Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 41 Improvement again! Ninth level!


This is a very scary astral creature.

It can eat monsters, astral creatures, and even human corpses to increase its strength.

But normal ghouls are only intermediate astral creatures.

Although it is scary, it is not scary.

But if luck breaks out.

When a ghoul is born.

There is an extremely small possibility that the ghoul will mutate and become the King of Ghouls!

King of Ghouls——

This is a high-level astral creature!

And not only can it eat corpses, it can also eat souls!

It is a kind of astral creature that makes all the Star Envoys talk about it.

Even in the eyes of many Royal Star Envoys.

Ghouls and the King of Ghouls——

It is simply scarier and scarier than many monsters!

However, Ghoul Kings are very rare.

Zhao Xin didn't expect it either.

Today was just an ordinary execution, and the monsters were just ordinary green-skinned goblins.

But he could meet a ghoul king!

It's obvious that the aura has reached the seventh level!

"Are they the four women in black carrying the coffin?"

"What do they want to do?"

"Hunting members of the torture hall?"

His expression turned cold.

His mind flashed back to the black man Vader who had turned into a mummy and died in the room.

And from the mouths of other colleagues.

He also heard it was the third case in the last month.

And today is June 1st.

It's the first day of June.


Did the other party regard him as prey this time?

Maybe not as prey.

Instead of selecting a ‘lucky’ member at random?

Was he 'lucky' to be chosen?

"The trees want to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop..."

"If you want to grow up in the execution hall peacefully, you have to find trouble for me..."

He looked expressionless as he looked at the charging Ghoul King.

The soul fire in the eyes of the little skeleton wavered gently.

next moment--

The Ghoul King has already rushed in front of him.

The whole body is translucent, the skin is black, and there are a lot of sarcomas with a fishy smell.

The scarlet light on both claws skyrocketed.

Twelve icy scarlet beams rushed out more than one meter like sharp swords, cutting through the air and grabbing hard at the little skeleton blocking the front!

This is a seventh-level attack.

And it contains a strange devouring power.


The little skeleton moved.

The black scythe in his hand burned with deathly gray flames.

It is the fire from the abyss of death.

The sickle cuts horizontally.

The skeleton's arms are surrounded by deathly gray air currents.


The twelve scarlet beams captured by the Ghoul King were instantly cut off.

The sickle was like the weapon of the god of death, slashing along the cold claws of the Ghoul King on the neck covered with black scales!

There is no pause.

The sickle cut open the Ghoul King's neck like a knife cutting through butter!

A head embodying ferocity and cruelty flew out.

It was burned to ashes by the death flames in the air.

Not just severed heads.

Even the headless body of the Ghoul King was shrouded in death flames.

The blazing flames burned silently, turning into ashes within a breath and disappearing.

By this time, the little skeleton had already put away the sickle.

He took a few steps forward and stood next to the crack in the dead air space, swallowing the dead air with large mouthfuls.

Don't know why.

At this time, the crack did not close, and the surging death energy poured in, and was swallowed by the little skeleton!

Zhao Xin looked at a bottle left behind by the Ghoul King after his death.

The bottle is translucent.

Lying quietly inside was a ferocious blood-red demonic insect.

"Vampire Demonic Insect..."

He squinted.

It is now completely certain——

Black Vader was killed by this ghoul king!

It must have been when Black Vader killed the demon in the room and the demon's corpse slipped into the dead air space.

The King of Ghouls suddenly burst out of the dead air space.

This can also be explained.

Why was there no demon in the room where Black Wade's body was?

It can also be explained.

Why can't the black man see any wounds on Vader's body?

The soul must have been devoured by the Ghoul King first, and then the blood was sucked dry by the blood-sucking demonic insects!

He raised his foot and crushed the bottle and the blood-sucking insect in it.

The blood-sucking demon insect is also a kind of demon.

The cleanest kill.

He walked to the little skeleton and looked into the dead space under the crack.

But this time the crack did not close, and it was not caused by the light between the little skull's brows.

There is no light shining from the eyebrows of the little skull.

He simply couldn't see through the large amount of death energy and see the scene in the death energy space.

"The King of Ghouls has been beheaded."

"The master of the Ghoul King must be able to sense it."

"It's no secret that I'm in room 37 today."

"The other party can easily find out."

"In that case——"

There was a hint of coldness in Zhao Xin's eyes.

Although I have always wanted to grow up peacefully in the torture hall.

But no matter what——

Something always comes to your door.


"As long as the trouble is solved, there will be no trouble..."

He whispered in his mind.

His eyes turned to the little skeleton next to him.

Looking at the dark golden lines that appear densely on the little skeleton——

His eyes were filled with anticipation.

The amount of death energy swallowed this time will be extremely terrifying.

I don’t know the little skeleton’s combat power——

Can we break through the eighth level and reach the ninth level?

Once you reach level nine.

In this sea city.

Basically, they belong to the strongest level!

About two minutes and twenty seconds passed.

The crack slowly closed.

The soul fire in the little skeleton's eyes was obviously much stronger.

The dark golden lines on his body receded and turned pale white again.

But Zhao Xin discovered it keenly.

The bones on the little skeleton have become a lot smoother.

Even the black scythe on the little skeleton's hand.

They are all faintly visible, with a few more very light lines.

"It looks like a big change..."

Zhao Xin is looking forward to it.

Immediately summon the little skeleton back to the star realm.

His spiritual body followed him into the astral realm.

His eyes flashed.

The little skull's message appeared in front of him.

[Name: Little Skeleton]

[Attribute: Death System]

[Level: Undecided]

[Level: Second-order median]

[Combat power: 9.0]

[Abilities: Resurrection from the Dead, Suppressing the Undead, Roar of the Undead, Medium Sword Skills, Skeleton Guard, Soul Armor, Bone Growth, Power of Death, Controlling the Undead, Advanced Sword Skills (not yet mastered)...]

"9.0 combat power!"

"Breaking through the eighth level and reaching the lower level of the ninth level!"

Zhao Xin's heart was full of surprises.

This is the ninth level!

The meaning is completely different from that of the eighth level.

Any ninth-level creature is absolutely powerful.

And he had only been a Royal Star Envoy for twenty-one days.

He has already stood at a height that is difficult for most of the Star Masters to look up, possessing a ninth-level astral creature!

Get this out.

It's enough to shake the world, and even king-level beings can't believe it.

after all--

This is a bit incredible!

in history.

There has never been such a horrific example.

"Let's go and solve the problem."

He whispered in his heart.

Leave the star world and walk out of room 37.

Looking at the passage with a faint blood color——

He walked directly towards the office of the deacon named 'Sophie' who liked to wear stockings.

And at the same time——

A figure in a red dress also walked towards 'Sophie's' office...

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