Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 58 Senior participant in the struggle for hegemony among all races!


Zhao Xin's eyes narrowed, and his spirit seemed to have been hit by a heavy hammer, feeling a little painful.

But that's all.

His mental power is so special.

It is definitely harder to kill him with a pure mental attack than to smash the little skeleton head-on.

He stared at the cold and bloody eyes in front of him, his expression a little solemn.


Is he a strong man from Bailing Sect?

He was actually able to hide a spiritual attack in the soul of an eighth-level star master.

This use of mental power is truly extraordinary.

"...I sensed the breath of the Ancient Tree of Life..."

"...You are a participant in the struggle for hegemony among all races..."


"God is really helping me..."

"I actually found a participant in the struggle for hegemony among all races..."

"No matter who you are, I will find you...find you..."

The cold bloody eyes stared at Zhao Xin, and there was such a mental fluctuation.

"It seems——"

"You are also a participant in the struggle for hegemony among all races..."

Zhao Xin narrowed his eyes and looked into these eyes.

He had made this guess before.

It’s just that the time didn’t match up, so I denied it.

But now the other party directly said words such as ancient tree of life and participants in the struggle for hegemony among all races.

He naturally confirmed his guess!

But what about the issue of time?

Various thoughts flashed through his mind.

Could it be that--

Are they not the only group of participants in the struggle for hegemony among all races?

before them.

Are there more senior players?

The owner of the cold and bloody eyes in front of me is a more senior participant?

"...Don't die..."

"Your ancient tree of life is mine..."

After the bloody eyes left these words, they collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

Zhao Xin looked at it expressionlessly.

This is just a secret method of spiritual power from the other party.

Having already attacked him, they naturally wanted to disperse.

It's just a secret method of spiritual power, but it actually seems to have consciousness, which is a bit surprising.

However, it is not surprising to think that the other party may be a senior participant in the struggle for hegemony among all races.

Tens of thousands of races are fighting for hegemony——

As long as you don't die, you will definitely get some good things!

"It seems--"

"The danger of the struggle for hegemony among all races is far beyond my original prediction."

"I'm not afraid of the same group of participants."

"But more senior participants..."

His eyes flashed.

Looking at the eighth-level Star Envoy who had been completely destroyed without leaving any trace.

He put away the little skeleton and left directly.

before leaving.

He will have all his waiters and technicians hypnotized and their memories erased.

As for monitoring?

From beginning to end.

He never let surveillance cameras see his face.

Not long after he left.

Eighth-level and ninth-level auras came quickly.

They landed at the entrance of Dihao Nightclub with solemn expressions.

Four bursts of ninth-level breath.

They naturally sensed it.

after all--

That is the breath of a ninth-level powerhouse!

Any ninth-level person, placed in any kingdom, is an absolute powerhouse.


Bai Zhan said in a deep voice, clenching his fists slightly.

"I come."

Not far from him, Ye Changming spoke.

next moment.

An astral creature with a body length of more than five meters, resembling a pangolin, appeared and burrowed into the ground at extremely fast speeds.

In the blink of an eye.

An underground passage with a diameter of more than 1.5 meters was dug.

Everyone looked at each other and followed him in.


Then he went deep into the ground and appeared in the underground base.

"There is actually an underground base here!"

The deputy city lord of Haicheng, Gunter Edward, looked serious.

"It's the underground base of the Bailing Cult."

"There are symbols of the Bai Ling Cult there."

Bai Zhan said coldly, looking at the underground base in front of him with a very ugly expression.

"All dead."

"A very scary remnant of death!"

"It's the death-type ninth-level astral creature that takes action!"

"And based on the previous aura, there are four ninth-level death-type astral creatures!"

"What a terrifying ninth-level Star Envoy."

The deputy commander of the Tianjin Navy, ‘Lan Yuguang’, had a solemn voice.

He is the second ninth-level Star Controller present besides Bai Zhan.

A normal ninth-level Star Envoy.

Most of them just have a ninth-level astral creature.

To have two ninth-level astral creatures, they are already geniuses among the ninth-level star guardians.

With four?

That is already the ninth-level Star Envoy with the most terrifying potential!

after all--

Each time a Star Master is promoted, he can give birth to an astral creature.

Even if the astral creatures don't fight and die in the middle.

I want to have four ninth-level astral creatures at the ninth level.


It is necessary to give birth to ninth-level astral creatures at the sixth level!

The gestation of ninth-level astral creatures is extremely difficult.

Even those who are pregnant for the first time.

It gave birth to geniuses who were seventh-level or even eighth-level astral creatures.

At the sixth level, there is no more than a 20% chance of giving birth to a ninth-level astral creature.

"There is a message here!"

An eighth-level Star Envoy exclaimed.

Everyone rushed there.

"The Inquisition of Death, Ogunkorn?"

"Where did another Death Tribunal appear?"

"It's four ninth-level statues in one move?!"

Everyone looked at each other in astonishment.

Not long ago.

The Thunder Tribunal was born.

The ninth-level thunder-type astral creature is extremely powerful and can destroy the evil ritual of the Three-Colored Demon God Guild with one blow.


The Tribunal of Death appears again and directly destroys a stronghold of the Bailing Sect?

Not only are the names similar.

And whenever they appear, they are of the ninth level!

This shocked them greatly.

Ninth level!

This is not Chinese cabbage.

In their sea city.

There are no more than five ninth-level Star Envoys.

Any one of them is a giant.

But now——

But two ninth-level Star Envoys that I had never heard of appeared one after another! !

How could they not be shocked?


"Strict investigation!"

"Thunder Tribunal and Death Tribunal must have some kind of relationship!"

"Such a powerful organization must be monitored by the Demon Slayer Department!"

Bai Zhan clenched and unclenched his fists, his voice was cold.

The second stronghold of Bailing Sect.

It's in a villa.

However, when Zhao Xin arrived, the building was already empty.

Apparently they got the news and evacuated decisively.

"How can I feel at ease if I don't kill you all?"

Zhao Xin said to himself.

Especially discovery.

The Bailing Cult also has the ‘Slate of Life’, a sacred object that can create a door to space.

He even wants to wipe out the opponent's stronghold.


If something goes wrong in Haicheng, where can he go safely?


The special spiritual power is like a silk thread.

It was easy to sense the remaining breath.

Follow these few remaining breaths.

He came to a villa two kilometers away.

"Hide here..."

His face was expressionless, looking at the dark villa in front of him.

Four large skeletons appeared silently in the four directions of the villa.

next moment--

The four terrifying auras were no longer concealed, and the four huge sword lights crisscrossed the villa, directly cutting the villa into pieces!

A Star Envoy named Bai Ling Cult looked at him in horror.

Astral creatures poured out crazily.

But in front of the four big skeletons, they were all vulnerable.

A famous astral creature and Star Envoy screamed and died on the spot.


"An eighth-level demon?"

"What a surprise!"


Standing nearby, Zhao Xin's eyes lit up.

Staring at the two-headed devil of thorns rushing out of the villa!

He came to destroy the Bailing Sect stronghold.

The hope of encountering high-level demons is also a very important reason.


The cold sword light was like a death strike, and the deathly gray color revealed an unknown.

The eighth-level thorny two-headed demon was instantly cut in half.

The soul light that no one could see except Zhao Xin flew over and merged into his body.


He was slightly in a trance.

I saw the majestic and endless dream world again.

He was looking forward to what big gains he would get this time?

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