Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1073


Chapter 1073 duel (please subscribe)

I saw that the words of this patriarch have just fallen, and the others have already Patriarch, who had already negotiated, said, "I have no opinion, and if you lose in the duel on the Duanmu family's martial arts stage, no one will say there is a shady scene, right?"

"en! I also think it's feasible! After all, although our Great Families are quite competitive, we must value harmony in everything. I believe that the Duanmu family can also do something shameless!"

"This matter Don't you have to ask Duanmu patriarch's opinion first? If you don't agree, you can go to my Xu Family closest to here for a duel!"

After he finished speaking, he looked towards his face provocatively. The gloomy Duanmu Shuo...

Obviously, even if they lose, they can't find any excuse for a duel in the Duanmu family's mansion! !

Besides, those Disciples of the Duanmu clan will watch the showdown with their eyes helplessly, so forgive them for not being rascals!

In the past, every qualification to enter the Profound Abyss domain was controlled by the Duanmu clan, but at this time, they have been decided by the Great Family!

And hearing these words mixed with a strong humiliation, the Disciples of the Duanmu family were all flushed...

They all scolded in a low voice, "Damn! These are The people of the family are so arrogant, is it true that our Duanmu clan Elder will lose?"

"Base and shameless, to rely on such inferior means to win the qualification to enter the Profound Abyss domain !!"

"hmph, pity Elder and the others will definitely not lose! Although I don't know where these families got the Immortal Monarch Realm cultivation base, their strength is definitely not very strong!"

As the leader of the clan, Duanmushuo naturally didn't like them when he saw these insulting words...

After suppressing the anger in his heart, he clenched his arms tightly. Said with a slight smile on his palms, "You patriarchs are joking. Since you have come to my Duanmu family, you must have a way of hospitality. Why don't you talk about it for a while?"

If you are provoked like this , then they completely follow their path, and spreading it out will only suppress the status of the Duanmu clan!

But these foreign patriarchs and Elders seem to have seen through Duanmushuo's idea, said with a sneer "No need! It's not too late to talk about it after the duel!"

They Not only have to get the qualification to enter the Profound Abyss domain, but also to be a good guest in Duanmu Clan, and return the insults received over the years! !

When they thought of that scene, their mood couldn't help being excited and excited...

Having expected this answer, Duanmushuo opened the mouth calmly. and said "This... that's fine! Everyone please come with me!"

Immediately, under the leadership of Duan Mushuo, these foreigners moved towards the martial arts stage in the mansion...

At this time, Duanmu Lian's beautiful eyes looked towards Xu Sheng, and said with a grim expression, "Xu Sheng, this time the opponent is not easy to deal with, they will probably join forces to eliminate us first, so... ..."

If you want to win, you have to be prepared for one-on-one, otherwise you will lose badly!

Xu Sheng heard the words and replied "en!" softly.

His current strength is much stronger than when he first came to the Duanmu family, especially in the martial skill aspect!

For the powerhouse of the digital Immortal Monarch Realm, although it can't be said to be crushed, in terms of winning, it is almost a matter with no difficulty! "

After seeing Xu Sheng's answer, Duanmu Lian once again looked towards the expressionless Zhou Qingruo, and said in a complicated tone, "Qingruo, the premise of this confrontation is that each family There are three elders to play, so..."

The words are not finished, but the meaning is already very obvious...

Zhou Qingruo is likely to use the Duanmu clan's Elder If she and Xu Sheng both win, in the end, people from other clans will find a reason to disqualify the Duanmu clan because of the number of people!"

Duanmu Lian heard the words, then The pair of amber beautiful eyes flashed a few times, but instead of expressing his position immediately, he indifferently said "Let's go!" p>

Seeing this, Duanmu Lian stretched out his hand to stop and said, "Qing..."

But Xu Sheng grabbed her delicate wrist first, lightly said with a smile "Miss Lian , don't worry, Qing Ruo will definitely play!"

Duanmu Lian was stunned for a while, then suspiciously said "en? How can you be sure?"

She and Zhou Qing Ruo After being a friend for so many years, I didn't know the latter's attitude towards this matter. Xu Sheng dared to say such a thing with such certainty!

Xu Sheng glanced at her, neither fast nor slow said, "It's very simple, with a clear personality, whether it's for you or the Duanmu family, she will definitely participate!"

After all, blood is thicker than water, I can't bear to see the Duanmu family being humiliated by other families!

Duanmu Lian looked thoughtful nodded, but the next moment, the tone gradually weakened a bit, "Yes... Really? Then Xu Sheng, can you... can you let go of my hand? There are still... ...and Disciple is staring at us!"

As she spoke, her cheeks felt like they had been splashed with chili oil, so hot that she wanted to reach out and stroke...


Xu Sheng heard the words, his dark eyes glanced at the Disciples of the Duanmu family who were staring at them with strange eyes, and quickly released Duanmu Lian's wrist...

Slightly apologetic "Sorry, I made you misunderstood by Disciples"

Duanmu Lian's heart suddenly accelerated, and the whole person was a little flustered and said, "'s okay! Let's go...let's go!"

After seeing her hurriedly leaving, Xu Sheng looked at his palm and said with a bitter smile "Isn't it just a wrist? Why does she feel like a shy girl!"

"Hey! didn't expect Xu Elder to have something to do with Qingruo Elder, and even pity Elder couldn't escape his grasp?"

"Damn! If I also have such strength, how can I let pity on Elder?" The Elder was given by a foreigner... and was kidnapped by Xu Elder!!"

"Pity Elder, my Goddess! Look at the appearance just now, it is completely about to fall!!"

"Come on! Now hurry up to the martial arts stage and bite hard. If we lose, our Duanmu family will lose face!"


Soon after , Duanmu Shuobian and the patriarchs of other families sat on the seats, looking down at the martial arts stage below...

But I don't know if it was intentional or not! Duanmushuo not only sits in the first seat, he is even a bit taller than the other patriarchs...

In addition to them, there are already quite a few Disciples of the Duanmu family around this martial arts stage...

You can vaguely hear them shouting "Pity Elder!! Pity Elder!! Destroy their prestige!"

"That's right! Let them see me in Duanmu The clan is amazing!!"

"The Duanmu clan has won the previous duels, and this time is no exception! It must be us who won!!!"

"Pity Elder Qingruo Elder, Xu Elder!! Don't let us down!!"


(End of this chapter)

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