Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 74 Dalekos’ Space Sacred Tree

The void is twisting.

A large amount of silver material flowed out of the void and dripped down.

Less than three minutes.

A small tree with a height of only about two meters appeared in front of Zhao Xin.

The small tree is all silver, and its light is extremely brilliant.

Seen from afar.

It's like a plant made of pure silver, very beautiful.

The sun shines on it.

Reflecting the hazy silver glow, it is like a dream.

The small tree is about 1.5 meters tall and divided into three branches.

On each branch, there is a leaf.

On the far left branch, a very illusory scroll hangs.

But it's visible to the naked eye.

A symbol lights up on the illusory scroll and is deeply imprinted.

As this symbol took shape, the illusory scroll seemed to become slightly more real.


A message was sent to Zhao Xin from this small silver tree.

[Name: Dalekos’ Space Sacred Tree]

[Attribute: Space System—Immovable]

[Level: Lower True God]

[Level: Fourth level upper level (watering space energy to grow or absorbing space energy to grow by itself)]

[Combat strength: 11 (within eight meters radius)]

[Leaves: Elementary space leaves (mature - three leaves), intermediate space leaves (not enough levels), high-order space leaves (not enough levels)...]

[Fruit: Elementary teleportation scroll (growing), intermediate teleportation scroll (not enough level), high-level teleportation scroll (not enough level)...]

[Fruit growth time: 239:59:45 (the time can be shortened by increasing the level)]

[Ability: Space Teleportation Array, Space Shield, Space Blade, Space Exile]

"As expected, he is still at the lower true god level."

"But the fruit is a teleportation scroll?!"

"And the combat power has actually reached an astonishing 11 points!"

"The combat power of 11——"

"This is the true level of the royal family!"

"Much more powerful than any false king."

Zhao Xin's face showed surprise.

He didn't expect that.

He will have real king-level combat power in his hands so quickly.


He was still very sorry that such a powerful sacred tree could no longer be moved.

If you can take it with you.

Then his safety will be greatly increased.

After all, true king-level beings are the most pinnacle beings in the entire world.

"The eight-meter-wide king's steps."

"I will finally have a truly safe place to practice in the future."

There was a smile on his lips.

The eight-meter king level is also a king level.


Just raise the level of this ‘Dalikos’ Space Sacred Tree’.

Then there is no doubt that not only the range can be increased, but the combat power will also continue to increase!


"This combat power should be just an incidental ability."

"The most important function of this 'Dalikos' Space Sacred Tree'."

"It's still fruit!"

"Teleportation scroll, it seems there is no such thing in this world?"

"There are also leaves, leaves of primary space?"

He looked at the gorgeous silver leaves.

He reached out and picked off a piece.

The blades have a metallic texture, as if they were forged from pure silver.

There are exquisite patterns on it, and strange symbols are looming.

His mental power surged out and fell into the space leaf in his hand.


He saw a space.

The length, width and height of this space are two meters, which is equivalent to eight cubic volumes.

"This leaf of space——"

"Is it the legendary space item?!"

Zhao Xin was shocked.

He really didn't expect that.

Space objects that have never been seen in this world actually appear directly in front of you!


He has the Silver Sky Snake's 'natural space' in his hands.

No shortage of portable space.

But he could imagine it.

How valuable is this space item!

He didn't know if there were space items on the King's Stage.

But there should be no ninth-level Star Envoy.

after all--

The ninth-level Seven Gods Hermitage who was just killed by him was already extremely powerful among the ninth-level ones.

But there are no space items on him.


He looked at the elementary space leaf in front of him.

A thought came to my mind.

This leaf of space has slowly turned into a simple white and silver bracelet.


Even if I have seen the existence of items like Space Leaves before.

It is absolutely impossible to recognize that this silver bracelet is transformed from the leaf of space.

This is a fundamental transformation.

It is also another magical feature of Space Leaf.

But it can only change once.

And it cannot be transformed back into the form of a space leaf.

"Leaf of space, teleportation scroll..."

"There are products for opening a store in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races..."

He whispered in his heart.

I am very satisfied with the items I got in this dream world.

This is a super large gold mine that can continuously produce gold!

"It's just a teleportation scroll."

"It will take another ten days to mature."

He turned back to the living room.

behind him.

Dalekos's space sacred tree vibrated slightly, and a transparent light filled the air, covering itself.

From the outside.

There is no silver tree in this villa at all.


Space shield.

the next day.

Zhao Xin first contacted the landlord.

Tell the other party that he wants to cancel the lease.

Very smooth.

He got back the deposit of thirteen silver coins from the landlord Aunt Chen.

But thinking of the last words of the landlady, Zhao Xin looked a little weird and speechless.

"I am strong-willed, do I look like a soft-boiled person?"

"You asked me if I wanted to work hard?"

"This is simply an insult to my character!"

He cursed in his heart.

Just tidied up.

I just took a taxi and moved to the big villa at No. 15 Bell Street, where I lived with my childhood sweetheart.

In a large villa.

Zhou Xuan has already gone to register the ‘Silver Sun’ organization.

In the Red Moon Kingdom.

Naturally, there is a legal organization of Royal Star Envoys.

The Red Moon Kingdom also encourages the Star Envoys to establish legal organizations.

Severely crack down on various illegal organizations.

Outside the city.

There are many Royal Star Envoy organizations that are hunting down demons and contributing a lot to the security of the Red Moon Kingdom.

"It's so comfortable to live in this big villa."

"It's much better than the small single room before."

Standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, Zhao Xin was very satisfied with the environment here.

The entire villa covers an area of ​​more than a thousand square meters, with three floors above ground and two floors underground.

The decoration is very modern Red Moon Kingdom style.

Pieces of fiery red maple leaf patterns are printed in various places, which is very beautiful.

"It's time to go to work."

Looked at the time.

He drank the last sip of the soy milk prepared by Zhou Xuan, put on his coat, and went to remove the magic.

It's foggy in Haicheng today.

The fog was so thick that it looked very blurry five meters away.

The morning breeze blew gently, and the mist also drifted gently.

Zhao Man stepped out of a fiery red hover car.

She was still wearing a red dress, red boots, and a light red veil on her face.

The body is slender, and the exposed eyes reveal a touch of majesty and cold temperament.


She saw in the mist. A hazy back figure walked into the Demon Slayer Department in front of him.

This caused her pupils to shrink to the size of a pinhole in an instant, and a turmoil arose in her heart.

in mind.

An unforgettable scene emerged.

In dead air space.

She hid under the 'Umbrella of Hidden Bones', with a hazy deathly air floating around.

A figure turned his back to her and walked to the crystal coffin where her sister was.

That back view——

It’s exactly the same as this silhouette in the mist!

"It's him!"

"It's definitely the one!!"

"Take away the members of the Death Tribunal who took my sister away!"

She became excited and immediately chased after him without hesitation.

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Family members, it will be available tomorrow.

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