Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1065


Chapter 1065 Minor Injuries (Subscribe)

The natural phenomenon over the entire Duanmu Clan has become very terrifying, and forcibly, under the two forces released by Zhou Qingruo and Duanmu Lian, a huge and constantly rotating tornado was formed...

If it takes shape, the Duanmu family will It will be ruthlessly swallowed up...

The old man still faces doesn't change, staring at the pair of turbid eyes that are accumulating smart and releasing Immortal Rank martial skill.

He couldn't help but feel a little surprised, and secretly said, "After so many years, has Xiao Qingruo's strength increased to such a level?"

He only knew about himself. After the "granddaughter" left the Duanmu family, she created a sect of her own, and it also made it one of the Top Rank sects in the cultivation world in a short period of time!

Whether it is a commander or an innate talent, it belongs to the category of genius!

For a while, I hated myself for not stopping the deteriorating relationship between Duanmu Shuo and Duanmu Qing...

And Duanmu Lian on the martial arts stage, with beautiful eyes staring Zhou Qingruo, who was not far away, opened the mouth and said, "Qingruo, take the move, let me see your current strength!!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Qingruo's expression changed. The color of the grim appeared, coldly said "hmph, each other"

As if they were in a good relationship, the rays of light released by the two suddenly flashed, especially the scarlet and the deep blue phantom behind them. , has become restless...

Then, slowly moved towards each other's position strikes away...

Seeing the two Immortal Rank attacks collide together...


No surprise, a deafening sound spread throughout the Duanmu mansion, and the intense rays of light fused with scarlet and deep blue instantly shrouded The entire surrounding, annihilating everything...

The Disciples of the Duanmu clan below cry out in surprise, "What a terrifying attack! this the legendary Immortal Rank martial skill? ?"

"It's too terrifying, I'm afraid we will become scum on the spot after being touched by the aftermath of these two attacks!!"

"This Duanmu Qing If there really is an Immortal Rank martial skill, no wonder he dares to fight against Elder Lian!"

"Yes, this Duanmu Qingruo's strength is indeed terrifying, but I think it shouldn't be Elder Lian! My opponent!"

"I don't think so. If this Duanmu Qing...cough cough, he is the original Elder of our Duanmu clan.

"Fart, I think you're just greedy for Duanmu Qingruo's body. They're the same age as Lian Elder, so it's impossible to see you!"

As if they were right Zhou Qingruo's impression has already begun Change, no matter which world you are in, strength is indispensable!


At this moment, Xu Sheng, who is in the Book Collection Pavilion, is staring at the Immortal Rank martial skill in his hand ……

He has learned at least three Immortal Rank martial skills, and can clearly feel that his strength is completely different from before!

If he encounters the demon cultivator of the original Blood Lotus sect, Xu Sheng has an 80% certainty that he will kill the opponent within a quarter of an hour if the opponent does not increase the cultivation base twice!

This is the confidence that Immortal Rank martial skill brings!

But at this moment, the entire Book Collection Pavilion mutation suddenly occurred, and it trembled without warning...

And Xu Sheng even used spiritual power, It was injected into his legs, which allowed him to stand stably in place without appearing so embarrassed...

After this tremor lasted for a short while, it gradually returned to calm!

Xu Sheng couldn't help frowned, secretly wondering "en? Is there something going on outside?? It's exuding such strong spiritual power fluctuations"

Immediately, it spread The fluctuation of his spiritual power spread to the entire Duanmu mansion...

After more than ten seconds, it was clear what was going on outside!

shook the head a little puzzled and said, "Why did Qingruo fight with Duanmu Lian?"

Aren't they normal before? Could it be that Duanmu Lian angered Zhou Qingruo unintentionally?

Just as he was thinking about it, a hoarse voice rang from his ear again...

"Don't worry about them, it's just a simple discussion! You still concentrate on Cultivation Immortal Rank martial skill, if time passes, you won't have this chance."

It is the old man who speaks!

Xu Sheng heard the words, his black eyes quickly glanced all around, but he didn't find the old man's silhouette, and secretly asked "sound transmission?"

But this Duanmu clan's Old Patriarch said so, presumably it was just a simple discussion...

Thinking of this, Xu Sheng once again looked towards those Immortal Rank martial skills!


After the dazzling scarlets and the deep blue rays of light gradually disappeared, the space around the entire martial arts stage also returned to quietness……

Immediately afterwards, the Disciples of the Duanmu clan came back to his senses from the suffocation...

One of the Disciples patted his tense chest and exhaled, "Fu, knot... it's over. What? It's so terrifying... I just feel that my soul is about to fall out of my body under this violent collision!"

Another Disciple showed the expression of the rest of his life, "Who cares? No! Thanks to the protection of Old Patriarch, otherwise we would die without a whole corpse!"

"Look, the formation that patriarch and the elders arranged before have all been festered, I really don't know. Just how far the attack has reached! But it feels good to be alive!"

Of course, it was not only them who were shocked by this, but also Duanmushuo on the other side and the elders...

"This kind of attack, I'm afraid that even the strength of patriarch will be difficult to resist?"

"en! Although the cultivation base of the two of them is not as good as that of patriarch, in terms of strength... they have indeed surpassed. The latter!

“cough cough...patriarch is still here! Can you give me a wink?"

When Duanmushuo heard these words, his heart was full of unpleasantness...

Before he thought he was stronger than Zhou Qingruo and Duanmu Lian , but now it seems to be just a joke!

The terrifying attack just now will also release the Immortal Rank martial skill, which is simply impossible!

Whatever Whether it's Duanmu Lian or his own daughter, they've already surpassed me!

I feel both ashamed and proud...

Not far away, I blocked this breakthrough. Formation's aftermath, Old Patriarch, those incomparably cloudy eyes glanced casually at the bloodstains on his arms...

He thought to himself, "To be able to hurt me, I really underestimate their strength! "

That's right, just in order to block the aftermath and prevent the Disciples of the Duanmu family from being affected, he forcibly resisted, and his arm was slightly injured!

Until now, his right hand They are still numb, which shows the strong impact of the aftermath just now!

Even if he stepped into the powerhouse of the higher realm, he could not completely resist it. If it were Duanmushuo and those elders... …

Isn’t it more finished?

(end of this chapter)

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