Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1047


Chapter 1047 Coming (please subscribe)

Seeing the demon cultivator with thick black mist in front of me, Xu Sheng, who was resisting the demonic rain, could not help but grit his teeth, trying to forcibly break through the swamp Tan that bound his legs...

But obviously, it was too late, this demonic cultivator was already far away from Xu Sheng But only a few meters! !

In particular, the sense of crisis he brings to himself is stronger than before...

This demonic cultivator extend the hand grabbed Xu Sheng's head, and his cheeks filled with air "Get ready to be devoured by me! Hahaha ha!" with a frantic look.

Seeing that he was about to be touched, a piercing sword chant suddenly erupted in the entire space...


"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~~~"

I saw a sword flashing cold glow attacked from the sky, and went straight to this place at a speed that was difficult to see with naked eyes. The head of the demonic cultivator...

And this demonic cultivator obviously sensed something was wrong behind him, so he stopped to touch Xu Sheng's palm, and immediately took a few steps back...

Sure enough, the sword almost brushed against his cheek, spattered with a few bloodshots, and then stuck it straight on the ground not far from Xu Sheng's eyes...

Reluctantly The demon cultivator, who stabilized his body, wiped the blood stains on his cheeks, and shouted at all around coldly with a gloomy expression, "Who? Get out of here!"

The spiritual power he just released fluctuated, he dared to It is definitely not Zhou Qingruo, that is to say, it is someone else!

Moreover, the cultivation base is at least Immortal Monarch Realm! !

At this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded from this space...

"trifling demonic cultivator, dare to commit a crime in the Blood Lotus sect? I really don't know what the dead word is. Did you write it?"

Hearing this sweet female voice, Xu Sheng and the demonic cultivator were both subconsciously moved towards the direction of the sound...

I saw from In midair, a woman wearing a light blue robe with a strong Immortal Qi all over her body slowly fell down!

Especially the appearance of bringing calamity to the country and the people is not weaker than Zhou Qingruo, even worse in some respects!

I saw her palm make a random move, and the light blue saber "xiu" stuck on the ground rose up and flew back to her palm...

The demonic cultivator squinted his pitch black eyes, coldly shouted "Who are you? Why do you care about the Blood Lotus sect!!"

This woman feels very not simple!

This woman heard the words, indifferently said "Who am I, you don't deserve to know! Anyway, I have to die here today!"

After she finished speaking, she shook hands Holding the sword tightly, a strong imposing manner erupted all over his body, setting off bursts of turbulent gusts, and suddenly moved towards the demonic cultivator swept away not far away...

The demonic cultivator who saw this scene, There was a look of dreading on that ugly cheek, but he didn't make a rash move...

Xu Sheng, who was being restrained, conveyed spiritual power to maintain the shield, and stared at the person in front of him with his dark eyes. Woman, she thought to herself, "Who is this woman??"

I don't have an impression in my mind, so I shouldn't have come to help me on purpose!

After feeling his scrutinizing eyes, the woman also glanced at him, and when she saw the handsome face of the former, her eyes filled with surprise...

There is still such a handsome man, his skin is even more supple than his own!

next moment, she moved her cold eyes away and looked towards the demonic cultivator in front of her...

Without any warning, she softly shouted "Immortal Rank" Low grade martial skill, Tianlian Jianzhuan!"

The demon cultivator who heard this voice couldn't help but exclaimed "Immortal Rank martial skill??"

Immortal Rank martial arts immediately skill, the identity of this woman is absolutely terrifying!

After her words fell, a huge Formation with a strong halo appeared below the entire space, covering almost everything inside...

The demonic cultivator subconsciously took a few steps back and suddenly felt some kind of space from this Formation!

Suddenly, the entire array burst into a burst of more dazzling rays of light...

Next moment, he seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly said "Not good!!"

But before he could react, the woman who was not far away actually appeared out of thin air in front of him without any movement! !

The demon cultivator who was caught off guard was just like the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him...

I saw the indifferent latter clenching the sword in his hand, and cut it without the slightest hesitation ...

With a sound of "pu 呲!", the bloody arm of the demonic cultivator was forcibly chopped off, splashing out a pool of blood and hitting the cold ground...

And the demon cultivator, whose arm was chopped off, only felt severe pain, and shouted loudly "Ahhh!! My hand!!! My hand!!"

The initiator's The woman just casually glanced at the arm, opened the mouth of neither fast nor slow and said "the next blow, it will be your head!"

See you Xu Sheng who is standing on the other side When this woman cut off the arm of the demonic cultivator with no difficulty, she couldn't help but exclaimed "really strong!"

She cut off the arm of the demonic cultivator with just one move, despite the weakened cultivation base. The reason...

The strong sense of humiliation and anger made this demonic cultivator stare at the woman in front of him, blemishly saying "You bastard...courting death!!!"

In an instant, an even more terrifying black mist suddenly erupted from the whole body...


On the other side, Qin Yu climbed up from the giant pit. Mo, looking at Zhou Qingruo in front of him with dreadful eyes, he gritted his teeth secretly and said, "Damn it! What's going on?"

It was obviously Immortal Monarch Realm, and he was in Zhou Qingruo. There is absolutely no power to fight back!

Suddenly, a bad idea emerged in my heart...

Could it be that he would really be beheaded by her within ten seconds? ?

impossible! Absolutely impossible! !

I am also Immortal Monarch Realm, how could I be beheaded by the same realm guy in ten seconds, this is a complete insult to myself! !

But Zhou Qingruo, who was opposite, didn't intend to give her a chance to think, and her thin lips moved slightly...

If you know lip language, you will know when you see The word it spit out was, "Six!"

Almost the first moment she uttered the word, her body burst into flames and rushed towards Qin Yumo with a violent roar of wind...



Qin Yumo angrily shouted "Damn! Don't bully intolerably!! Heavenly Rank Wu..."

No waiting After she finished speaking, Zhou Qingruo, who was not far away, accelerated in an instant, and appeared in front of her strangely, and a decisive elbow hit her in the abdomen...

The huge spiritual power Condensed into a single point, and directly made Qin Yumo's pupils shrank, who was hit, fly backwards like a cannonball...

On the way to fly backwards, I only felt a sweetness in my throat, and spit out a "pu" sound blood! ! ”

Just as her body was about to hit the ground, Zhou Qingruo’s silhouette reappeared behind her, clenching her bloody saber and moving towards her neck…

Seeing the cold glow flashed, Qin Yumo hurriedly buried his head and narrowly escaped the fatal blow...



(End of this chapter)

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