Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 95 The second low-level true god-level talent! (Additional update 4/4 for the alliance leade

Chapter 95 The second low-level true god-level talent! (Additional update 44 for the alliance leader ‘Shangxian Qitian’)

In a daze.

Zhao Xin saw a very vast world.

Flames are burning everywhere, blazing white, blue-white, orange, red, purple-black...

Countless kinds of flames are burning on the ground and in the sky as if they have lasted forever.

The flames twist.

One after another, giants thousands of kilometers high were formed.

From top to bottom, they are entirely made of flames.

Raging flames burned around them, condensing into pairs of ancient armors, full of age.

Sacred symbols filled the sky.

That pair of ancient armors clanked and bloomed with endless brilliance.

As far as the eye can see.

In the whole world.

There is a flame giant wearing ancient armor everywhere.

They control the flames and control the flames, forming an extremely terrifying flame army.

Any one.

The feeling given to Zhao Xin was so powerful that it was unimaginable.

"Just the size of it, which is thousands of kilometers away, is disappointing."

Zhao Xin thought to himself.

What is the concept of thousands of kilometers?

As long as you lie down, you will see a majestic and vast mountain range!

It would take a king-level expert about an hour to fly from head to toe.

A palm pressed down from the sky.

A city like Haicheng would be completely covered and crushed to pieces.

Tap tap tap——

Clear footsteps came.

A flaming giant tens of thousands of kilometers high walked through the void, knelt on one knee, and spoke in a fanatical and pious voice:

"The God of Fire, Deputy Commander of the 26th Legion, 'Adolf Warner', pays homage to the great master!"

"May the glory of the great Lord be eternal!"

"Your humble believer, I present to you the low-level true god-level talent 'Fire Control'!"

The words fell.

A ray of light flew out from his forehead, shattering the void and disappearing.

Zhao Xin came to his senses.


He raised his eyebrows.

At this time, a hot fireball as big as a basin twisted the air and flew ten meters in front of him.

A very strange thought suddenly arose in his mind.

He felt as if he had an extra hand.

And that hand——

It allows him to control this big fireball freely!


Strengthened power...

Collapse inward...

Thoughts flashed through his mind.


The speed of the big fire ball skyrocketed with his thoughts, and the surrounding fire element energy of heaven and earth also poured in crazily, and its power skyrocketed.

Then the fireball collapsed inward, its power restrained and turned into a terrifying small fireball as big as a fist and as solid as a substance.

boom! !

Small fireballs fell among the dead bodies.

It exploded suddenly, and more than twenty corpses were blown to pieces!

This power is already comparable to a seventh-level spell.

And the astral creature that originally sent out this big fireball was only level five!

The fifth-level fire mage stared blankly, looking confused.

Could it be——

Did your magic ability evolve twice without telling yourself?

"Is this 'firebending'?"

"You can control all the fires in the world!"

Zhao Xin looked a little shocked.

In this regard.

However, it is obviously too much compared to the talent ‘Sword God’ which is also a lower true god level.

The 'Sword God' still needs him to learn swordsmanship before he can manifest it.

Can ‘bend fire’——

But as long as he comes into contact with the flame, he can control everything!

In front of him.

Most of the flames seemed to have no secrets.

He could clearly understand how various fire spells were composed at a glance.

Moreover, the fire element energy of heaven and earth in all directions gave him a feeling of being able to do as he pleased.

As long as he wants.

A large amount of the original energy of the fire element can form hundreds or thousands of terrible small fireballs that collapsed and restrained just now!

"I am a swordsman who can defeat all kinds of magic with one sword."

"Why did you suddenly make me a master?"

He sighed a little in his heart.

Zhao Ya, who was standing next to him, looked at him slightly confused.

She felt——

The member of the Earth Tribunal in front of me, 'Clara Stheno', seemed to be a little different just now.

However, her king-level astral creature is not a fire element, and cannot sense the changes in the fire element's original energy of heaven and earth.

Shaking her head, she still focused on Medusa with a serious look on her face.


The ability of this astral creature is actually the terrifying ability of petrification!

She had heard it before.

There is a Star Royal Envoy who has given birth to a petrified banshee, and the power of petrification is extremely terrifying.

As long as you look at it, you will be directly petrified.

Even an astral creature with a lower level of combat power would not want to face a petrified banshee with a lower level.


Very unreasonable.

"What are the origins of these major tribunals?"

"Just one of them, it's so amazing!"

She whispered secretly in her heart, becoming more and more vigilant.

Zhao Xin didn't care what she thought.

He was very satisfied with the low-level true god-level talent ‘Fire Control’ he had just obtained.

This is equivalent to giving him, the Star Controller, an extremely terrifying spell-casting ability!

"When I get back, I'll learn from Phoenix."

"You can learn all the abilities of the Phoenix."

"I can't say——"

"I can also analyze the true meaning of immortal fire from the immortal bird, allowing me to survive from the fire."

He was in a good mood.

He is most satisfied with the harvest of talents.


He has already summarized some rankings of the rarity of harvests after the dream world is opened.

Godhead category\u0026gt;Talent category\u0026gt;Item category\u0026gt;River of time

And this 'fire control' talent is the second talent he has obtained.

It has a huge effect on the increase in his own strength.

at this time--

Although he has just obtained the talent of ‘fire control’.

The only fire spell he learned was a 'big fire ball'.

But he was sure.

Use this 'big fireball' spell to directly kill any upper-eighth level demon!

Hundreds of thousands of terrifying small fireballs that collapsed and restrained themselves. What eighth level could stop them?


Circles of gray-white ripples suddenly appeared in front of Medusa.

She was suspended in the air, her black hair flying like a snake.

She has a voluptuous body, undulating figures, and a gray-white war dress, which gives her a strange sense of charm.

Gray-white ripples swept across.

With her as the center, it swept directly over an area with a diameter of more than 500 meters in front.

Wherever the gray-white ripples pass.

The human side feels nothing.

But among the army of dead corpses, a large area of ​​dead corpses, members of evil organizations, and demons were completely petrified and turned into gray-white statues, motionless!

Hundreds of statues appeared on the battlefield, and as the gray-white ripples moved forward, one statue after another kept appearing.

Such a scene made all the Royal Star Envoys in this area extremely horrified, their scalps numb, and they felt frightened.

"What a powerful petrification ability!"

Even someone as powerful as Zhao Ya, a title-level being, still took a breath of air.

Standing in mid-air, she could naturally see further.

But under her gaze.

Everything in the large area that could be seen ahead was completely petrified!

At least more than 20,000 to 30,000 dead bodies were petrified on the spot, turning into lifeless stones.

This ability made her scalp extremely numb.

Think about it——

If the two countries are at war.

The release of such a terrifying petrification ability basically declared the complete destruction of an entire legion!

"Who is this? What a terrible petrification!"

"At least twenty to thirty thousand dead bodies were petrified!"

"Although I am a king, I still feel creepy!"

Up in the air.

A famous king-level Star Envoy had his pupils constricted and felt horrified.

It can also resist magical attacks such as fire, frost, thunder, etc.

But how to resist the petrification attack?

Any defense you cast will be directly petrified, and then yourself!


"Who is that?"

The Red Moon Empress in the center of the battlefield looked over.

However, he quickly placed it back on the terrifying figure in front of him that was about to take shape, with an extremely solemn expression.

The commander of the Red Moon Army was not far from her.

Four king-level astral creatures are scattered around, their auras overwhelming.

But compared to the terrifying figure hundreds of stories high, it still looks a bit small!

"Your Majesty! The Imperial Palace has received a reply."

"His Excellency Zhou Yunshang, the fifth strongest man in the world, is exploring the Haka Ruins. The reply will be here immediately!"

The leader of the Red Moon Army said in a deep voice.

"The ruins of Hakkar?"

"It's probably too late."

"From the Haka ruins, even if you take the fastest aircraft, it will take more than half an hour to get there."

"And the monster in front of me will be completely formed in less than ten minutes."

The Red Moon Empress shook her head.

"Swear to protect the kingdom to the death!"

The leader of the Red Moon Army held a long sword in front of his chest and said without fear.

"We have to fight hard."

"I didn't expect that five years later, I would need to fight hard again."

"This monster in front of us will be a four-star king once it takes shape. If we don't fight hard, we will be left here."

"We can't die."

"If the more than 130 million people of the Red Moon Kingdom die, they will all become the blood of demons..."

The Red Moon Empress' face was cold and solemn, and her eyes were full of killing intent.

"Medusa's advanced petrification is indeed terrifying."

Zhao Xin looked at this scene and was amazed.

This kind of petrification ability is simply inexplicable.

Even defense has no effect.

It can also petrify your defenses.


A large number of soul light points flew out of a dead eighth-level demon and poured into his body.


He once again saw the mighty river of time flowing between heaven and earth.

Two drops of river water flew up, shattering the void.

In a trance.

He saw himself practicing endlessly again, 24 hours a day for two months.

Next to them, the Little Skeleton, Death Angel Zhao Yan, Zhou Xuan, Phoenix, Thunder Titan, Silver Sky Snake, and Medusa are also practicing continuously.

Two months is neither long nor short.

A glimmer of light flashed in Zhao Xin's eyes.

His cultivation suddenly rose from the lower level of the fifth level to the middle level of the fifth level!

The soul magic 'Slavery' has also been improved to a certain extent, and the mental power has become stronger.

However, the swordsmanship of ‘Ten Thousand Tribulations’ is still in the Five Tribulations realm and has not improved.

This swordsmanship——

Even if he has the lower true god level talent of ‘Sword God’.

It is still not easy to practice.

It takes years and months of hard work to make progress.

And the further you get to the back, the harder it becomes to practice!


Zhao Ya's perception was very keen and she glanced at Zhao Xin with some doubts.

She felt that at that moment -

Something seems to have happened.

And at the same time——

The aura in Medusa's body is also surging, and there is a faint feeling that her combat power is about to break through and step into the king's level!

Asking for a monthly ticket.

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