Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 35 Return! Kill the treasure chest for amazing rewards!

With the death of the stone giant ‘Ulas’.

The ancient tree of life he owned shrank instantly.

But the ancient tree of life under Zhao Xin's feet seemed to smell like a shark with a meaty smell——

The branches that were entangled with each other suddenly erupted with astonishing devouring power.

Visible to the naked eye——

The ancient tree of life on the opposite side became shriveled and dull.

Then it exploded with a 'bang' sound, turning into dust and dissipating in the sky.

"Is this the devouring between the ancient trees of life?"

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

He looked at the ancient tree of life at his feet.

At this time, Ambilight is growing slowly.

New branches sprouted, and buds sprouted.

He opened the information about the Ancient Tree of Life again.

[Name: Ancient Tree of Life]

[Attribute: Creation System]

[Level: Demigod]

[Level: First level lower rank (promoting, time required: ten days)]

[Combat Power: None]

[Power of life: 2 points]

[Recovery speed: 1 point/month (increased to 2 points after promotion)]

【power enhanced】

"Promotion is in progress, it will take ten days."

"And he also plundered 1 point of life power from the opponent's ancient tree of life."

Zhao Xin said to himself.


A message appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations, you killed a participant in the battle for hegemony! 】

[You get a kill treasure chest! 】

[You have killed a participant in the Conflict of All Races, and you will leave the Contest of All Races in ten seconds! 】

[After ten days, you can enter the battle for hegemony again! 】


A brilliance appeared before his eyes out of thin air.

In radiance.

A white and silver treasure chest slowly appeared, floating quietly.

"Kill the treasure chest?"

"Kill the other participants in the struggle for hegemony——"

"Not only can the Ancient Tree of Life be promoted and plunder the power of life."

"There is actually a reward!"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows, surprised.


After killing a participant in the Conflict for Hegemony of All Races, do you have to leave?

Can I participate again after ten days?

in other words--

If you don't kill the other participants in the struggle for hegemony, will you be unable to leave?

This forces everyone involved.

We must fight!

There is no extra time to think.

He walked forward and opened the kill treasure chest out of curiosity.

In the treasure chest——

What will happen?

He still had some expectations in his heart.

After all, the origin of this struggle for hegemony among thousands of races is hard to imagine.

The rewards given are certainly not too bad.

As he opened the white and silver kill treasure chest.


A large number of items flashed past the treasure chest.

Five seconds later.

An item remains in the treasure chest.

It was a strange parchment scroll.

With a withered yellow color, it seems to have a very ancient origin.

There were densely packed strange symbols engraved on it, flashing with a faint light.

Zhao Xin grabbed the sheepskin scroll in his hand.

At the same time, the Little Skeleton and Thunder Titan were returned to the star realm.

next moment--

In a flash of light, he disappeared into the magnificent starry sky.

With his departure.

The ancient tree of life also gradually faded away, as if it no longer existed.


No. 57 Guihua Avenue.

Room 608 on the sixth floor.

Zhao Xin appeared on the bed out of thin air.

"What a short period of struggle for hegemony among all races..."

He looked at the time that had only passed for twenty-seven minutes and shook his head.

Originally he thought.

The battle for hegemony among thousands of races is so fast.

It should also take a day.

to this end--

He asked the master of the red skirt hall for leave yesterday.


But it didn't even take half an hour and he was already back.

"It can be so fast."

"Thanks to the stone giant participant."

"Otherwise, it will definitely take a lot of time to find the other participants."

He thought to himself.


He looked at the parchment scroll in his hand.

The light on the scroll flashed slightly, and the relevant information was transmitted to his mind.

[Gift from the Star Boundary]: Using the 'Gift from the Star Boundary', you can transform any willing demon that is not higher than the king level into your own astral creature without occupying your own quota.


Zhao Xin's eyes widened slightly, a little shocked.

What a powerful scroll!

It actually allows the Star Envoy to have an extra star creature!

Although the restrictions are huge.

The devil must be willing.

It cannot exceed the king level.

But if this scroll is released.

I'm afraid it's impossible for any Star Envoy to be calm.

Those high-ranking king-level star envoys may fight for it!

This is definitely real good stuff.

Although the level is not as high as the other energy scroll in his hand, 'Holy Praise'.

But the effect is even more peculiar.

For the Royal Star Envoy.

The effect is amazing.

"But if I want to make the demon willing..."

"I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult..."

he mused.


Zhou Xuan's figure flashed in his mind.

Isn't this childhood sweetheart transforming into a 'Frost Banshee'?

And it is an irreversible transformation.

"I don't know if she is willing to..."

"If you are willing, it will completely solve her problem."

"Don't worry about becoming a monster and becoming cruel and bloodthirsty."

"You also don't have to worry about the Seven Gods Hermitage coming."

"I have an extra star creature in human form here, who can also help with a lot of things..."

he mused.

"Go and ask tonight."

"If you don't agree -"

"Use the soul magic 'enslavement' to erase her memories of these things."

He made a decision in his mind.

I casually put on a coat and went to work.

Have you taken leave today?

As an outstanding employee determined to do good deeds every day and reduce the burden on colleagues.

This is no reason to ask for leave!

Hall Master's Office.

Everyone lined up nervously to draw the task token.

Soon it was Zhao Xin's turn.

He took the token out of the wooden box and glanced at it.

"No. 7?"

He suddenly felt happy, but his face remained calm.

The leader of the red skirt hall sat lazily on the chair and saw the numbers on the token.

Suddenly I sighed deeply in my heart.

Is this subordinate of mine too unlucky?

There were more than a hundred people in the execution hall.

Most people don't draw tokens with the number 10 or less once in a month or two.


Zhao Xin was fully prepared and had less than twenty days to go to work.

Only three times?

What kind of luck is this...

She groaned secretly.

No wonder little skeletons are born.

I'm afraid this luck is not black.

The expressions of the other members of the execution hall were even weirder, and they immediately moved away from Zhao Xin.

"...Zhao Xin, be careful."

Only the girl Zhou Xi had a worried look on her face.

As the saying goes, nothing matters more than three things.

This was Zhao Xin's third time, which really worried her.

Zhao Xin smiled and nodded to her, then turned and left.

He was able to draw token No. 7 today, which made him feel very good.

Room seven.

Zhao Xin summoned a small skeleton and opened the iron door.

Looking at the woman in the room who was tied up, wearing a black robe and with a translucent body, he was stunned for a moment.


It wasn't last night when he was shot to death in Zhou Xuan's room.

But there are no members of the Seven Gods Hermitage whose soul light points fly out?

Why haven't you seen me all night?

He was actually sent to the execution hall?

And the breath on his body is very weak.

It is far less powerful than yesterday's seventh level, only the middle level of fifth level.

"This woman——"

"Are you destined to die in my hands..."

He murmured in his heart, feeling that there was something wrong.

This is too much of a coincidence.

It's almost like arranged destiny.

And just then.

The tied woman in black robe suddenly raised her head.

Her eyes were dark and the whites of her eyes could not be seen.

A more transparent figure walked out of her body, turned into black brilliance, and was about to rush into Zhao Xin's body!

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