Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 47 Devouring stars! Space Devourer!

Astral creatures of the space system.

That's not an ordinary rarity.

Among the 10,000 Star Envoys, not even one may be able to give birth to space system astral creatures.


Space systems are just rare.

It does not mean that the space system is more powerful.

But actually——

None of the three lower-level astral creatures known to the space system are considered strong.

Space worm——

Mastering the ability of 'Space Creeping', as long as there is space, you can crawl without being affected by the terrain.

For the improvement of combat power?

almost none.

Empty silver rat——

Master the ability of 'Space Rat Bag' and have a space inside your body where you can store items.

For the improvement of combat power?

Again almost nothing.

Silver Sky Snake——

Mastering the ability of 'space flash', you can flash in the air at short distances.

If this ability is used well, it can improve a lot of combat power.

But the problem is——

The body of the Silver Sky Snake is very soft, boneless, and not very lethal.

Coupled with the 'space flash' ability, the lethality is also not strong.

"I don't know what I gave birth to -"

"Which kind of space star creature will it be..."

Zhao Xin stared intently.

The silvery white mist surged.


A silver-white snake tail extended from the mist.

Pieces of fine snake scales cover the snake's tail, and the silver light is gorgeous.

"Snake tail?"

"It seems to be the Silver Sky Snake."

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed and he was guessing.

Three lower astral creatures.

He is not biased either way.

As for the median astral creature?

He never thought about it.

After all, judging from the two previous times he gave birth to astral creatures.

The astral creatures he gave birth to were most likely to be of a lower level.


Silver-white mist exploded.

A silver-white creature, about half a meter long, appeared in the sky like a little snake from the future.


The body of the silver snake blurred for a moment and disappeared quickly.

When it appears again.

It has reached Zhao Xin's hand, and the small snake head gently rubs Zhao Xin's palm.

The silver-white snake spits out letters, giving people a very gorgeous and cute feeling.

"It really is a silver sky snake."

Zhao Xin looked at the little snake in his hand and whispered to himself.

next moment--

He suddenly felt slightly in a trance.

The dream world appears.

He saw an endless starry sky.

There are billions of stars in the starry sky, burning like eternal fireballs.

The hot flames licked up and twisted everything.


In the vast starry sky, a huge silver-white vortex appeared.

The unparalleled devouring force pulls stars one after another towards the vortex.

In front of this unimaginably huge silver-white vortex.

Even stars with diameters exceeding 1.5 million kilometers.

It was also like a small projectile, being swallowed up in large numbers and disappearing without a trace.

The entire starry sky became empty.

All the light and heat disappeared, leaving a dead silence and darkness, even more endlessly cold.

After the silver vortex.

The silhouette of a vast giant snake with no visible edges appeared.

The giant snake is silver-white all over, with endless spatial textures imprinted on its scales as big as stars.

There is a pair of long horns as sharp as silver war spears on the top of the head, which is very scary.

"The Space God System, the space devourer of the 'Nine Dragon Realm', 'Mers', pays homage to the great master!"

"May the glory of the great Lord be eternal!"

"Your humble believer, I offer you the purest space godhead!"

A respectful and pious female voice came from the giant snake's mouth.

Her brows glowed.

Silver light swept across the endless starry sky.

A bright silver crystal flew out, the void shattered, and disappeared in a flash.

The scene in front of Zhao Xin disappeared.

Even though this is not the first time I have seen the terrifying existence in the dream world.

But he was still shaken and whispered:

"Space Devourer..."


The silver-white godhead rushed out of his mind.

A flash fell on the forehead of the silver snake, and slowly blended in.


Dense silver-white textures appeared on the body of the silver-white snake.

Each snake scale is filled with texture and shines with silver light.

The entire body of the silver-white snake was suspended.

Even the surrounding void was vibrating, spreading out circles of space ripples.

After a while.

The texture on the silver-white snake is hidden inside the snake's body.

The brilliant silver light also dimmed.

However, the silver-white snake was still suspended, and even began to swim happily in the air around Zhao Xin.

A large number of silvery white afterimages are formed, which is very dazzling.

"He actually has the ability to fly!"

Zhao Xin was pleasantly surprised.

He now has four astral beings.

But those with the ability to fly——

There is only the transformed childhood sweetheart Zhou Xuan.

However, after Zhou Xuan's transformation, she was so gorgeous and her wings spread across the sky that it was difficult not to attract attention.

But the silver-white snake in front of me——

But not much has changed from before.

Just like a little skeleton.

It doesn’t change its appearance, but it can fly freely!

"Look at the information..."

He stared at the silver snake flying around and opened the other party's message.

[Name: Silver Sky Snake]

[Attribute: Space system]

[Level: Undecided]

[Level: Second-order median]

[Combat power: 9.2]

[Ability: short-range space array, space ripple, space flash, natural space, space shield, spatial sword, chaotic blade flying, teleportation (not mastered), mid-range space array (not mastered), space gravity ( Not mastered)...]

"The fighting power of the ninth level lower level!"

"As expected of the space department."

"This combat power is not weaker than that of the little skeleton."

Zhao Xin's eyes sparkled, and his heart was filled with joy.

He has another powerful fighter on hand.

He was naturally delighted.

And this is the space system.

Not only is it strong in combat, but its abilities are also hard to guard against.

If you are not prepared.

With the speed of space flashing, the power of space is terrifying.

Simply the strongest assassin!

If you deal with the Royal Star Envoy.

I'm afraid not a few ninth-level Star Envoys can stop the Silver Sky Snake's assassination!

After all, the combat power of the Royal Star Envoy.

But they are far weaker than demons and astral creatures of the same level.

"And this short-distance space array..."

"You can actually build a real teleportation circle and let the rest of the people teleport along with you."

"It's really amazing."

He marveled.

This world.

There is no such thing as a teleportation circle.

Want to go from one city to another?

Only across the wilderness.

But just then.

He suddenly received a warning message from the little skull.

This startled him slightly.

Immediately leave the astral world and return your spiritual consciousness to your body.

He saw the faint soul fire of the little skeleton waving, standing in front of the window sill, looking down.

He stepped forward.

The sight below made him narrow his eyes.

A man in black robes stood in front holding a staff, his hands raised high.

A large group of people were kneeling below.

Everyone's face was extremely fanatical, their eyes were red, and they were filled with extreme excitement.

These people also wore black robes.

There is a blue, red, and white five-star magic circle logo on the black robe.

They all extended their right hands.

There is a deep wound on the right wrist, and a lot of bright red blood is dripping down!

Blood twisted beneath their feet.

A strange blood-red mist rose, making their bodies look hazy.

A very terrifying aura loomed...

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