Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 64 Promoted to the fourth level and gave birth to astral creatures again!

Zhao Xin took the dark red badge and left the star world.

He searched the room.

In a wooden box under the bed, he found the dark red badge given to him by his grandfather.

Two badges placed together.

There are a pair of cold eyes on the front, giving the feeling of looking down on the common people.

And the back——

There is a big difference between the two badges.

On the back of the Bailing Sect elder is a figure in black robes, looking humble.

As for his piece, on the back is a priest in very gorgeous costumes, looking aloof.

"Does this mean that the status of the badge holder is different?"

"If so——"

"Doesn't it mean that 'my' grandfather's status is higher than that of the ninth-level Bai Ling Cult member?"

Zhao Xin pondered.

This badge——

Is it the identity badge of the Bailing Cult?

"Probably not."

"I killed so many high-ranking Star Controllers of Bailing Cult."

"I've never seen this kind of badge."

"Or is this badge only available to those at level nine?"

"This kind of badge can be stored in the star realm, so it is not an ordinary item in itself."

He shook his head.

I think this possibility is unlikely.

He is more inclined to——

The ninth level Bailing Cult member he killed.

In addition to being an elder of Bailing Sect, he also has another identity!

And this badge represents that identity!

"But looking at it this way-"

"Isn't that identity even more amazing than the identity of the elder of Bailing Sect?"

"'My' grandpa——"

"In my memory, he should be just an ordinary mid-level Star Envoy."

"Why are there badges that look more advanced?"

Various thoughts were swirling in his mind.

Scenes of scenes flashed through my mind like a movie.

In every scene, there is a chubby old man with a kind smile on his face.

The old man sometimes sits in the courtyard and reads a book.

Sometimes I carry a hoe and slowly plant vegetables in the yard.

Occasionally, I will also cook by myself.


"'Father' seems to be more afraid of 'Grandpa'?"

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed.

Found in several scenes.

His 'father' was very respectful to 'grandpa', with a kind of fear in his respect.

But other than that.

There is nothing unusual in the memory.


"Why are you afraid..."

"Is it possible that you were beaten too much when you were a child?"

He looked strange and shook his head slightly.

Know too little.

There was no way he could tell there was anything unusual about 'Grandpa'.

"all will be good."

"Strength is eternal."

"No matter what secrets he has, if he becomes stronger, everything will naturally become clear."

He let go of these thoughts.

Directly put both badges into the star realm.

"It's time to advance to the fourth level."

"Tomorrow we will enter the battle for hegemony among all races again."

"It happens that the third level has been completed. Let's improve our strength first."

"Participate in the struggle for hegemony among all races at your peak state."

"After all, in the struggle for hegemony among all races, it is very likely that there will be senior people..."

He sat cross-legged.

Take out the promotion materials you just bought at Yuxing Building on your way back.

The fourth-level demon core, a thousand drops of star power water, three drops of golden sunflower juice, and a fruit of the Ten Thousand Stars Tree.


It cost him a total of three hundred and forty-four pounds.

But at night he wiped out three Bailing Sect strongholds.

Although the first two strongholds.

In order to reflect the high level of the Death Tribunal, he did not collect any trophies.

But he completely wiped out the last stronghold.

From the ninth-level, as well as the other sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-level Star Envoys.

A total of one thousand two hundred and thirty-three pounds and thirty-nine silver were obtained.



His wealth had soared to one thousand six hundred and eighty-six pounds and eighty-three silver.

A horse will not be fat without night grass, and a man will not be rich without windfall.

He realized this deeply.


He adjusted his breathing and calmed his mind.

Drink the Thousand Drops of Star Power Water in one gulp.

Then he put three drops of golden sunflower juice between his eyebrows, and ate the fruit of the Ten Thousand Stars Tree in three or two mouthfuls.


He felt a sense of promotion.

Start running the ‘Hengsha World Map’ immediately.

heart position.

The lights lit up one by one, densely packed, like eternal stars in the sky.

A total of two thousand two hundred and sixty-eight bright points of light.

and four thousand five hundred and thirty-six dimmer points of light.

The astonishing original energy of heaven and earth swept over and formed a vortex.

The wind blew violently in the room.

Even within a radius of a thousand meters, the wind was blowing towards Zhao Xin.

An invisible vortex formed on the sky, gathering the huge energy of heaven and earth and falling down.

Zhao Xin's whale swallowed the sea and swallowed up the huge energy of heaven and earth that was unbearable even for the seventh-level Star Royal Envoy.

The 4,536 light spots at his heart suddenly expanded and burst into brilliant light.

Within each point of light, there is a miniature space emerging.

The vast original energy of heaven and earth is transformed into pure star power and poured into it.

this moment.

Zhao Xin felt as if she was sublimating.

He felt that his physical fitness was soaring and his mental strength was also improving.

It made him feel an indescribable sense of relief from the deepest part of his heart.

This is the evolution of life.

It is also the desire of life!

And in the back of his mind.

The area originally had two ability models: ‘World Force Field’ and ‘World Speed’.

The third ability model slowly condensed out.

A normal fourth-level Star Envoy.

Will master the ‘Star Power Recovery’ ability.

It can treat injured astral creatures and speed up the recovery of injuries ten times.

"The world is restored?"

"Can it speed up the recovery of astral creatures a hundred times?"

Zhao Xin slowly opened his eyes with a smile on his face.


‘Hengsha World Map’ will not disappoint him.

Once again, he gained abilities far beyond those of a normal Star Envoy!

What is the concept of accelerating recovery a hundred times?

A serious injury that originally took a hundred days to recover from.

Now it only takes a day to recover.

And this ability has no sequelae.

If it is a minor injury.

It may take a few minutes to fully recover.

after all--

The recovery speed of the astral creatures themselves is extremely fast!

"The fourth-level Royal Star Envoy is here."

"My strength has also improved a lot."

"I'm afraid I can kill even a seventh-level high-level monster with one sword."

"But then—"

"It's time to give birth to astral creatures for the fourth time."

"That's the highlight."

"Don't know about this time."

"What kind of astral creatures can be given birth to..."

There was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

Without hesitation, enter the star realm directly.

Looking at the star realm that expanded to twenty-five square kilometers, he had a thought in his mind.


A large amount of red mist flew up from all over the star realm and condensed towards the center.

With the appearance of red mist.

The temperature in the star realm is rising.

"Red mist?"

"Is it a fire attribute this time?"

Zhao Xin didn't even blink, he didn't know how to do it anyway.

Thunder Titan and Silver Sky Snake both ran over and looked curiously.

Only the little skeleton stood in the corner, motionless.


A pair of red wings stretched out from the red mist.

Then came the red beak, red claws...

"Fire bird-like astral creature?"

Zhao Xin was overjoyed.

Good luck this time.

It looks like it will not be a low-level astral creature, but a mid-level astral creature!

But what will it be?

What will you get when you open the dream world?

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