Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 152 The Dark God’s Horror, Entering the Dream World Again! (2-in-1)

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at this time.

Lin Jiuxin on the side was already stunned.

He was stunned, looking at the nine-headed statue with a look of disbelief on his face, wondering if he was dreaming now.


How could we see such a completely unimaginable scene!

The great Dark God actually showed such respect to that person! !

This is an illusion.

This must be an illusion! !

"The Hermitage of the Seven Gods on Dust Star, obey my orders."

Zhao Xin put his hands behind his back and said calmly.

With a thought in his mind, he had attracted a trace of the power of the Green Divine Sword to bless himself.

Such power.

The Royal Star Envoys didn't feel it very well.

But for the gods——

That is the aura of extremely high status!

Feeling this extremely high-level aura, the nine-headed statue's pupils shrank again, showing awe in its eyes.

There are more speculations about Zhao Xin's identity.

This extremely advanced, extremely terrifying aura.

He had never felt it before.

With his status and the gods he had come into contact with, no one had ever given him such an extremely noble feeling.

Compared with the other party.

He felt that he was an ant on the ground looking up at the dragon in the sky.

The other party must be a high-level person in civilization!

He was very sure of it.

However, after hearing Zhao Xin's words, he hesitated on his face and said:

"Your Excellency, I can make decisions about the Dark Palace of the Seven Gods Hermitage, but I cannot make decisions about the other six lines..."

Zhao Xin's expression remained unchanged and his voice remained calm:

"Then let Andian listen to my orders."

"Remember, you can't reveal what happened to me on Dust Star."

"If it is revealed..."

"You know the consequences."

The nine-headed statue felt a chill in its heart.

Naturally, he did not dare to take such warnings seriously. He nodded quickly and solemnly said:

"Sir, don't worry, I am the only one who knows what you are doing here, and no one will ever know about it again!"

He had already guessed in his mind.

Is there any big secret on this dusty star?

It would actually attract the appearance of a high-level civilized figure!

And it seems that this high-ranking member of the civilization came to the dust star through a method similar to reincarnation, and practiced the method of controlling the star?

How could an ordinary planet be worth such a big deal from a high-level civilization?

He was extremely shocked.

It’s hard to imagine what shocking secrets are hidden on this dusty star.

Although I am extremely curious.

But he didn't dare to explore.


How could he pry into the secrets that would make even the higher-ups of civilization go to great lengths?

Compared to the higher-ups in civilization, he is too weak.

He has reached this state.

I already understand what level the real strong man in the starry sky is and how terrifying he is.

"Go ahead."

Zhao Xin waved his hand casually.

The nine-headed statue said respectfully:

"I obey your orders, Your Excellency."

After saying that.

He looked at the stunned Lin Jiuxin with his vertical pupils, and coldly ordered:

"From now on, you must obey the orders of this Excellency. His orders are my orders, do you understand?"

Lin Jiuxin got an idea, knelt on the ground again, and said piously and respectfully:

"Yes, Your Majesty the Dark God."

Although I feel like I'm dreaming.

But the great dark god's crown had already sent an oracle, and he had no choice but to obey.


Even if the Dark God asked him to die, he would not hesitate at all.

after all--

He is a fanatical believer under the crown of the Dark God, and everything about him belongs to the great Dark God!

The nine-headed statue saluted Zhao Xin again, and then the light from the open pupils dissipated and turned into a lifeless sculpture again.

Lin Jiuxin stood up, saluted Zhao Xin solemnly, and said respectfully:

"Sir, if you have any orders, just give them."

Zhao Xin felt slightly relieved when he saw that the nine-headed statue was silent.


Even if he had to fight against this nine-headed god who was so far away, he still had confidence.

But it would be best if we could not fight.

His trump card is the ‘Warrior Card’, but he loses one card every time he uses it!


He also didn't expect that Little Skeleton Cohen would be able to frighten the opponent just by revealing his divine aura.

That's why he took advantage of the situation.

Directly take out the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance Elder Token to increase the mystery of your identity.

Then a ray of Qing Shen Sword's aura appeared, also to increase the thickness of his identity.

A three-pronged approach.

Even if the opponent is a god from the god's civilization, he is still intimidated.

"Give me all the information on your Seven Gods Hermitage."

He looked at Lin Jiuxin and ordered.

I sighed in my heart.

He just helped Zhao Hongyue find the traitor, but he actually frightened the gods behind the traitor?

Things in this world are really wonderful. Even if your imagination is too rich, you will never think of it in advance.

"Yes, Your Excellency."

Lin Jiuxin said respectfully, without any hesitation, and told Zhao Xin all the intelligence information he knew about the Seven Gods Hermitage.

As a priest of the Dark Temple.

As one of the seven most distinguished people in the Hermitage of the Seven Gods, he naturally knows a lot of information!


We also know where the headquarters of the two major temples are!


In the dark palace, there is also a demon-suppressing tower, which suppresses king-level demons inside!

This is the information that makes Zhao Xin most happy.

the next day.

July 16th.

Zhao Xin did not delay and headed directly to the Dark Palace headquarters under the leadership of Lin Jiuxin.

Now that he knew the location of the Demon Suppression Tower, he naturally wanted to go and slay the demons!

We, the human race, should take it as our duty to slay demons!

"Is your headquarters so close to Haicheng?"

Sitting on the silver-gray aircraft, Zhao Xin looked at the great rift valley in front of him in amazement.

This place is only more than two hundred kilometers away from Haicheng, which is already very close.

"Sir, we are the only Anbu of the Seven Gods Hermitage in the Red Moon Kingdom. This great rift valley once belonged to a four-star king-level demon. There is a very precious 'Singing Magic Fruit Tree' inside, so we decided to place the headquarters there. here."

Lin Jiuxin said respectfully.

"The Ringing Magic Fruit Tree?"

Zhao Xin was a little surprised:

"I never thought you could find a place like this."

He had heard of the reputation of the Ringing Magic Fruit Tree.

This is one of the most precious treasures on the dust planet.

It is also a unique item on Dust Star.

At least.

He had never seen anyone selling the Ringing Sound Magic Fruit in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

As for items that can break the limits, you can imagine how precious they are.

Why is the life force of the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races precious?

The main thing is to be able to break the limits!

Although this Ringing Magic Fruit can only give creatures with high potential of the ninth level a chance to break the limit and advance to the false king level.

But it's also quite precious.

Great value.

It is not surprising that the Dark Palace would establish its headquarters based on this.

"We didn't find it."

"It was the one from the Ming Palace who told me."

Lin Jiuxin shook her head.

"The Palace of Life..."

Zhao Xin's eyes were deep.

From Lin Jiuxin, he had learned a lot about the Ming Palace.

The Palace of Life is magical.

He actually really has the power of destiny.

This kind of power is somewhat difficult to measure even for Zhao Xin.

Although he possesses the immortal characteristic ‘favour of fate’.

But this is a passive feature that cannot be mastered actively.

He is very curious and yearning for the power in destiny.

after all--

This is a legendary power, no less than the power of time and space.


The silver-gray aircraft descended from the Great Rift Valley.

The Great Rift Valley is very deep, and there is a lot of demonic aura coming from the rock walls on both sides.

Zhao Xin even saw several demonic dragons.

However, the strongest demon dragon is only a pseudo-king, which has no effect on him now.

After a while, the aircraft finally landed on the ground.

When Zhao Xin walked out, the first thing she saw was the looming black palace shrouded in fog.

"Sir, this is the center of the Dark Palace."

Lin Jiuxin said respectfully.

"Aren't there any members of your dark palace here?"

Zhao Xin was surprised.

Is this Great Rift Valley really the headquarters of the Dark Palace?

His special mental power swept through, but other than the monsters above, he didn't find any humans.

"Sir, the members of the Dark Hall are good at hiding, and they all have missions outside."

Lin Jiuxin said.

Zhao Xin nodded and didn't pay much attention.

Dark palace?

This is just a tool he uses to find the location of the remaining Seven Gods Hermitage temples.

Based on the information obtained from Lin Jiuxin.

He already knows.

Every hall of the Seven Gods Hermitage has a demon-suppressing tower.

Normally, the demons are suppressed in it, and released as support when needed.

As for the demon being disobedient?

Of course they have ways to make the demon obey temporarily.

For example, the last time in Haicheng, the ninth-level extreme vampire who attacked was the demon who came out of the Demon Suppression Tower.


There is no respect at all for the priest of Mingdian who curses and curses.


He is now much more interested in the Seven Gods Hermitage.

Just find the headquarters of the Priory of the Seven.

That represents many famous king-level monsters!

This is much easier than searching for king-level monsters everywhere.


Even if he places an order in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, there is basically no slave shop that can sell him king-level monsters.

Demons who have reached the king's level are completely different from those below the king's level.

It is too difficult to catch a monster of this level and enslave it.

And if it is not enslaved, it cannot be taken to the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races for sale.

The difficulty of capture is one thing, but the difficulty of enslavement is the real difficulty.

As for the King Rank in the dust star’s native land.

No one sent a king-level demon.

Only the original group of people from the Red Moon Kingdom did not see the second group.

Zhao Xin guessed——

It must have been that the news about him exchanging king-level mediums for king-level demons reached the ears of the king-level demons.

These king-level monsters were made to change places one after another, so that the king-level monsters of Chen Star had no gain.

King level demon.

Already possessing wisdom comparable to ordinary people, he is even more cunning.

"Go to the Demon Suppression Tower."

he ordered.

He was not interested at all in the central hall of the Dark Palace.

In the Hermitage of the Seven Gods.

He is only interested in the Demon Suppression Tower.

"Yes, sir."

Lin Jiuxin said respectfully.

The two of them walked around the dark mist-filled hall and came to the back of the hall.

There is a tall black tower behind the main hall, with a large number of lines flashing on its surface.

A deep and heavy aura gushed out. A king-level star envoy standing here would feel heavy in his heart, as if he was carrying a mountain on his back.

Demon Suppressing Tower——

It’s not just about suppressing demons!

If the Royal Star Envoy enters it, he will also be suppressed.

"Open it."

Zhao Xin said.

He was quite looking forward to it.

In this demon-suppressing tower.

According to what Lin Jiuxin said, there are seven king-level demons!

And the lowest is the three-star king level, and there is also a four-star king level among them!

Originally, there were demons of two-star king level and one-star king level before.

But for a long time.

They have been devoured by these three-star king-level and four-star king-level demons.

This is the same situation as the Demon Suppression Tower in the City of Thunder God.

It would be difficult for a one-star king-level or two-star king-level demon to survive if thrown into it.

"Yes, sir."

Lin Jiuxin didn't hesitate at all.

He formed special seals with his hands, and spiritual power rushed out of his eyes, twisting and combining to form a cross of light.

The cross rays of light are vertical and horizontal, printed directly on the Demon Suppression Tower.

Boom! !

The entire Demon Suppression Tower roared, and the flickering lines on it dimmed one after another.


"The Demon Suppression Tower is open?"

"Old guy from the Dark Palace, actually opened the Demon Suppression Tower directly?"

"what you up to?"

In the Demon Suppression Tower, a famous king-level demon said in shock.

They didn't have any joy, but were deeply vigilant and fearful.

If something goes wrong, there must be something wrong!

As cunning king-level monsters, they knew this very well.


Even though the Demon Suppression Tower was opened, not a single demon came out.

"Are all monsters so afraid of death?"

Zhao Xin shook his head.

With a thought in his mind, he directly summoned the little skeleton Cohen.

next moment.

Four lines of death energy fell to the ground and surged to form four large skeletons.

The eyes of these four large skeletons were burning with terrifying light of souls. They looked faintly at the Demon Suppression Tower in front of them, and slashed out with the bone knives in their hands!

Four six-star king-level attacks directly shattered the Demon Suppression Tower, which had let go of all defenses!


"Old guy from the Dark Palace, what do you want to do!!"

A frightened and angry voice came out, and a monster rushed out from the ruins and killed Zhao Xin ferociously!

They can all see it.

The old guy in the dark hall was still standing faintly behind Zhao Xin.

What does this mean?

It shows that Zhao Xin’s status is higher!

This shocked them, but they were unambiguous when it came time to take action. Catch the thief first and capture the king first!


The four big skeletons looked at them coldly, and the bone knives in their hands were as big as the sky, and they slashed out again.

This time——

Face the attack of four big skeletons.

The famous king-level demon who rushed out of the Demon Suppression Tower couldn't help but tremble. An unimaginable terrifying power froze them in the air, unable to move!

Six-star king level.

It is far from comparable to the three-star king level and the four-star king level.

The gap is too big.

Even if ten four-star king-level demons appeared, it would be difficult to compete with a six-star king-level existence!

Not to mention.

The four large skeletons are all at the upper level of the four-star king level, and their combat power is even more terrifying.

And they still join forces at this time.

"Six...six-star king level!!!"

The four-star king-level demon screamed in horror, his eyes full of despair.

boom! ! !

The earth trembled, four shocking sword lights fell, and the famous king-level demon who rushed out of the Demon Suppression Tower was chopped into pieces and disappeared into thin air!

Even the strongest four-star king-level demon among them is no exception.

Not to mention four big skeletons joining forces.

Even a big skeleton can kill them all!


A large number of soul light spots flew out and rushed towards Zhao Xin.

"Seven king-level demons..."

"I hope an item will appear..."

Zhao Xin's eyes were full of expectation, and she allowed the light spots of her soul to merge into her body.

next moment.

In a trance, he saw the dream world again.

The sight in front of me is divided into seven, and seven dream worlds appear!

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