Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 93 The five strongest men in the world! The dead king!

"Old Liang, do you feel that you have become a lot colder all of a sudden?"

A middle-aged worker who was cleaning up the rubble shuddered and said to his companion next to him.

Looking at the big light bulbs erected all around, I don't know why.

But he felt that the light emitted by the big light bulb had a cold feeling.

It was no longer bright and bright, but a cold and pale color.

"...It's a lot colder."

Lao Liang stood up straight next to him, looked at the endless ruins around him, and suddenly shuddered:

"Old Han, you said millions of people died in this place, would it be..."


The cold wind became colder and colder, surging in all directions.

"You...don't scare me..."

Lao Han's face turned pale, his heart was trembling, and he kept looking around.

this moment.

He had the feeling that the surroundings were a lot more lively.



A scream came from not far away, it was so shrill and shrill that it made people feel cold when they heard it.

"It's Lao Hu's voice!"

"He...what happened to him..."

Lao Han and Lao Liang looked at each other and could see the fear in each other's eyes.


Silent and silent.

Under their feet, the dark wind gathered to form a pair of hands as black as ink.

The arms were skinny, and the flesh and blood seemed to have been dried for a long time.


The dark hands suddenly grasped the bare feet of Lao Han and Lao Liang.

The five fingers were dark, and the terrifying black ice floes started from the caught ankles and spread towards the two people's bodies.



Their faces were full of fear and despair, and they only had time to let out a scream before their whole bodies were frozen by black ice floes.

Such a scene.

In this ruins, things are going on.

One after another, the workers responsible for cleaning up the ruins and corpses were frozen by black ice floes, lifelike.

Even some members of Tai'an City's Demon Slayer Department were unable to resist and were frozen on the spot.

Even one of the seventh-level Star Envoys has turned into a black ice sculpture, and you can see the look of despair on his face.

The dark wind is still blowing.

Bodies that had not been cleaned up staggered up from the rubble.

Every corpse has the despair and fear before death on its face.

They staggered and walked in all directions towards Tai'an City.

Wherever you go.

The air of death filled the sky, drowning everything.

And in the center of this ruins.

A large amount of death energy was condensed, and countless dark and cold arms were waving on the ground.

Faintly visible.

A behemoth that is taller than a hundred floors, with endless death energy on its body, is twisting and taking shape.

The top floor of a high-rise building.

Nine figures in black robes sat cross-legged, billowing death energy pouring out of them and condensing in the nine-pointed star formation at their feet.

The nine-pointed star array was filled with countless special symbols, flying towards the heaven and earth ahead.

Not just the top of this tall building.

The whole city of Tai'an.

Surrounding the destroyed third of the city.

There are a total of nine places where figures in black robes form a nine-pointed star array.

If you look down from the air.

You can find out——

These nine nine-pointed star arrays are connected together, and endless dark wind blows out from them, carrying a strong death energy, completely covering one third of the city.

"After thirty-five years of planning, we can finally see the birth of the 'King of Death'..."


There is a translucent figure standing in the wind, ghost energy whistling around him, and his voice is filled with exclamation and excitement.

"King of Death, is it really as scary as you say?"


The Pope of Bailing Religion looked serious, looking at the looming giant in the distance.

"I also want to know whether the Dead Skeleton King is as powerful as you say."

The leader of the Witch Snake Tail is a woman who looks very young, but her voice is very old.

"How does it compare to the three demon gods..."

The high priest of the Tricolor Demon God Society narrowed his eyes and hunted in black robes.

And further back.

The city lord of Tai'an City and the head of the Demon Slayer Department both stood on a tall building from afar with respectful expressions on their faces.

"The King of Dead Skeletons, I, Youlanhui, are a death-type super being cultivated according to a secret record of an ultra-ancient civilization."

"Born from the breath of a supreme being in the legendary world of the dead."

"The strength is absolutely comparable to that of a four-star king!"

The leader of the Youlan Society said with great confidence, his hands behind his back.

For this day.

Their Youlan Society has been planning for thirty-five years.

It took an unknown amount of manpower and material resources to finally cultivate this dead king with the help of the four evil organizations.

"Four-star king level!"

The Pope of the Bailing Sect, the leader of the Witch Snake Tail, and the high priest of the Three-Colored Demon God Society were all moved, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Wang Jie condenses nine stars.

But in fact.

Most of the king steps are just condensed into a star.

There are very few kings who condense two stars, but they can dominate among the kings.

As for the three stars?

Those are all at the level of the Royal Palace Elders!

And the four-star king level——

Much more powerful than the elders of the Imperial Palace!

"Isn't this comparable to the five strongest men in the world?"

The Pope of Bailing Sect took a deep breath and said.

The strongest man in the world, Xu Daohong!

The second strongest man in the world, Wan Chong (chong, first sound)!

The third strongest man in the world, Lesk Altaif!

The fourth strongest person in the world, Perkins Lexa!

The fifth strongest person in the world, Zhou Yunshang!

These five powerful men are also the five palace masters of the Royal Palace.

The five most powerful people recognized in the world.

No one knows what the specific realm is.

But many kings have guessed——

The five strongest astral creatures should all be at the four-star king level!

"That's right!"

"As long as the dead king appears smoothly."

"This will allow us to truly have the strength to rival the world's strongest in the future!"

The leader of the Youlan Guild said enthusiastically.

The Pope of the Bailing Religion, the leader of the Witch Snake Tail, and the high priest of the Three-Color Demon God Society all began to breathe rapidly.

Three of them.

The Pope of Bailing Religion is the real king.

The leader of the Witch Snake Tail is at the title level, but behind him is a king-level demon named the ‘Witch Snake King’.

The high priest of the Tricolor Demon God Association is also a title-level person, and behind him are naturally the three king-level demons known as the Demon Gods.

But they all know——

The king-level demons behind them are far inferior to the three most powerful men in the world!

If it can be compared.

These are their families.

It is no longer an evil organization from the Red Moon Kingdom, but a world-class evil organization!

But now.

The Skeleton King cultivated by Youlan Society gave them hope of becoming a world-class organization!

The drastic changes that occurred in Tai'an City.

Almost immediately, it was placed in front of the Red Moon Empress, the consul Ferdinand Weisz, and the head of the First Academy Lin Jiuxin.

"Using the lives of more than three million people in my kingdom to cultivate peerless monsters?"

The Red Moon Empress' face was cold and her eyes were cold.

On her white right hand, a cold little sword loomed.

The small sword floated like bright moonlight, with an extremely sharp aura.

This is one of the most important weapons of the Red Moon Kingdom, the 'Mingyue Sword'.

Together with the 'Extermination Spear', they are the two most important inherited weapons of the Red Moon Kingdom.


Being able to kill the 'Wolf of Disaster' in the Qilian Mountains largely relied on the terrifying power of the 'Execution Spear'.

"To be killed!"

Lin Jiuxin, the director of the first hospital, also had a very cold voice.

The old face was full of murderous intent, and the silver threads in his hair were flying slightly.

"Give me the order."

"The commander of the Red Moon Army, the leader of the Sword of the Red Moon, the leader of the Light of the Moon, and the leader of the Solemn Punishment will carry the 'Extermination Spear' and follow me to Tai'an City to destroy the evil."

"Teachers, the safety of the royal capital depends on you."

"If there is a serious situation, we can turn on the 'Light of the Red Moon' at all costs."

The Red Moon Empress ordered.

"Old minister, take your orders!"

Ferdinand Weitz and Lin Jiuxin took a deep breath and saluted.

Neither of them said much.

They are clear.

This young empress is so sharp and energetic that it is impossible for them to persuade her to do what she has decided!

The bright moon hangs high.

Zhao Xin sat cross-legged under the space sacred tree of Dalikos.

Running the 'Hengsha World Map' practice.

Although you can rely on killing monsters to open the dream world and gain the river of time.

But for him to be as strong as he is today, his own efforts are also indispensable.


As long as he has time, he will continue to practice.

"Zhao Xin! Something big happened!"

At this time.

Zhou Xuan, wearing a bear nightgown, walked over in a hurry, with a pair of slender white hands exposed.

"What's up?"

Zhao Xin opened his eyes and said doubtfully.

"There was a news report just now. In the ruined third of Tai'an City, a large number of corpses were resurrected and came out!"

"And in the center of the ruins, you can see a terrifying figure that is taller than a hundred floors!"

"Now the Tai'an Army has fought with those dead bodies, and a large number of civilian Royal Star Envoys have also participated."

"But those dead bodies have become very scary. As long as they are touched, they will be frostbitten by black ice floes and their flesh and blood will wither."

"The Tai'an Army is no opponent."

"A large number of members of the Youlan Society, the Bailing Sect, the Three Color Demon God Society, and the Witch Snake Tail are all mixed in."

Zhou Xuan spoke very quickly and told all the information she knew.

"Are they using the deaths of three million people in Tai'an City to cultivate demons?"

"And use the corpses of those dead people as weapons?"

Zhao Xin's face turned cold.

These evil organizations really deserve to die.

Not only did they create appalling bloody massacres, but now they also used the corpses of the people they massacred! !

This is no longer a human being.

Worse than a monster.

"In several nearby cities, major armies are coming to support us!"

"Her Majesty the Empress has even informed the world that she has personally gone to Tai'an City!"

"Are we going?"

Zhou Xuan clenched her fists tightly, with a bit of longing in her eyes.

She also received education from the Red Moon Kingdom since she was a child.

For the Red Moon Kingdom, belonging is still very strong.

The death of three million people made her completely angry, and she wanted to kill all those evil organizations with her own hands.

Now there is a chance.

Of course she wanted to go.


"Leave immediately."

Zhao Xin said directly without much hesitation.

If it were the past.

He may have to weigh it up a bit.

but now.

The little skeleton has been promoted to the king level.

Many other astral creatures are at the critical point.

And he guessed.

Those major evil organizations may be out in force this time.

There should be quite a few high-level demons among them!

"As long as we kill a few high-level demons——"

"The rest of my astral creatures may reach the king level in terms of combat power!"

His eyes sparkled, his robes twisted and changed, and four pairs of cold, dark wings stretched out, as sharp as a sword.

beside him.

Zhou Xuan also started to transform.

The exquisite azure robe, the staff filled with blue light, and the brilliant azure wings.

Just for a moment.

She transformed from an ordinary girl next door to a majestic and noble goddess of ice and snow!


Under night.

The two of them rose into the sky and rushed towards Tai'an City.

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