!

How could he still feel heart palpitations when he had so many trump cards?

“A gentleman does not stand behind a dangerous wall.”

"This place can make my heart palpitate. It must be extremely scary."

"The director of the First Hospital, Lin Jiuxin, is certain that there is something wrong."

"Wait until he walks out of here during the day and then take it down."

He made a decision in his mind.

Since this hall gave him palpitations, he would naturally not go in.

Think of this.

He turned and left.

But just after walking less than five meters, a faint light filled the hall and enveloped the entire mansion in an instant!

The space barrier imposed by the Silver Sky Snake instantly shattered.

Zhao Xin appeared in mid-air.


An old cold shout came.

next moment.

A black twisted spear, with the terrifying power of piercing through everything, pierced towards Zhao Xin!

Zhao Xin turned around.

The Green Divine Sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed out with the sword, shattering the black spear.

He frowned and looked at Lin Jiuxin who was kneeling on the ground, praying to a statue.

As the head of the First Hospital, he naturally knows people who often appear in the news.

But at this time, Lin Jiuxin was completely different from her usual dress.

Wearing a black robe embroidered with hydra, everything seemed weird. He also held a cane in his hand that looked like a twisted snake.

This completely convinced Zhao Xin.

The Lin Jiuxin in front of her was the traitor Zhao Hongyue was looking for, a senior member of the Seven Gods Hermitage!

He looked at the statue where Lin Jiuxin was kneeling before him.

This statue has nine heads, its body is as black as ink, and its eyes are as scarlet as blood.

The body is covered with scales, and each one has special lines on it, which is very strange and terrifying.

"People from the Inquisition?"

Seeing Zhao Xin wearing the ten-winged Meteor King battle suit, Lin Jiuxin's eyes flashed and she already had a guess.

Although he was surprised that someone from the tribunal appeared here.

But I am also very happy about this situation.

"You can't find anything after wearing iron shoes, but it takes no effort to get there."

"I looked everywhere for you and couldn't find it. I didn't expect you to deliver it to your door yourself."

He stood up from the ground, his face full of joy, staring at Zhao Xin.

The cane in his hand kept emitting circles of black light, forming a special space.

Zhao Xin was swallowed up by this special space just now and was unable to leave.


This special space also has a weird space power that can break the space barrier exerted by the Silver Sky Snake.

"This is--"


"A domain only owned by lord-level experts?"

Zhao Xin was quite surprised.

Why is the lord level called a lord?

It’s because of the field!

The domain unfolds, and the lord is the master!

As a terrifying existence that can destroy planets, one can imagine how terrifying the domain of a lord-level powerhouse is.

The most peak lord-level powerhouse can even directly cover an entire planet when his domain expands. With just a thought, he can turn a planet into a dead place and destroy all life!

He didn't expect that.

The first time I saw the field was in a place like this.


Even if it is the field, it should not be able to make him palpitate.

Where is the source of his palpitations?

"As expected of a member of the Tribunal. You can tell at a glance that this is the realm."

"I wonder which court you are from?"

Lin Jiuxin said with a smile.

In the entire domain space, he and Zhao Xin were the only two living people, and there was already a nine-headed statue.

Nothing else.

Moreover, Zhao Xin's revealed strength was also stronger than his.

But he wasn't nervous at all.

This made Zhao Xin even more vigilant and directly summoned the little skull Cohen.

Moreover, the space ring on his hand flashed, and two flowing water warriors also rushed out, forming a ten-meter-tall robot with an azure body.

"The Inquisition of Death, Ogunkorn."

"I wonder what your status is in the Hermitage of the Seven Gods?"

Zhao Xin answered and asked in passing.

His special spiritual power has been overwhelming, covering the entire domain space.

He searched every inch, but could not find the source of his heart palpitations.

And this lack of discovery is actually the biggest discovery.

After all, apart from him, there was only one person and one statue in the domain space.

Lin Jiuxin didn't seem like a being who could make his heart palpitate.

Then there is only one answer.

Nine-headed statue!

"Old man, I am the priest of the Dark Temple."

"The great Dark God's crown travels on the dust star."

"Ogukorn? Why don't you surrender to the great Dark God Crown? I think Dark God Crown will definitely be willing to train you. It is possible for you to step into the lord level in the future."

Lin Jiuxin said in a seductive tone.

"...Lord level just wants to seduce me?"

Zhao Xin was speechless, who are you looking down on?

Even if I lay down from now on, my future achievements will be far beyond the lord level.

He had no intention of delaying any longer.

It would be better to leave while the nine-headed statue shows no reaction.

But leave.

First of all, we must break this field.

This field was formed based on the cane in Lin Jiuxin's hand.


He held the Green God Sword and slashed at Lin Jiuxin with one sword!

The brilliant sword light is so majestic that even a mountain in front of you will be cut in half with one sword and completely destroyed!

This is a terrifying power that has completely reached the six-star king level.

If placed on the dust star, few people would be able to pick it up.


"How can I allow you to be so presumptuous in front of the Dark God Crown?"

Lin Jiuxin's face turned cold, and she raised her right hand directly. A terrifying black light burst out from the cane, which collided with the light of Zhao Xin's sword.

The two roared and shattered in the air.

And at the same time.

Four death energy light groups burst out of the small skeleton's eyes and fell on the ground to form four large skeletons.

Four large skeletons hold a knife in one hand and a shield in the other. They have burly bodies and terrifying auras.

Any one of them already has the strength of the six-star king level!

boom! !

The air exploded and twisted, and four large skeletons rushed directly towards Lin Jiuxin!

It was like four gray lightnings were rushing across, extremely fast and extremely powerful!

Not only that.

The little skeleton stretched out his hands, pointing to the sky and the ground.

Suddenly the sky was filled with wind and clouds, and a deathly gray light was overwhelming, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

A huge bone hand was grabbed from far away like an ancient giant, fell from the sky, and grabbed Lin Jiuxin!

Gray light erupted, shining brightly like the blazing sun across the sky and earth!

Such a scene is so shocking that anyone who sees it will change their color.

This is a seven-star king level blow!

It's enough to crush the existences of the six-star king level into pieces and destroy them directly!

"You actually have a seven-star king-level astral creature?"

"What is the origin of these tribunals?"

Lin Jiuxin changed color.

Looking at the four large skeletons charging towards them, and looking at the terrifying skeletal hands falling from the sky, there was a kind of fear that spread from the bottom of my heart.

too strong!

Four six-star kings and one seven-star king!

boom! !

The cane in his hand erupted with astonishing light, forming a black brilliance that spread outward and enveloped him.

Bang bang bang bang bang-!

Four large skeletons were slashed on them with huge bone knives.

The skeletal hands falling from the sky grabbed it hard.

This black brilliance suddenly trembled and then shattered!

There is even a tiny crack on the cane that forms this black brilliance.


There is still an astonishing brilliance on the cane, which continues to spread outward, forming a shield.

Bang bang bang bang!

The four big skeletons worked tirelessly and kept attacking, smashing the black shields into pieces one after another.

But the black shield was born and destroyed, and Lin Jiuxin stood in it without any harm.

But his face looked ugly.

After all, every time the black brilliance is broken, a tiny crack will appear on the cane in his hand.

Over time.

His cane would definitely shatter into pieces!

At that time, with his strength, he could not stop the four big skeletons in front of him, including the even more terrifying skeleton that had reached the seven-star king level!

Think of this.

He no longer hesitated and immediately knelt down to the nine-headed statue again and said piously:

"Under the great Dark God, the enemy is too strong, please take action!"

See this scene.

Zhao Xin's pupils shrank slightly and his whole body tensed up.


The feeling of palpitations was not very strong, but it was also a rare feeling of palpitations for him!

The black brilliance comes and goes, and it cannot be truly broken without destroying the cane.

This is true even if he summons all the astral creatures.

"It can't be avoided..."

He stared at the nine-headed statue.

I am already mentally prepared to use the ‘Warrior Card’.

He didn't believe it.

And how much strength can the owner of the nine-headed statue still exert at an unknown distance?

And his ‘Warrior Card’.

The strongest one can exert the power of the ‘Saint’s Limit’!

King, lord, legend, saint!

And just now he also let the little skeleton try to attack the nine-headed statue.

However, it has no effect. Any attack will disappear when it comes close to the past.

This is obvious.

Attacks at the royal level have no effect on the nine-headed statue.


As Lin Jiuxin knelt down and prayed.

A heart-stopping black light suddenly flowed over the nine-headed statue.


The world seemed to be shaking, and everything seemed to be upside down.

Among the nine-headed statues, one of the heads opened its eyes.

Those are a pair of scarlet eyes, with overwhelming coldness and ruthlessness, and a viciousness that makes people feel fear at just one glance.

These eyes were high up, with vertical pupils like snake eyes. They did not look at Lin Jiuxin, but at Zhao Xin, as if looking down at an ant.

next moment.

There is a cold black beam of light converging in these eyes, with an aura that can destroy any king, and it is going to penetrate the Zhao Xin hole!

Zhao Xin looked solemn.

I’m ready to activate the strongest ‘Warrior Card’ in my mind, the Saint Level Ultimate!

He didn't know how powerful the nine-headed statue could be.

Simply activate the strongest trump card directly.


When he activated the lord-level limit, the opponent showed legendary level strength.

What if he activates the legendary limit and the opponent displays saint-level strength?

He didn't want to do Calabash's task of saving his grandfather.


at this time.

The little skeleton standing next to him suddenly took a step forward, and a majestic and terrifying divine light filled the air between his eyebrows, filling the surrounding area!

This caused the black beams of light concentrated in the eyes of the nine-headed statue to stop immediately.

The coldness, ruthlessness, and aloofness in these eyes disappeared, replaced by a look of uncertainty, staring at the little skeleton.

Got to the back.

All the black beams of light concentrated in the eyes dispersed, and a low voice came from the nine-headed statue:

"May I ask which god is here?"

"I don't know the identity of the god, so please forgive me."

"You have a higher status than me. If there is anything I need to do for you, just give me your orders!"

Zhao Xin paused.

I was surprised.

He naturally knew what the little skeleton was doing.

It inspired a hint of divine aura!

This breath has no power, it is just breath.

And it is too far away from the true godhead.


The owner of the nine-headed statue actually thought he was a higher-ranking god?

He had already confirmed a previous guess in his mind.

The gods believed in by the Seven Gods Hermitage are all the existence of divine civilization!

But it seems.

The status of the gods of this divine civilization should be far inferior to that of the true gods of the dream world.

"It's not something you can know about me in Chenxing."

Zhao Xin suddenly spoke in a low voice.

The Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance slowly appeared in his hand, and he played with it gently:

"But since we have met, I can let you participate and complete a great cause."

Seeing the Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance appearing in Zhao Xin's hand.

The open eyes of the nine-headed statue suddenly shrank violently.

The Star Envoy civilization is a powerful civilization allied with the god civilization.

And the human race——

It is one of the most peak ethnic groups among the Star Envoy civilization.

One of the eight major star alliances of the human race, the elders of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance represent a terrifying status and terrifying strength everywhere!

at this time.

There was no longer any doubt in His mind.

The person in front of me is definitely an astonishing being in civilization.

You can actually get the Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance in your hand, which shows how terrifying it is!

The Elder Order of the Human Star Alliance.

But it fell into the hands of someone from their civilization.

When this news spreads, the stars will shake.

And this terrifying existence completed a great cause on this dusty star?

His eyes were bright and he was excited.

If something leaks out from the fingers of such a terrifying being, it will be enough for him to enjoy endlessly!


What a truly great opportunity!

As for why the other party appeared here, he had no doubts at all.

after all--

How could he fathom the behavior of such a terrifying being?

Maybe this has something to do with the ‘great cause’ mentioned by the other party.

"May I ask, Your Excellency, what do you need me to do?"

He asked with a hint of respect in his voice.

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