Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1010


Chapter 1010 Leaving Secret Realm (please subscribe)

I saw Xu Sheng took out an unknown thing , the hearts of these Lin Family Disciples couldn't help but be vigilant...

On their faces, they responded with resentment "profiting from somebody's misfortune? What do you mean? I really think we Lin Family Disciples is so bullying!"

"Just because you want to profit from somebody's misfortune alone, I think you are lighting a lamp in a ditch, courting death, right?"

"pu ! Laugh at me, with your strength, you still want to profiting from somebody's misfortune, oh no, my stomach hurts!"

Hearing these sarcastic words from Lin Family Disciples, Xu Sheng was not annoyed, but Neither fast nor slow said, "Really? It seems that I won't put any pressure on you!"

He took the chips in his hands, but these Lin Family Disciples were still so stubborn, It made people

Lin Mo's mouth curled into a sneer, "Only my Lin Family has robbed others, and no one has ever dared to rob my Lin Family."

After a pause, Again, he said disdainfully, "I think you don't take our Lin Family Disciple seriously, right? You can't even reach the cultivation base on the ninth floor of Earth Immortal Realm, hmph! It's just trash!"

He still doesn't believe it, a weak chicken who can't even reach the ninth floor of Earth Immortal Realm, can threaten them?

Where is the dream?

Just as they were talking, there was a loud "bang rumbling~~" from the back of Xu Sheng, and then there was a strong space fluctuation...

Obviously , the exit of Secret Realm has been opened! Just walk through here and leave the Secret Realm!

Xu Sheng remained unmoved, his dark eyes stared straight at Lin Mo and the others...

After a while, Xu Sheng slowly opened the mouth and said "This is in my hand. Treasure can forcibly block a space. You said, once you use it, how many people in your Lin Family's Disciple can go out?

Lin Mo who heard this sentence pupils shrank, brace oneself indifferently said "If you just want to delay your departure from Secret Realm, there is no need to keep talking! ”

If the treasure is fake, that’s fine...

But if it’s real, maybe it can really trap the entire Lin Family group in the Secret Realm!!

This is not something they can afford at all!

And those Lin Family Disciples behind them subconsciously swallowed...

Immediately, they said with a sneer "che, stop talking nonsense, what treasure can you have? I think that thing is just

"That's right! Don't pay attention to him! Since he wants to court death, let us do it for him!!"

"Everyone, let's get this Wei Family's trash is killed!!"

After the words fell, these Lin Family Disciples broke out with the fastest speed moved towards Xu Sheng...

Seeing so many Lin Family Disciples attacking him, Xu Sheng's mouth filled with a few smiles again...

Lin Mo, who was on the opposite side, saw this strange smile, and his mind jumped. , I just feel that there is an extremely ominous premonition coming...

This guy, what he said is very likely to be true! !

Xu Sheng gently crushed the treasure in his hand, and in an instant, a dazzling white light suddenly shone in front of him...

Even even The entire space was rendered with a pale white halo...

And these Lin Family Disciples moved towards Xu Sheng had to stretch their hands and eyes, angrily roared "Damn! What the hell is this, why is it so dazzling!"

"Really strong rays of light, simply can't open my eyes, is this guy playing with us?"

"This Could it be his treasure? It just emits dazzling white light, and when these white lights disappear, it will be his death!"

For a moment, these dazzling white lights gradually dimmed and finally dissipated. Come on...

At almost the same moment, these Lin Family Disciples who came back to his senses, continued to move towards Xu Sheng without the slightest hesitation

can be swooped to When they were only two or three meters away from Xu Sheng, their bodies seemed to have collided with steel, making a loud noise...


Then , under this terrifying shock wave, all moved towards the rear and flew out! Fiercely fell to the ground...

Seeing this scene, Lin Mo and the others couldn't help but torn apart...

I couldn't believe what happened in front of me...

"What... what? What just happened? Why did they get caught"

"Could it be that the treasure that this guy just used really has the ability to seal space??"

"My God! How could he have such a terrifying treasure, so, wouldn't we all be trapped in the Secret Realm?"

Xu Sheng was indifferent He glanced at the Lin Family Disciples that fell to the ground, moved towards Lin Mo who was not far away and said, "Do you believe it now??"

Rather than blocking this space, it would be better Said to deploy a very large shield! It can isolate all foreign objects from the outside!

Lin Mo, who felt extremely aggrieved, resisted the vulgar words in his heart, gritted his teeth and spit out a sentence, "I believe... I believe..."

Xu Sheng teased "If you believe it, then I say that profiting from somebody's misfortune is no doubt, right?"

It would be great to have this earlier, so there is no need to waste a treasure!

But that's fine, I'll take it back in double anyway!

Lin Mo clenched his fists tightly, stared at Xu Sheng's eyes and said word by word, ", what do you want us to do..."

This guy, So hateful!

At this moment, he only felt that his cunning and viciousness were completely insignificant in front of this man!

Xu Sheng didn't make a dumbfounded, but blunt said "It's very simple, as long as you give me everything you got from Secret Realm, I won't interfere with you leaving Secret Realm!"

As soon as the words fell, they were rejected by the Lin Family Disciples...

"Don't even think about it! That's the treasure we finally got, how could we give you all of it in one sentence! "

"That's right! You are dreaming! There is no such thing in the world!!"

"But if we don't hand over the treasure to him, I'm afraid we can't do anything about it." Get out of here!"

"But even if you hand over the treasure to this guy, he won't necessarily let us leave if he is so cunning!"

Hearing the surrounding Disciples talking , Lin Mo's face is getting more and more difficult to look...

To do it, or not to do it?

This is simply not an easy choice!

Xu Sheng urged in a calm tone, "Have you made up your mind? The Secret Realm will be closed soon! Or, for the sake of these treasures, you can stay in this Secret Realm for a while. Years?"

These words are like mountains, constantly oppressing the hearts of Lin Mo and Lin Family Disciples...

Under this heavy torture, many Lin Family Disciple changed their minds and whispered, "How about we still give it to him?"

"Go ahead, I don't want to stay in this dangerous Secret Realm for so long, treasure is important, But I want my life more!"

"Yeah, why don't you just give it to him..."

Lin Mo took a deep breath and said as seriously as possible "Okay, we are willing to Here it is, but you must ensure that it will not prevent us from leaving Secret Realm!"

Xu Sheng nodded and said "Of course, I will speak to Lai Lai!" After speaking, Lin Mo said And Lin Family Disciples all threw the storage Universe Bag over...

Xu Sheng was beckoned, and these storage Universe Bags appeared in his hands without any hindrance...

Immediately, Xu Sheng turned around and lightly said with a smile "Okay! Since that's the case, I'll leave Secret Realm first, so I won't hinder you!"

After saying this, he stepped into the Secret Realm. When Realm exited, he disappeared under many eyes...

Suddenly, Lin Mo and Lin Family Disciple were dumbfounded...

A big question mark appeared in his head... …


Is this guy really just not getting in the way? ?


(End of this chapter)

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