Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 82 Believers of the Angel of Death! (Seventh update, please subscribe!)

"should be."

"I have never felt the power of faith before, and I have only just begun to feel it."

Zhao Yan nodded.

She is not in a state of transformation now.

Wearing a long white dress, with three thousand black hair hanging down, her beautiful face did not look cold, but had a softness to it.

It can be said.

She in her transformed state.

There is quite a difference in personality from her who has not transformed.

It's human at this point.

After transformation, he becomes the Angel of Death!

"Doesn't that mean that you have many believers in Haicheng?"

"Does this believer provide different power of faith according to his piety?"

Zhao Xin was very interested and very curious.

This is the legendary power that belongs to the gods!

As a mortal, he was naturally very curious.


"Believers are divided into seven levels according to their piety: pan believers, light believers, true believers, devout believers, fanatic believers, saints, and the Holy Spirit."

"Pan believers worship God whenever they see one. They have no faith at all and cannot build a faith channel or provide the power of faith."

"Shallow believers, believers with extremely shallow faith, cannot build a faith channel and provide the power of faith."

“Only starting from true believers can we build a channel of faith and provide the power of faith.”

Zhao Yan replied.

She incorporates the 'Immortal Death Angel Emblem', which contains a simple explanation of the power of faith.

"I see."

Zhao Xin understood, but was still very interested:

"How much power of faith can they provide?"

"What does the power of faith do?"

Zhao Yan recalled the information in her mind and said:

"The power of faith reaches a certain level and can be liquefied."

"So the smallest unit of the power of faith is a 'drop'."

"A true believer who insists on praying once a day can provide about one percent of the power of faith in a year."

"A devout believer provides ten times the power of faith as a true believer."

"A fanatic is ten times as good as a devout believer."

"As for saints, they require special circumstances to be born, and they can provide a hundred times more power of faith than fanatic believers."

"The birth of the Holy Spirit is even more demanding, but the power of faith it can provide is a hundred times that of saints."

“The power of faith works many things.”

"Can attack, defend, heal, enhance, curse."

"It can even be converted into matter. It is a theoretically omnipotent super energy."

"If it is in the hands of a true god, it can be transformed into divine power."

Zhao Xin's eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened.

The power of faith is omnipotent?

This is too strong!

And the power of faith is so terrifying.

So what about the legendary divine power?

He couldn't even imagine it.

This once again made him feel the superiority of the dream world.

After all, in the dream world, people are always at the level of true gods.

"How many followers do you have now?"

he asked.

He really wanted to see this kind of super energy.

"There are more than 100,000 pan-believers and shallow believers."

“There are one thousand, six hundred and fifty-two true believers.”

"Thirty-five devout believers."

"Nothing above the level of fanatic believer."

Zhao Yan looked at the belief channels and said.

"So if you think about it——"

"In one year, can I get twenty drops of the power of faith?"

"It takes eighteen to nineteen days to gain a drop of the power of faith?"

Zhao Xin made the final decision.

"Sir, this amount is far from reached."

Zhao Yan shook her head:

"There is no dedicated priest responsible for coordinating arrangements, and even devout believers will not pray every day."

"And without the maintenance of priests, as time goes by, devout believers will also fall into true believers and shallow believers."

"It may even be that due to some accident, devout believers suddenly no longer believe."

"Only fanatical believers can always maintain fanatical beliefs."

Zhao Xin pondered.

This is indeed a problem.

He also understood at this time.

Why in myths and legends do all the gods establish organizations like churches?

Not just to spread the faith.

It is also to safeguard the faith and arrange daily prayers for believers!

in short.

If we regard believers as leeks, we need to plant more seeds, fertilize them, and cut them every day.

"It seems——"

"The Death Tribunal is going to evolve..."

He whispered.

I already have a vague plan in mind.

Now that Death Angel Zhao Yan can gather the power of faith, she has a good start.

How could he give up the super power of faith?

Not long.

The leader of the red skirt hall has returned and told everyone that they are safe.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

But looking at the corpses of their colleagues on the ground, everyone felt depressed again.

Their punishment hall suffered too heavy a loss this time.

Nineteen people died directly!

Zhao Xin stood among the crowd and sighed a little in his heart.

After all, so many colleagues died in one incident.

And he could imagine it.

If he hadn't killed the three-tailed fox demon.

So with the strength of the lower ninth level of the three-tailed fox demon, the ninth level of Haicheng are all in the middle of a fight.

The entire Demon Slayer—

They might all be slaughtered by the three-tailed fox demon!

The demons from the Wind Hell, Fire Hell, Poison Hell, Thunder Hell...and other prisons will also be released.

By then——

That's the real chaos of demons!

among these prisons.

He heard that there were high-level demons imprisoned in all of them.

Once flushed out.

There was another three-tailed fox demon at the head.

Haicheng will be completely in chaos, and the number of casualties may reach ten times the current number!

This is the case now.

Only nineteen people died, which was the lightest and lightest price to pay.

"Have a day off tomorrow."

"You all go back first."

Zhao Man looked at the depressed people and said.

Naturally, she also had anger in her heart.

But what can be done?

This is a disaster!

This is a disaster that anyone can experience while living in this era!

Today it’s the people in the execution hall.

It might be her tomorrow.

Demons are mankind's greatest enemies.

As long as the monsters are immortal, humans will never be safe!

She was just on the ground.

I saw with my own eyes how powerful the Blue Demon God's clone was.

If the angel-like being hadn't appeared later, he would have killed the blue demon clone with his sword.

It is simply unimaginable what their fate in Haicheng will be.

But speaking of it——

When she thought of that angel-like existence, a doubt arose in her heart.


Looking at that existence, she felt familiar?

Everything about that person's existence is obviously covered.

But she felt an uncanny sense of familiarity.

But she was sure.

She had definitely never seen this powerful angel-like being.

Everyone nodded silently and left one after another.

Zhou Xi said hello to Zhao Xin and left with a tired look on his face.

Zhao Man and Zhao Xin were the only two people left in the corridor.

"You should go back first."

"That person took action today, please observe carefully."

Zhao Man nodded towards Zhao Xin and left in a hurry.

She also has to attend a meeting of the Demon Slayer Department.

Narrate what happened in the execution hall.

"This time——"

"It's time to let out the news that the Death Tribunal, Ogunkorn, may be hiding here."

She thought to herself.

Zhao Xin looked at the opponent's back and left the Demon Slayer Division.

on the street.

Shocked people were everywhere.

Some buildings were burning with flames, and many more were in ruins.

Occasionally, you can see the injured who were hit by flying gravel, lying on the ground and screaming.

Various police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances sounded sirens and sped down the street.

The whole sea city.

It was especially serious in the Jiang'an area near the Demon Slayer Division and where fifteen ninth-level people were fighting.

"I don't know how many people died this time."

Zhao Xin shook his head.

But he tried his best.

Even if it weren't for his action, the casualties in the entire sea city might have been more than a hundred times higher.

Waited for a long time.

Without waiting for the hover car, he planned to walk back.

This is a time when people are in panic.

Taxis probably don’t dare to run around anymore.

"Looks like I still have to buy a car."

He muttered in his mind and walked home.

at this time.

In the city lord's mansion.

City Lord Amber Ross, Inspector Gu Mingxue, Deputy Commander of the Sky Navy Lan Yuguang, Chief of the Demon Slayer Department Bai Zhan and others gathered together.

But no one spoke, and the hall was silent.

Tap tap tap——

Cold footsteps came from outside.

Zhao Ya, the commander of the Sky Navy, walked in from outside, glanced at everyone, found her seat and sat down without saying a word.

It won't be long.

A group of five people arrived, covered in dust.

The five of them all looked ugly. They bowed their hands to everyone and found a place to sit down.

"Everyone is here."

Amber Rose spoke with a trace of ridicule on her lips:

"It's really difficult to see you all."

Zhao Ya's expression remained unchanged and she pretended not to hear.

She was blocked outside the city by the Pope of the Bailing Sect. She could not enter the city at all, and she did not dare to enter the city.

They are all title-level and have king-level astral creatures.

What if two king-level astral creatures were fighting in the sea city.

The consequences would be absolutely catastrophic.

"Four super limit-level people are blocking the road. This is already our fastest speed."

The five people who came from behind sighed.

There was a pause.

One of the middle-aged men with blue hair asked curiously:

"I heard that it was an angel-like existence who killed the Blue Demon God's clone?"

"I originally thought Inspector Zhao Lan's Holy Bird of Ice and Fire was already at the pinnacle of the pseudo-king level, but I didn't expect someone to be stronger than it. Whose astral creature is this?"

Bai Zhan stood up, saluted and said:

"My lords, that being once said that she is the astral creature of 'Daphne Modesty', a member of the Tribunal of Death."

"Inquisition of Death?"

"Daphne Modesty?"

City Lord Amber Ross and Inspector Gu Ming were stunned, stood up suddenly, and said in great shock.

They, Bai Zhan and others also just arrived.

Haven't had time to communicate yet.

That’s why I learned about this.

Both of them felt turbulent in their hearts.

Death Tribunal!

That one is extremely powerful and can kill the blue demon god's clone.

The potential is so terrifying that it can be used as an astral creature at the pseudo-king level.

He is actually a member of the Death Tribunal!

Death Tribunal——

What the hell is it?

This is already the second member of the Death Tribunal to appear!

"The Tribunal of Death..."

Zhao Ya, the commander of the Sky Navy, also raised her eyebrows and whispered to herself.

Although she was stationed outside Haicheng, she didn't know anything about Haicheng's affairs.

on the contrary.

She knows everything about anything that happens in Haicheng.


"What is the origin of this Tribunal of Death?"

"Why have I never heard of it?"

The five super-limited beings who came to support looked at each other in shock.

"Death Tribunal——"

"It should be an extremely hidden and terrifying organization."

"And there is also the Thunder Tribunal and the Ice and Snow Tribunal. They are most likely affiliated with the same huge Star Envoy group."

"Whenever they have members, they are at least ninth level."

The inspection made Gu Mingxue look very solemn.

The five super-limited beings who came to support looked at each other again.

They looked at City Lord Amber Rose and the rest of the ninth level of Haicheng who looked in agreement, and felt extremely strange in their hearts.


Why does it feel like Haicheng and they don't live under the same sky?

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