Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 43 Saint? The flower of death!


"Not sure."

"They are very intent on killing us."

"Can the Demon Slayer Department allow people to come in and out at will?"

"Kill first and then talk."

"A saint cannot afford to make any mistakes."

The four women in black had a brief exchange.

Their faces were all pale, and their expressions were indifferent at this time, and they directly ordered their astral creatures to kill them.

The king of seven ghouls and the sixteen ghouls received orders.

Suddenly, the fierce light in his eyes became fierce, and his whole body was filled with the terrifying death aura, and he killed directly towards Little Skull and Zhao Xin.

"So many ghoul kings?"

"Are the other astral creatures also ghouls?"

"Isn't it said that the Ghoul King is extremely rare?"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows.

See these ghoul kings.

He was now 100% sure.

The tragedy in the execution hall was caused by them.

This made him feel cold and murderous.

Although the origins of these four women in black may not be simple.

But it doesn’t matter no matter how simple it is.

He is not Zhao Xin now.

Just deal with these four people.

Who can find him among the thousands of people in the Demon Slayer Department?

"The Judge of the Death Tribunal is here, how dare you act so arrogantly?"

He made a faint sound.

This is to prevent the other party from having any means of long-distance communication.

Although in this dead air space, no technological items can be used.

next moment--

The small skeleton and the two large skeletons collided with the rushing ghoul and the ghoul king.

The dark golden sword shines like a sword.

In an instant, it cut out more than ten meters.

The two ghoul kings were cut in half before they even had time to scream!

Clang! !

Two large skeletons stepped forward.

The bone knives in their hands fell fiercely.

Deathly gray sword light filled the air, and two more ghoul kings were killed directly!

The little skeleton has now reached the ninth level of low-level combat power.

The skeleton guard he summoned——

The combat power has also reached the eighth level!

Eighth level upper level.

Compared to most of the Ghoul Kings, who only have mid-level and upper-level strength in the seventh level, they are naturally devastating!


The only eighth-level ghoul king roared and opened his mouth to swallow the soul fire of a big skeleton.


The cold power of death rushed out of the big skull's eyes, turned into a spear, pierced him directly, and nailed him to the ground!

The bone knife came and the head flew up!

As for the rest of the ghouls?

There was no resistance at all, just like chopping melons and vegetables, everything was gone in the blink of an eye.

"Ninth level!"

"Eighth level up!!"

The expressions of the four women in black changed drastically, and they lost their voices in disbelief and horror.

Their hearts were bleeding as they looked at the ghoul and the ghoul king who were easily killed.

I felt even more afraid.

How could a ninth level appear here! !

Ninth level existence.

Those are all the top experts in Haicheng.

Even if it is placed in the entire Red Moon Kingdom, it is definitely a high-level one! !

How could it appear in such a dead space?

the other side.

Zhao Man, the hall leader, held a bone umbrella and held up a transparent shield covering a three-meter radius around him——

He even opened his mouth and stared at this horrific scene in shock.


The terrifying Ghoul King is already so weak?

This is one of the most terrifying high-level astral creatures in the death system!

And it is extremely difficult to kill, and its vitality is amazing.

But now——

What did she see?

The king of ghouls——

He was easily killed by two large skeletons over four meters tall and a warrior wearing dark gold armor!

This shocked her greatly.

He looked at Zhao Xin, who was standing further away, and was deeply shocked.


He is definitely an extremely terrifying eighth-level or even ninth-level Star Envoy!

who is it?

In their sea city.

Is there such a terrifying Death-type Star Envoy?

One image after another flashed through her mind, but they were all denied.

Although those people are strong.

But among the astral creatures, there is no death element!

"Take the Saint and leave!!"

Sophie, the deacon of the execution hall, was very decisive and immediately growled.

Her figure was exaggerated, her breathing was heavy, and her movements were astonishing.

Another deacon of the execution hall did not hesitate and walked out with her, also anxiously saying:

"Take the saint away quickly!"

The other two looked at each other.

Without any hesitation, they carried the crystal coffin one after another and left.

But at this time, the little skeleton was already within twenty meters of them.

He suddenly opened his mouth and let out a silent roar.


The undead roar!



The bodies of the two women in black carrying the coffin trembled, and then a large number of cracks appeared on their bodies.

The next moment.

The two of them immediately shattered into pieces and blood all over the ground.

"Dora! Megan!!"

The two execution hall deacons looked pale, with despair in their eyes.

too strong!

The strength of the opponent's ninth level is far beyond the limit that they can handle!


The little skeleton is very fast.

His whole body was still absorbing death energy, and the dark gold lines turned into armor.

Just a flash.

There were afterimages left behind, already standing in front of Sophie, the two execution hall deacons.

The dark golden sickle in his hand slashed through it.

Red appeared on the neck of the execution hall deacon named ‘Hailin’, and her beautiful and pale head rolled down.

The headless corpse paused and fell to the ground, covered in blood.

"Leave one person behind."

Zhao Xin's voice came without any fluctuation.

The little skeleton paused for a moment with the sickle in his hand, and placed it on Deacon Sophie's snow-white neck.

Zhao Xin walked forward quietly.

Looking down indifferently at Butler Sophie who fell to the ground with despair and pale face:

"Origin and Purpose."

Sophie stared at Zhao Xin with her hair all messed up:

"Inquisition of Death?"

"How dare you attack the saint—"

"Just wait for the most bloody and desperate revenge!"

"I have a special talent. Don't think that I can't hear you if your voice changes -"

"You are a member of the Criminal Hall! Although I don't know your name, you are definitely that person!!"

"Hateful! Hateful!!"

After speaking, her voice became shrill, and her eyes were full of resentment.

But then he sneered again and stared at Zhao Xin:

"You are hiding in the execution hall because you want to get the 'Flower of Death'?"

"It seems that the organization behind you is not strong enough. You don't even know the day when the 'Flower of Death' will bloom?"


"I curse you, I curse you to die under the flower of death!"

The words fell.

Black blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, and her breath disappeared.

There was only one pair of eyes, still wide open full of resentment, staring at Zhao Xin.

"Can you hear the change in voice?"


"Flower of Death?"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows.

He was also speechless.

At this time, his voice was obviously deep and gloomy.

It was completely different from his usual voice.

Can you hear this?

Or is the other person talking nonsense just to mess with his mind?

He shook his head, looked at the other party's body and said coldly:

"Take care of it."

not far away.

Zhao Man's pupils, covered by a transparent shield, shrank, and a turmoil arose in his heart.

A member of the torture hall?

This person is actually hiding in the execution hall? !

who is it! !

Figures flashed through her mind.

Among them, the figure of Zhao Xin also flashed through her heart.

But there was no doubt.

After all, Zhao Xin is only an eighteen-year-old young man who just opened the Star Realm more than twenty days ago.

And the person in front of me——

But he is a terrifying eighth-level or even ninth-level Star Envoy!


"What does he want to do to my sister?"


When she saw Zhao Xin walking towards the crystal coffin, she suddenly became anxious.

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