Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 99 Special Talent ‘Trinity’!

With the integration of a large number of soul light spots, Zhao Xin was slightly in a trance.

He saw an endless dark world.

Outside this world, there is a huge blazing sun in the sky, but the sunlight it emits has a dark color and is not blazing.

And the blazing sun is not just one round, but three rounds of blazing sun.

The three rounds of the blazing sun all partially overlap, which looks very strange.

On the earth.

There is a very sci-fi civilization, a kind of shadowless humanoid life living in huge cities.

They control aircraft carriers as huge as stars, across the sea of ​​​​stars, and are invincible.

Throwing a piece of tissue paper can compress the space.

A drop of water flying in all directions can penetrate the planet and destroy the heaven and earth.

They fought with other civilizations, and the beams of light from the battleships shot out like billions of swords, smashing everything into pieces and making them invincible.

Even if a being with a height of over a thousand kilometers and the ability to destroy stars with a snap of his fingers stepped onto the stars, he could not stop the terrifying beam of light and his body was torn apart.

"What a powerful technological civilization!"

"In the dream world, there is actually technological civilization?"

Zhao Xin was shocked.

This was the first time he had seen such a terrifying technological civilization.

Although the technology in the world he lives in is advanced, it has become a civilization of the Star Envoys, and its technological weapons are not strong.

But the technological weapon now displayed in front of him can kill gods!


"This technologically advanced humanoid life also has a special talent -"

His eyes were bright and he continued to watch.

I saw a technologically advanced humanoid being walking out of the battleship, wearing a cold battle suit and combat boots, with a cloak flying behind his back, and his aura was so strong that it seemed to completely distort the surrounding time and space.

The shadows under his feet spread, and the blood on his body steamed, actually dividing into two figures!

Controlling space together, with a wave of his hand, he was filled with space blades that filled the sky, tearing hundreds of warships in front of him into pieces.

The other mastered the flames and opened his mouth to spit out flames that filled the sky, burning the world and everything. Everything was twisted and turned into charcoal in the fire.

But he himself was using his sword skills. The sword light was like a long river, and the battleship as huge as the stars was easily torn into pieces.

This humanoid life is very terrifying, a trinity, and all enemies are destroyed in front of him.


The humanoid was startled for a moment, and then his face showed expressions of ecstasy, fanaticism, excitement, piety, etc., and he knelt directly in the direction of Zhao Xin's gaze and knelt in the starry sky:

"Three universes and three ninth deputy heads of the gods, 'Ke Hai', pay homage to the great master!"

"May the glory of the great Lord be eternal!"

“Your humble believer, I offer you the special gift ‘Trinity’!”

The words fell.

From the center of his eyebrows, three overlapping rays of light flew out, shattering the void and disappearing.


Zhao Xin recovered and raised her eyebrows:

"Special talent 'Trinity'?"

He looked at the shadow under his feet and suddenly felt a very strange feeling.

he thinks--

You can control your shadow to come out!

Thinking of this, he immediately did it.


The shadow under his feet twisted slightly, and actually broke away from him, heading into the distance.

Came to a ruins.

The shadow extended, elongated, and expanded, directly forming a figure.

The four pairs of wings spread out behind him, and they were almost the same as Zhao Xin!

"Is this the trinity of talents?"

"Can you use shadow and blood to form two other clones?"

"I only master the initial stage of the 'Trinity' talent now."

"The shadow clone and blood clone formed can only last for half an hour."

"But within this half hour."

"The shadow clone and blood clone have the same fighting power as me."

Zhao Xin murmured, feeling pleasantly surprised.

This trinity of talents is so powerful!

It simply tripled his combat power!

"But the biggest use of this-"

He looked at the angel of death, Zhao Yan, in the distance.

A thought came to my mind.

The shadow clone walked out of the ruins and stood casually on the ground.


Someone saw the shadow clone.

However, they have not yet woken up from the shock of the Witch Snake King being killed by the Death Angel Zhao Yan with one sword.

That scene just now was terrible.

Witch Snake King, this is a terrifying demon of the two-star king level.

Zongheng has been alive for many years, but he is still alive.

Among humans, the Witch Snake Tail, one of the four evil organizations in the Red Moon Kingdom, was cultivated, with heinous crimes.

The Red Moon Kingdom has always wanted to kill this old monster.

But it's too difficult.

Even though the power of the Killing Spear was terrifying, it would only injure the Witch Snake Emperor, and it would take time to kill her.


This is the result of the Red Moon Empress personally sealing the void with national power.

If the Red Moon Empress is not here.

Even with the killing gun, it was impossible to kill the Witch Snake King.

But now——

This terrifying old demon was killed by the 'Haicheng Angel' with one sword!

How can this not shock all the powerful people present?


"Escape with all your strength!!"

The blue devil's expression changed drastically.

The Red Moon Kingdom alone made him feel a little desperate.


The sea city angel who made the lord-level being of the undead world kneel down also took action.

One sword——

He killed the Witch Snake King who was as powerful as him!

How could this not frighten him?

"Run away, run away!!"

The seriously injured leader of the Bailing Sect, the leader of the Youlan Guild, and the high priest of the Three-Colored Demon God Guild were also crazy, spitting blood, and fled frantically outside.

But in a blocked space.

They were too slow.

Several people's faces were full of despair.

Only the blood and white color faintly appeared on the body of the blue demon. He forced himself to hold up a few points in the blocked void. His speed increased sharply, and there was hope of escaping.

Even the Night Elf Queen came to kill with the Moon Sword.

It still couldn't stop his frantic escape speed.

after all--

The night elf queen was too seriously injured, even if she was a three-star king, her strength had dropped to the point where she was not even as good as a two-star king.

"Block him!!"

The leader of the Red Moon Army shouted angrily.

She asked her two king-level astral creatures, who were also seriously injured, to step forward to stop them.

But the three-color ray of light on the blue demon god's body flashed, and his aura was very terrifying, directly knocking away all the astral creatures in his way!

"Angel combat skills——"

"Light of faith!"

But just then.

Death Angel Zhao Yan looked cold, with flying black hair, and the angel sword in her hand was slashed out again!

The disappearing thousand-meter-high angel shadow also reappeared, connected by channels of faith.

From the belief channel of Yan Qi Sha in the world of the dead, terrifying power surges out and is blessed within the sword light.

boom! !

Everything is distorted.

On the ground below, a cold and terrifying sword mark emerged, exceeding a thousand meters in size. All ruins and buildings were turned into powder.


The blue demon went crazy, roaring and roaring.

The three-color light on his body surged, like a three-color blazing sun across the sky, very bright.

But the cold death-gray sword light struck, destroying everything and annihilating the world.

The void is twisting.

Even in front of the blue demon, protective shields lit up one after another.

There are even looming shadows of the other two demon gods.

But under the sword of Death Angel Zhao Yan, it was useless.

after all--

In this sword.

Contains the power of Yan Qingsha, the lord-level existence in the world of the dead!

A lord-level existence far surpasses the king-level.

That is a level of terror that can destroy the planet.

Even if it is only a small amount of power transmitted through the channel of faith, it is terrifying and peerless.

boom! !

The sword light radiates vertically and horizontally, and nothing can stop it.

The entire sky seemed to be divided into two.

The blue devil's body was also split into two in despair!

Blood rained down, and everyone was extremely shocked.

Another two-star king-level being was killed by the Haicheng Angel’s sword!

They all know it.

starting today.

The name of Haicheng Angel will truly spread throughout the world!

Many people moved their eyes away from the Haicheng Angel and focused on the figure with four pairs of wings spread out not far behind.

The really scary thing——

It’s still this member of the Death Tribunal, ‘Daphne Modesty’!

After all, no matter how strong the Haicheng Angel is, he is still this star creature!

"And that guy."

"Clara Stheno of the Earth Tribunal!"

Zhao Ya, the commander of the Sky Navy, looked at Zhao Xin standing in the distance and Medusa beside Zhao Xin, who had survived the catastrophe of the king's rank.


A large number of soul light spots that others could not see flew out of the blue demon and rushed towards Zhao Xin.

Zhao Xin was in a daze——

See the dream world again.

The long river of time is vast, endless, without beginning or end.

Sweeping everything, covering everything, flooding the world.

This is the great power of time. No matter how supreme a being is, it cannot exist without time.

Four drops of time river splashed up, shattering the void and disappearing.

Zhao Xin suddenly saw the scene of four months of hard work and extremely hard cultivation.

The little skeletons, Death Angel Zhao Yan, Zhou Xuan, Medusa, Thunder Titan, and Phoenix all around are practicing hard.

"My strength is all due to my own hard work."

"Who dares to say otherwise?"

Zhao Xin recovered and was very satisfied.

It turns out that after killing the king-level demon——

You can get four drops of time river water!

He sensed the restlessness of the Silver Sky Snake.

This person has reached the critical point and needs to overcome the catastrophe of the king level!

"Daphne, let's go!"

Zhao Xin suddenly shouted to the shadow clone in the distance.


He spread his wings, glanced at the Red Moon Empress who was looking at him, turned around and left.

Medusa followed, her eyes moving.


The shadow clone said something and flew in the direction where Zhao Xinyuan went.

Death Angel Zhao Yan followed behind with a calm expression.

Watching four figures disappear one after another.

All the kings of the Red Moon Kingdom present were silent.

And then——

Being strangled by a famous king-level astral creature.

The Pope of the Bailing Sect, the High Priest of the Three-Color Demon God Guild, and the Master of the Youlan Guild all fell one after another!

"Auntie, who is that person?"

The Red Moon Empress frowned slightly and asked Zhao Ya, the commander of the Sky Navy.

Do not know why.

She actually felt that the figure was somewhat familiar.

As if there had been contact before.

next moment.

A figure suddenly popped into her mind.


She raised her eyebrows, it couldn't really be that person, could it?

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