Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1070


Chapter 1070 "Happy Cooperation" (please subscribe)

And when I heard Xu Sheng, I directly I agreed, but I didn't even pay attention to what I said, and my cheeks couldn't help but feel a little more complaining...

Damn, I said that the place is very dangerous, why did I agree without thinking about it!

But in the same way, she also realizes that Xu Sheng looks more serious than ever, as if this matter is very important to him!

Of course, Zhou Qingruo was not the only one who discovered this. Duanmu Lian, who was sitting on the other side, saw Xu Sheng's appearance, and her beautiful eyes also became a little curious...


In the bottom of my heart, I couldn't help thinking and said, "I agreed without even thinking about it, and also put forward a condition for a quota. Does it mean that Xu Sheng not only has no martial skill, but also has a pitiful worldly treasure?"

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but shout the head...

It's too bad, as the powerhouse of Immortal Monarch Realm, they would agree to other people's requests for these things!

If you really need it, wouldn't it be more convenient to tell yourself directly?

And Duanmu Shuo in front of Xu Sheng, after hearing the former's words, his face suddenly turned grim...

He narrowed his eyes and asked word by word, "I don't know. What is the use of this Profound Abyss domain? If you want high-level Spiritual Artifact or worldly treasure, our Duanmu family can thank you in the form of reward!"

From what Xu Sheng said before It can be seen that he must not know the Profound Abyss domain, but after listening to the explanation, he has now offered to ask for a place to enter...

This is really thought-provoking!

Maybe this man knows something unknown?

Xu Sheng naturally wouldn't be stupid enough to tell the whole story, he opened the mouth with a light smile and said "Duanmu Family Lord, frankly, I am very interested in places like Secret Realm, so I heard about this Profound Abyss. The domain is so difficult to enter, it is naturally a little itchy..."

Duanmushuo carefully looked at Xu Sheng's cheeks, and did not see anything unusual...

This is Grim raised his chin and pondered, "Is that so?"

This Profound Abyss domain is not his own business, and naturally he has to ask these Elders of the Duanmu family...

Immediately, he asked the silent elders around him, "Elders, what do you think?"

Duanmu Lian, who was sitting beside him, turned his beautiful eyes. Zhuan, took the lead in opening the mouth towards Duanmushuo and said, "patriarch, I think this proposal can be accepted. It is very difficult for me to win the showdown with other families!"

" Besides, Xu Sheng itself is the powerhouse of the Immortal Monarch Realm like me! This alone is worth considering!"

If it wasn't for the Duanmu clan who could not find any Immortal Monarch Realm Elder other than her, And the situation is very urgent, otherwise, this matter will not be leaked to Xu Sheng who is a foreigner!

These words made Duanmu Shuo nodded again and again, "Well, what Lian'er said makes sense."

But just after the words fell, the elders of the Duanmu clan began to veto it. ...

I saw one of the Elders coldly said "patriarch, I object! This matter is a matter of our clan, why should we ask an outsider, besides, the place in the Profound Abyss domain is still so precious !"

Another Elder also said sharply, "That's right! I also don't think I can agree to this request! The quota in the Profound Abyss domain should be given to the people of the Duanmu family! How can we let people from outsiders occupy it!"

"Patriarch, you should also know that his cultivation base is the Immortal Monarch Realm. Even if he wins, he knows what he knows, but if he harbors malicious intentions against our Duanmu clan in the Profound Abyss domain Intentions' words..."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Duanmu Qingruo, as if he was referring to Sang and scolding Huai!

If the man in front of him had an affair with Duanmu Qing, who had betrayed the Duanmu clan, he might secretly do something to their clan because of the latter!

On the other side, Zhou Qingruo heard the words, and naturally knew that this was mocking himself...

Those amber eyes suddenly had a strong chill, and coldly shouted "keep" on saying that he would not give Xu Sheng Profound Abyss domain entry, but without him, you might not even have the chance to win!"

And after listening to these Duanmu clan elders, their throats could not help but swallow. I swallowed...

After a while, the eldest Elder weakly opened the mouth and said, "Even so, the affairs of our Duanmu clan won't be able to interfere with foreigners!"

Hearing their heated discussion, Xu Sheng just pursed his thin lips a few times, but his expression still did not change...

Zhou Qingruo gritted his teeth and said, "You guys!!"

Seeing that the atmosphere in the great hall began to intensify, Duanmushuo, a patriarch, couldn't sit still and shouted "Enough!"

Suddenly, the noisy words of these elders were all She swallowed it...

And Zhou Qingruo suppressed her anger as much as possible, staring at them angrily...

Duanmu Lian saw this scene, It was also silently sighed, not knowing what to say...

Duanmushuo looked back at Xu Sheng, and said very seriously, "Your Excellency, is there no room to talk about the quota? If you say yours What kind of rare worldly treasure is the target, you can tell me directly, and try your best to find it!"

The quota of the Profound Abyss domain is very important to their Duanmu family, not just because There are rare things inside!

Xu Sheng's dark eyes narrowed, and he did not answer the question, but just smiled at the former...

Duanmu Shuo instantly understood the meaning of this smile. Meaning, after careful consideration, he said seriously, "Okay! I agree! If you can win the showdown with other families, then I'll give you a place!"

If you don't agree to Xu Sheng's request , as their daughter said, their Duanmu family didn't even have a chance to enter the Profound Abyss domain!

In comparison, what would he be given a spot in the Profound Abyss domain!

Xu Sheng extended the hand with a smile and said, "In that case, the Lord of the Duanmu Family, I wish us a happy cooperation!!"

Duanmu Shuo resisted his emotions and said with a smile "Happy...cooperation!"

After finishing speaking, I reached out and shook it casually...

And the elders of the Duanmu family saw Duanmushuo and agreed. After this condition, they all clenched their palms...

Everyone's face showed an unhappy look...

A trifling outsider, why do they occupy the Duanmu clan? People enter the Profound Abyss domain! !

Zhou Qingruo started sideways, pouted and rebuked, "I really don't know why Xu Sheng agreed to them!"

Is it really just like what he said, just like it Enter Secret Realm?

But this should be impossible! When I asked Xu Sheng to enter the Secret Realm to capture the Ten Thousand Years Mysterious Ice Fruit, I also coerced him and gave him a lot of life-saving treasures to make him agree!

Then think about it...

It's probably because of his own face that he agreed to help the Duanmu family!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a warm feeling in her heart...

But if Xu Sheng knew about the thoughts in her heart, she would definitely wave her hands to deny it!

He just wanted to know if this Profound Abyss domain had anything to do with the plane leading to Doluo!



(end of this chapter)

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