Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 38 The childhood sweetheart has become his own astral creature!

Taking the money given by Zhou Xuan, Zhao Xin returned to Yuxing Building again.

Bought fourteen frost-type fourth-level demon cores in one go.

As well as the materials for his promotion to the third level of Star Envoy.

The total cost was eight hundred and eighty-two pounds.

One thousand pounds in gold coins, leaving one hundred and eighteen pounds.

Counting his own possession of six hundred and seventy-nine pounds—

"Not only has there been no shrinkage, but there has also been a lot more?"

"Now I have a wealth of seven hundred and ninety-seven pounds and forty-six silver..."

He was filled with joy.

It feels so good to have money.

Walked into Zhou Xuan's room for the third time.

He directly asked Zhou Xuan to get ready on the bed.

Then place all the frost demon cores next to the blue crystal ball.

at the same time--

He also summoned the little skeleton, just in case.

Although his own strength is not weak, he is definitely comparable to a fifth-level demon.

But the little skeleton is at the eighth level!

In this sea city.

There are not many existences that can threaten the little skeleton.

"If there is any problem with the conversion process, I will disconnect immediately."

He looked at Zhou Xuan and said seriously.


Zhou Xuan nodded vigorously.

Although I was nervous, I felt reassured when I saw Zhao Xin beside me.

Zhao Xin stretched out her right hand and pressed it on the blue crystal ball.

The blue crystal ball is an extraordinary item from an ancient civilization.

There are three functions.

In addition to transforming specific ordinary people into 'frost banshees'.

You can also activate the 'Ice Blue Barrier' and cast the 'Frost Shield'.

Ice blue barrier——

It can shield internal energy fluctuations and will not spread to the outside world.

At the same time, it can also accelerate the concentration of internal frost energy.

Frost Shield——

It is a defensive spell. The stronger the power of frost used, the stronger the frost shield will be.

The energy of other attributes can also be activated, but the effect is reduced by 30%.

last night.

The black-robed woman from the Seven Gods Hermitage finally reached out to grab the blue crystal ball.

I just want to use the 'Frost Shield'.

After all, according to rank——

This blue crystal ball is a king-level extraordinary item!

The defensive power of the 'Frost Shield' is quite amazing.


A translucent blue barrier centered on the crystal ball and spread to all sides.

Soon half the room was covered.

The original energy of the frost system between heaven and earth was immediately attracted.

This caused a light frost mist to fill the barrier, which was bone-chillingly cold.

The blue crystal ball began to absorb the energy of the fourteen frost demon cores.

A column of blue mist visible to the naked eye surged out of the crystal ball and connected to Zhou Xuan.


Zhou Xuan's black hair flew back automatically without wind.

The skin on her body also became whiter and more transparent under the icy blue mist.

The blood vessels can be clearly seen.

And this is changing quickly.

Zhao Xin stood aside and watched.

A number appears on the blue crystal ball.






As progress increases.

Zhou Xuan's nightgown could no longer withstand the terrifying chill and was frozen to pieces and dissipated.

The extremely white skin has a thrilling beauty.

The petite body is sitting cross-legged, and the black hair on his head has a touch of ice blue.

The arms are slender and the legs are slender.

The parts of her body that should be plump are no worse than others.

There is no trace of fat around the waist, and further down...

Zhao Xin had no expression on his face. After a few seconds, he raised his head and continued to look at the blue crystal ball.


The conversion is complete.

boom--! !

A wave of icy blue air centered on Zhou Xuan and swept around.

The air waves hit the 'ice blue barrier' before slowly disappearing.

And everything within the barrier.

They were all completely frozen, and then all turned into ice crystals and shattered.

Zhou Xuan suddenly opened her eyes and stood up.

Her straight and slender legs were shockingly white.

Her full head of black hair had completely turned icy blue and had grown a lot.

The blue hair is blocked in front of her body, hanging down around her waist, dancing in the wind.

An indescribable temptation that makes people unable to look away.

This picture looks very similar to the female character in those fantasy game promotional pictures.

Zhao Xin didn't even blink, feeling amazed in her heart.

Frost Banshee?

The name is indeed correct.

A real seductress!

"Zhao Xin, have I successfully transformed?"

Zhou Xuan looked left and right, surprised.

But soon she realized her current state, and her whole face turned red.

I quickly ran to the well-kept wardrobe and found a pure white dress to put on.

"The transformation was successful."

"You are now a Frost Banshee."

Zhao Xin replied as if nothing had happened.

He felt secretly sorry.

It’s still eye-catching the way it was just now…

If in the future...

Ahem, what are you thinking about?

"Does that mean I can become your astral creature?"

Zhou Xuan said expectantly.


Zhao Xin nodded.

Since Zhou Xuan fully agreed, he did not drag his feet.

Take out the sheepskin scroll ‘Gift from the Star Realm’ directly from the Star Realm.

Under normal circumstances in the star realm, no items can be stored.

But the ‘gift from the star realm’ is different.

This is a strange item from the treasure chest of the Battle for Hegemony, and is closely related to the star realm.

But it can be placed in the star realm.

"I'm going to start."

"It might hurt a little, so you have to endure it."

He looked into Zhou Xuan's eyes and said seriously.


Zhou Xuan clasped her hands together tightly and nodded vigorously.


Zhao Xin tore open the scroll of 'Gifts from the Star Realm' in his hand.


A radiance that seemed to be formed by thousands of stars emerged, covering Zhao Xin and Zhou Xuan.

Brilliant and brilliant.

The entire ice blue barrier became extremely bright in an instant, as if it was a galaxy in the universe.

In the starlight.

Zhao Xin felt——

His astral realm was shaking gently at the moment.

An inexplicable power surged out and flowed towards Zhou Xuan along with the thousands of stars.

time flies.

Zhao Xin could clearly sense that there was a very close connection between him and Zhou Xuan.

This connection——

Not weaker than Little Skeleton or Thunder Titan.

At this time, thousands of starlights gradually dispersed and disappeared invisible.


Zhou Xuan disappeared in front of her.

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed, and his spiritual body also entered the star realm.

"Is this the star realm?"

Zhou Xuan looked around curiously.

Especially when he saw the Thunder Titan, who was nearly six meters tall not far away, his little eyes widened.

What kind of creature is this?

What a scary feeling!

Is it also Zhao Xin’s astral creature?

Didn't Zhao Xin only give birth to a little skeleton?

Why is there another astral creature?

this moment.

She just realized it.

Zhao Xin is far from being as simple as she knows.


There was only joy and pride in her heart.

And as a star creature, she already has the closest relationship with Zhao Xin at this time.

Even this relationship goes far beyond husband and wife.

Zhao Xin's spiritual body appeared.

He looked at Zhou Xuan and his eyes flashed.

Checking Zhou Xuan's information out of curiosity.

[Name: Frost Banshee]

[Attribute: Frost System]

[Level: Superior creature]

[Level: Second level lower level]

[Combat power: 2.7]

[Ability: Frost Power, Frost Spell, Frost Shield, Summon Ice Spear, Ice Spear Jungle]

"What a simple attribute..."

He whispered in his heart.

But the next moment.

He became slightly trance-like and saw the dream world again.

It is an endless world of icebergs with no end in sight.

Tens of millions of frost giants more than ten kilometers tall were prostrate on the ground, praying devoutly in one direction.

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