Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 89 Queen Medusa! The Ancha organization was destroyed! (Additional update 2/4 for the allian

Chapter 89 Queen Medusa! The Ancha organization was destroyed! (Additional update 24 for the alliance leader ‘Shangxian Qitian’)

In the gray-white mist.

A pair of slender and white feet stretched out and stepped on the ground bare, shining like jade.

Immediately afterwards——

The second arm was also stretched out.

"Why do you look like a woman?"

Zhao Xin muttered in his heart.

Are there women among the rock species?

Could it be the legendary... stone girl?



The surrounding earth attribute energy exploded, and gray-white stone walls rushed out of the ground one after another.

The stone wall reflects the luster of metal, shrouding Zhao Xin and the gray-white mist.


A cloud of gray-white mist exploded.

A girl with slightly closed eyes, three thousand black hair hanging down her waist, and an extremely delicate face was revealed.

The girl's skin shone with a faint jade color, the murder weapon was amazing, her legs were very slender, and there was no trace of other colors on her body.

Bang bang bang——

The gray-white mist flying out from all around turned into pieces of gray-white battle armor, flying in the air and forming a battle skirt on her body, covering her perfect body that made people spurt blood.


The girl suddenly opened her eyes.

The pupils of the eyes are gray-white, and any creature that looks at them will feel as if they are about to be petrified.

"Are you my Lord Star Envoy..."

The girl looked at Zhao Xin, blinked her eyes and said innocently.

"High-level astral creature in human form!"

Zhao Xin was surprised.

An astral creature that can speak——

Only upper-level astral creatures in human form!

Even the average astral creature in human form cannot speak.


This time he was actually able to give birth to a high-level astral creature?

"Yes, I am your Star Envoy."

He nodded.

His eyes flickered slightly.

Curiously, he checked the information of the high-level astral creature in front of him that he had conceived for the first time.

[Name: Petrified Banshee]

[Attribute: Earth system]

[Level: High]

[Level: Third level upper level]

[Combat power: 4.9]

[Ability: stone wall cage, fossil as shield, fossil as armor, stone spears as forest, low-level petrification]

"Initially at the third level, this is an astral creature with ninth level potential."

"I never thought that one day I would be able to give birth to an astral creature with ninth-level potential."

Zhao Xin was quite pleased.

Knew it.

If you want to become stronger, you need to keep working hard.

Zhao Xin was able to reach this point because he worked hard enough.


He was slightly in a trance and had seen the dream world again.

The dark, dead void of the universe.

Various meteorites are floating endlessly, maybe for millions of years, maybe even longer.

On a certain meteorite.

Sitting cross-legged was an extremely charming and enchanting woman with black hair like a snake.

The woman was wearing an exquisite battle suit and her eyes were gray.

The clock is ticking.

It was as if she would remain cross-legged on this meteorite for eternity.

A huge planet slowly appeared in the distance.

This is a lifeless planet, black and white, standing coldly in the void of the universe, very lonely.


The woman on the meteorite opened her eyes and stared at the huge planet in front of her, with a happy look on her face:

"This planet, with a diameter of more than 230,000 kilometers, actually contains the extremely precious 'Shenxuan Gold Mine', and the reserves are astonishing. It is really good, and it can improve my cultivation a little."

The words fell.

Two extremely bright and terrifying gray-white lights shot out from her eyes.

The extremely huge planet in front was hit by gray-white light and turned gray-white at an extremely fast speed!

A large amount of special substances flew out from the planet that turned gray-white and were absorbed by the woman.

Less than three seconds.

The entire huge planet collapsed and disappeared into thin air, as if it had never appeared.

There was a look of satisfaction on the woman's face.

But suddenly.

She seemed to feel something, her face suddenly showed excitement and enthusiasm, and she knelt down in the direction of Zhao Xin's gaze:

"The Earth God System, the seventh deputy in charge of the 'Xuanmu Universe', Queen Medusa 'Clara Steno' pays homage to the great master!"

"May the glory of the great Lord be eternal!"

"Your humble believer, I offer you the godhead of Medusa!"

The words fell.

A bright crystal burst out from between her eyebrows, shattering into the void and disappearing.

In the star realm.

Zhao Xin came back to her senses, and the godhead rushed out from the center of her eyebrows, flashing across the eyebrows of the newly conceived petrified banshee.


The terrifying earth energy is flying between the sky and the earth.

Gray-white energy enveloped everything around him.

The void seemed to be being petrified, giving off a faint feeling of stone!

The petrified banshee with her black hair made a hissing sound, and seemed to turn into countless long snakes, flying all over the sky.

The petrified banshee that originally looked innocent——

It vaguely reveals an extremely enchanting and strange feeling.


All the surrounding earth energy shrank into the body of the petrified banshee. She appeared beside Zhao Xin in a flash, holding Zhao Xin's arm tightly and narrowing her eyes.

"Just call me Sir."

He said with a serious face.

"Okay, sir~"

The petrified banshee blinked her eyes. She was so enchanting that she felt like she was bringing disaster to the country and the people.

She stretched out her arms lazily, and her chest was trembling, making people unable to take their eyes away.

"Sir, does it look good~?"

The petrified banshee blinked and asked.


Zhao Xin looked away for the second time and said seriously.


The petrified banshee's face was red and charming, and her little hands grasped the hem of her skirt...

At this time.

Zhao Xin suddenly looked up.

He saw outside the stone wall, the Thunder Titan was lying on the stone wall with a pair of curious eyes staring at him.

the other side.

The phoenix peeked out its head and looked at it curiously.

There is another direction.

A deathly gray light disappeared in a flash, and Zhao Xin suspected that the little skeleton might have looked at it curiously.

"Get out of here, mom!"

The petrified banshee's face changed, and in an instant she changed from a charming little woman to a very domineering lady. She roared angrily, and light seemed to be shooting out of her eyes.

A ‘whoosh’ sound.

Both the Thunder Titan and the Phoenix disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Xin was speechless.

His eyes flashed and he checked the information about the current petrified banshee.

[Name: Unknown]

[Attribute: Earth system]

[Level: Position]

[Level: Third level upper level]

[Combat power: 10.9]

[Ability: Control of earth power, advanced petrification, beloved of the earth, earth stone domain, stone shield technique, stone armor technique, snake hair clone, enslaving snake clan, giant snake guard (not mastered), body of the heavenly snake (not mastered) , Soul Petrification (not mastered)...]

"The limit of false king level."

"It's only one step away from reaching the true king-level combat power."

Zhao Xin was very satisfied.


He has many astral creatures under his command.

Only the little skeleton has reached the limit of the pseudo-king level.

The rest of the astral creatures.

The strongest Death Angel, Zhao Yan, only has a combat power of 10.8.

However, combat power is combat power, and there are still some differences between it and actual strength.

for example--

Zhao Yan, the Death Angel who does not use the domain, has a combat power of 10.8.

But once the domain is used, this ability should be exclusive to king-level beings.

The strength of Death Angel Zhao Yan can directly kill the Blue Demon God's clone who has reached the peak of pseudo-king level!

And now——

The petrified banshee in front of her had a combat power level higher than that of the Death Angel Zhao Yan.

He was naturally delighted.

Didn't linger too much.

He left the star realm directly, fearing that if he stayed any longer, this petrified banshee, who looked both sweet and salty at first sight, would do something strange...

In a blink of an eye, it was already the next day.

However, a bombshell suddenly hit the Red Moon Kingdom network.

Even the eyes of all other countries in the world were attracted to the Red Moon Kingdom.

"It was really quick action."

While Zhao Xin was eating breakfast, she praised the Red Moon Empress in her heart.

Opposite him.

Zhou Xuan put down his apron and looked at the news in front of him with interest.

[Red Moon Daily: At three o'clock in the morning, under the wise guidance of Her Majesty the Empress, four king-level beings, the commander of the Red Moon Army, the leader of the Sword of the Red Moon, the leader of the Light of the Moon, and the leader of Solemn Punishment, made a surprise attack on the Qilian Mountains. Ancha Organization Headquarters! 】

[Kill the leader of the Ancha Organization and the ‘Wolf of Disaster’, the King of Qilian Mountains, on the spot. The rest of the Ancha Organization members suffered numerous casualties! 】

[In addition, the First Institute of Thunder took action to destroy the other five most important strongholds of the Ancha organization. The Ancha organization has been completely destroyed and has withdrawn from the stage of history! 】

[This is a great victory, enough to comfort the three million dead souls in Tai'an City. Anyone who offends me, Hongyue, will be killed! 】

"Finally, one of these cancers has been eradicated."

Zhou Xuan waved his fist, took a bite of the fried dough sticks that had just come out of the pan, and said very happily.

"It's a pity that there are three major evil organizations left, and they may not be found in a short time."

Zhao Xin looked calm and shook his head.

Even if he has the terrifying ability of soul magic 'enslavement' that others cannot imagine.

But there is nothing we can do if we can't catch the important members of the three evil organizations.

"Zhao Xin, you don't have to worry."

"When my combat power reaches the king level, I can use the 'Ice and Snow Purity Technique' to sense the evil forces within a radius of hundreds of kilometers. I will definitely be able to find them and kill them all!"

Zhou Xuan is very confident.

Zhao Xin reached out and touched Zhou Xuan's little head and said with a smile:

"Then it'll be up to you."


Zhou Xuan nodded vigorously, stuffed the fried dough sticks into his mouth, and looked serious as he puffed out his mouth.

After eating.

Zhao Xin went directly to work in the execution hall.

Although nineteen colleagues died yesterday, such a major event happened.

But it’s time to go to work——

Still have to go to work.

But as soon as he arrived at the torture hall, he felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Come to the hall master's office.

The red-skirted hall master's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

In front of him lay a stack of resignation letters.

At a rough glance, there are at least twenty or thirty letters.

Zhao Xin understood.

What happened yesterday had a great impact on Xingtang.

Nineteen people died at once, and many people probably didn't dare to stay anymore.

"Extract the mission."

"There are two high-level demons and twenty-one intermediate demons today."

"But don't worry, what happened yesterday will never happen again. The security measures in all torture chambers have been upgraded."

Zhao Man looked at the only sixty or seventy people left in front of him and said.

"Two high-level demons?"

Zhao Xin's eyes lit up.

He hopes now——

These two high-level demons should not be seventh-level demons!

Recommend a new book by an old friend, Jiuchizui, a very powerful old author. Please support him.

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