Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1055


Chapter 1055 Duanmu Family Lord, take the liberty to disturb! (please subscribe)

Hearing this voice, Xu Sheng could vaguely feel the lovable body of Zhou Qingruo beside him trembling, and then he fell back into peace...

Then he thought to himself, "This voice is..."

Before he could think about it, the Disciples of the Duanmu clan who were watching the side heard the voice and started talking about it...

One of the Disciples wondered, "Is it patriarch? It shouldn't be wrong with that voice just now, right?"

"Yes, it's patriarch, since he discovered this Duanmu Qing If, do you think you will get rid of the latter, after all, this guy is a traitor of our Duanmu Clan!"

"hmph! Come on, I hate bad luck! Since I left Duanmu Clan, I run back shamelessly!"

The words were full of contempt and anger, as if they didn't want Zhou Qingruo to have any more contact with the Duanmu family. !

In addition to them, Duanmu Lian, who was standing not far away, his beautiful eyes suddenly tightened, softly opened the mouth and said "Is the patriarch here?"

This sentence is not only to introduce Xu Sheng, but also to express her surprise...

The former Zhou Qingruo also came back to the Duanmu Family Se Mansion, but there is no doubt that no A person from the Duanmu Family other than herself gave her a good face...

Since when did Zhou Qingruo's connection with the Duanmu Family be completely cut off!

Xu Sheng quietly nodded, "Is it really the patriarch of the Duanmu family? The words just now should be spiritual power sound transmission, and the cultivation base has at least reached the same Immortal Monarch Realm as their three people!"

As expected, a huge light blue spiritual power suddenly appeared, dressed in ash-gray robes, and a slightly old-looking middle-aged man actually appeared out of thin air in their before!

He is the patriarch of the Duanmu family, Duanmushuo, and his strength has reached the terrifying Immortal Monarch Realm 7th Layer!

can be vaguely seen, those squinting eyes are looking at Xu Sheng and Zhou Qingruo...

Seeing Duanmushuo appear, Duanmulian is just a nodded gesture Said "patriarch!"

As an Elder of the Duanmu family, she naturally doesn't need to be too cautious about Duanmushuo, the patriarch!

Duanmushuo let out a faint "en!"...

Immediately, Zhou Qingruo's amber beautiful eyes converged with the former's, calmly said "Duanmu Family lord, take the liberty to disturb me!"

It was originally a sentence like this, and it would not be rude nor offended by others...


Her relationship with the current patriarch of the Duanmu family is not ordinary!

Hearing this, Duanmushuo frowned and coldly said "Duanmu Qingruo, haven't seen you for so long, have you even forgotten your father?"

Hearing this Xu Sheng pursed his thin lips, "father??"

This was a bit beyond his expectations. He thought that Zhou Qing was just the elder of the Duanmu clan, but who knew that he was actually the patriarch of the Duanmu clan. His daughter...

Of course, he is not naive enough to be a patriarch of such a Great Family, only Zhou Qingruo is a daughter!

Zhou Qingruo just glanced at him and said plainly, "Sorry, Duanmu Family Lord, my name is Zhou Qingruo. As for father, I think I don't have much memory!"

This didn't look like he wanted to admit the father-daughter relationship, so Duanmushuo in front of him extended the hand and pointed at Zhou Qingruo, with an ugly face and said, "You...don't you still hate me for what happened back then? Duanmu Qingruo, I'm your father anyway, so you plan to hate me like this for the rest of your life??"

Zhou Qingruo's tone was also a bit cold, and she replied without weakness, "Duanmu Family Lord, Please respect yourself, I said, my name is Zhou Qingruo!"

At the same time as the words fell, Immortal Monarch Realm's terrifying imposing manner suddenly erupted...

Seeing the situation Duanmu Lian, who was about to deteriorate, hurriedly said, "Patriarch, if she hasn't come back for so many years, this..."

Before she could finish speaking, Duanmu Shuo interrupted the former's words...

The whole person seemed to be tens of years older, and the imposing manner of the whole body was completely released in an instant...

The tone was a little said solemnly "Enough...don't say more, Since she doesn't want to recognize me as a father, then forget it..."

When he decided to see Zhou Qingruo, he was already prepared for this situation...

After speaking, his eyes looked towards Xu Sheng next to Zhou Qingruo. When he felt the spiritual power of Immortal Monarch Realm fluctuating on the latter, a surprise appeared in his heart, but he didn't show it...

Similarly, Xu Sheng was also looking at Duanmu Shuo in front of him. When he knew that he was not hostile to him, he lightly said with a smile "Duanmu Family Lord!"

but moved towards Duanmu Lian opened the mouth and said, "But... the visitor is a guest, pity Elder, they will hand it over to you!"

After the words fell, Duanmushuo's silhouette disappeared in place...

Compared to the calm Zhou Qingruo three, those Duanmushuo The Disciples of the family are all dumbfounded...

Because they seem to have discovered an incredible secret!

No wonder if Duanmu Qing was not hunted down after betraying the Duanmu clan, she turned out to be patriarch's daughter! !

One of the Disciples swallowed and said blankly, "What... what?? If Duanmu Qing is not a traitor of our Duanmu clan? Why is it the daughter of patriarch?"

Another Disciple felt that his three views were about to collapse, and he couldn't believe it, "My God, especially the appearance of patriarch just now, did he do something that chilled Qingruo Elder's heart? , that's why you chose to leave the Duanmu family?"

"Hey... Doesn't that mean that we were just equivalent to insulting the woman who was supposed to be the inheritance of the Duanmu family's Position of Patriarch?"

"Are you all fools? Patriarch is not only Duanmu Qingruo's daughter!"

Duanmulian's beautiful eyes looked towards Zhou Qingruo next to her, and said softly, "Qingruo, ignore those Disciples, They don't know what happened back then! Besides, I can see that patriarch really wants you to return to the Duanmu family!"

Zhou Qingruo indifferently said "Don't worry, I don't hold grudges, otherwise, These Disciples of the Duanmu clan must all die!"

She was right, if it was another clan and they were talking about herself naked, she would never be soft-hearted!

But the situation at hand is obviously not good. This is the Duanmu family, which has a great relationship with him. Moreover, with his Immortal Monarch Realm alone, if he does it, he will most likely fall here!

After all, the strongest in the Duanmu clan is not Duanmu Shuo, but the Old Patriarch who has been hiding! !

Xu Sheng reached out and patted her shoulder lightly, "didn't expect Qingruo to have such a relationship with the patriarch of the Duanmu clan, although I don't know the specifics, but I I don't think you did anything wrong!"

Zhou Qingruo's beautiful eyes twinkled a little gleamed, "Thank you, Xu Sheng..."

Do you believe in yourself unconditionally? It really gave me a feeling I had never felt before...

Duanmu interrupted sadly and said, "Okay, don't follow me, I've never seen such a thing. Are Disciples watching?"


(end of this chapter)

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