Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1045


Chapter 1045 Dilemma (please subscribe)

Seeing the expression on Xu Sheng's cheek, this demonic cultivator showed a cold expression Lie said with a slight smile, "What? You, the powerhouse of the Immortal Monarch Realm, all the martial skills you know are all junk, right?"

didn't expect today I made myself a big bargain, and for the first time I met Immortal Monarch Realm, who even has Heavenly Rank martial skill will not. No, it should be the whole cultivation world that has never happened before!

The dignified Immortal Monarch Realm is only a martial skill under Heavenly Rank. If it were him, he would definitely lose face after being found out!

While Xu Sheng heard the words, he was silent and did not speak, so he just stared at him with a face doesn't change...

This guy...if it wasn't for his martial skill If he can't have an advantage, how could he be so rampant, but it is unlikely that he will lose this duel!

As long as he delays for a while, after his strength continues to drop, even Earth Grade martial skill can rely on the suppression of the cultivation base to break through its defense!

Seeing this, the demonic cultivator said in a positive tone, "hmph! It seems that I have guessed it, and since that's the case, I don't have to worry about your terrifying martial skill! Let me make it today. Take a good look at how strong Heavenly Rank martial skill is!"

Immediately changed his tone, coldly shouted "Heaven Middle Grade martial skill, wind and magic rain!!"

Speaking At the same time, his entire body erupted with an incomparably huge spiritual power, slowly levitating into the in midair...

In an instant, the sky above the two of them was constantly filled with dense As if something terrifying is about to appear...

Xu Sheng's eyes looked up into the sky, and after sensing that something was wrong, his face gradually grimmed, and he secretly said, "Good terrifying spiritual power fluctuations! "

And the demon cultivator suspended in the sky, looking down at Xu Sheng below with contemptuous eyes, laughed unbridled and said, "Boy, you are ready to be pierced into blood by my attack! hahaha hahaha!!"

Immediately, raindrops mixed with pitch black mist began to drip from the dense dark clouds above, and the accompanying corrosive force instantly caused the ground below to become devastated...

Looking at the raindrops that were about to touch me, I had to use spiritual power to transform into a shield, protecting myself in it...

This shield was touched by the raindrops After touching it, it began to rot immediately, and Xu Sheng had to continue to replenish it with spiritual power to maintain the form of the shield and prevent it from disappearing!

When the demon cultivator in the sky saw this scene, coldly shouted "hmph! Stupid, if you don't have a defensive martial skill, you plan to use spiritual power to support it? I want to see how long your spiritual power can last! ”

After finishing speaking, he confidently folded his arms and stared at Xu Sheng like this...

There is no need for me to continue to spend energy on him, just wait When its spiritual power is exhausted, it will be melted by these highly corrosive magic rains in the blink of an eye!


Perceiving a change on the other side, Zhou Qingruo quickly looked at Xue Lan’s beautiful eyes……

When she saw clearly When Xu Sheng was using spiritual power to resist the magic rain falling from the sky, he could not help frowning and secretly said, "Why doesn't Xu Sheng use a defensive martial skill? Using spiritual power to resist like this is a complete waste!"

Qin Yumo, who was opposite, was stunned when she saw Zhou Qing, and after taking a look at Xu Sheng and the demonic cultivator, she immediately understood something...

However, she was impossible. Give Zhou Qingruo a chance to support her!

Thinking of this, he clenched his saber and moved towards the fatal position, and said with a sneer, "Master, what are you thinking about? Could it be that you are thinking about that little lover? Right? But it looks like he will be beheaded soon!"

Zhou Qingruo, who had reacted, immediately stopped and said coldly, "He can't be bothered by you, but you should worry about yourself. Come on!"

Hearing these words, Qin Yumo said with a face full of disdain, "hmph! You are just being stubborn now!"

That kid really has no combat experience, It was so stupid to use spiritual power to resist, but I was worried that the guy was beheaded by this kid just now. It seems that I am overthinking it!

In her opinion, there are only two situations that would do this!

One, a cultivator who knows nothing about combat!

Second, it's a brainless fool!

But no matter who can't think of it, Xu Sheng is not at all because of these two points, but because even if he uses Earth Grade's defensive martial skill, under the attack of this Heavenly Rank martial skill, he has nothing at all. The power of resistance!

It is better to simply use the strength of spiritual power to resist!


At this moment, the demonic cultivator with arms folded looked at Xu Sheng who was struggling to resist below, said with a sneer "Boy, how do you feel? Your spiritual power is still How much?"

Xu Sheng, who was constantly running spiritual power, glanced at him coldly, and said indifferently "don't worry about it, no matter how bad it is, it can last for a few more hours!"

Having said that, he has to admit that maintaining spiritual power to resist this martial skill is indeed effective, but the amount consumed is terrifying!

In less than a quarter of an hour since the beginning, the spiritual power in his body has been consumed by nearly half!

Hearing this, the demon cultivator raised an arc at the corner of his mouth and said, "How many hours? Are you lying to me or comforting yourself? I think you will die sooner or later if you look like this, you might as well give up your struggles. Good!"

Xu Sheng didn't speak, concentrate on running the spiritual power resistance, and then imagined how to solve the situation in his mind...

The demonic cultivator in mid-air saw Xu Sheng I ignored myself, and I couldn't help but feel a little anger in my heart...

scolded "en? Don't talk? It seems that you have a lot of spiritual power, so how about you let your spiritual power drain faster? ?"

After a pause, he shouted "Heavenly Rank high grade martial skill, a sea of blood!!"

After the words fell, the black mist all over his body kept pouring out Xu Sheng's all around, and he began to rotate continuously...

Immediately afterwards, the entire ground began to soften gradually, like a pitch black swamp, which made Xu Sheng's body begin to continue. It sinks downward...

In the end, the thickness is forcibly fixed on Xu Sheng's waist!

But is it over? of course not!

In addition to these, all the areas covered by black fog are constantly extending from the ground one after another withered brown arms, slowly crawling out...

It was a corpse with a ferocious face. The eyes of each corpse were full of scarlet colors. Just looking at it made people shudder...

Immediately, these corpses seemed to be manipulated In general, he started swaying the body that couldn't bear to look directly, and walked towards Xu Sheng who was trapped in the middle, madly waving their arms and strikes the shields...

Xu Sheng's face became more and more complex when he saw this scene. grim ......

Need to resist the attack of the magic rain and the corpse, but also keep his body from sinking into the ground, the speed of the spiritual power he consumes begins to increase greatly! !

If there is no way to break through this predicament, the final outcome is definitely death!


(end of this chapter)

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