Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1078


Chapter 1078 Xu Sheng comes on stage (please subscribe)

And the two elders on the opposite side heard Zhou Qingruo Undisguised disgust, his face turned cruel...

One of the Elders licked his stinky lips and said gloomily, "I wanted to see you as a woman, let me You don't make a fool of yourself in front of many Disciples, didn't expect this little mouth to be so tricky!"

Another Elder also said with a bad face "Since you dare to insult us, then do well to become a Duanmu group. The laughing stock!"

Zhou Qingruo heard the words, her frost-covered cheeks did not change, her beautiful eyes suddenly froze, "If you want to fight, fight, why is there so much nonsense!"

Now, she has spent a lot of spiritual power because of the Immortal Rank high grade martial skill she used before!

It is obviously unrealistic to want to rely on this spiritual power to defeat the two opponents who have reached the Immortal Monarch Realm!

But even so, she will not have the slightest fear...

"Let's go together and solve her quickly. Of course, if we can tear her robes apart, then But it's even more wonderful"

"just to my liking, I haven't seen such a woman bringing calamity to the country and the people for a long time! And it's the cultivation base of Immortal Monarch Realm!"


After the two elders said lewd words, they suddenly burst out with spiritual power fluctuations moved towards Zhou Qingruo attacked...

Looking at them who were attacking, The latter took a deep breath and ice-cold saying "Heavenly Rank high grade..."


In the next duel, Zhou Qingruo was left because of spiritual power Not much, I have been evading all the time...

Finally, let her wait until one of the alien Elders reveals a weak spot and eliminate it at the risk of spiritual power exhaustion...

At this moment, another Elder with a cold face suddenly approached her and used a fist mixed with terrifying spiritual power to move towards Zhou Qingruo's chest...

“Heaven Middle Grade martial arts Skill, Tianshangquan!"

When the latter saw this, those unusually beautiful and alluring eyes suddenly tightened, and he hurriedly put his arms in front of his chest...

" "peng!", the terrifying spiritual power ripples were released at once...

Zhou Qingruo only felt as if he had been hit hard, and the internal organs were all hit by a huge impact, followed by a sweet throat, " "pu!" spit out blood...

The whole person's lovable body was like a cannonball moved towards the martial arts stage and flew out...

At the bottom of Duanmu Rianjian Even if he burst out at the fastest speed, he hugged Zhou Qing Ruo firmly before he was about to fall to the ground...

Then, he shook Zhou Qing anxiously in his arms. If, the tone is very forced Cut the road "Qing Ruo, Qing Ruo? Are you OK? "

Zhou Qingruo, who had felt extremely drowsy at first, felt that the surroundings were spinning for a while under the violent shaking, and coughed, "I'm fine...don't...cough cough...shake!" "

Duanmu Lian heard the words, and then relaxed, "'s fine!" Scared me! ”

When Zhou Qingruo was hit by that terrifying punch before, her heart almost jumped out...

Lying in her arms Zhou Qingruo couldn't help but pursed her tender thin lips, and sighed, "In the end, you still lose..."

Duanmu Lian chuckled comforted "Qingruo, you have done a good job. Well, let's look at Xu Sheng's next! "

In the bottom of my heart, I was a little ashamed and said, "It's not like me at all. In the face of the three people's offensive, it was just a ignorant defense, and finally ended in failure..."

Thinking of this , their eyes were all looked towards the martial arts stage...


The last Elder standing on the stage looked towards the side in charge of the host. The elder of the duel, scolded coldly, "What are you stunned for! Hasn't the winner been announced yet? is it possible that to cover up? "

In the face of this ruthless scolding, the latter's face became extremely gloomy in the blink of an eye, and gnashing teeth had to announce, "This round of duel, the Long Family will win!" ”

After hearing his announcement, the alien Elder gave a disdainful "hmph" and walked away from the martial arts stage...

Looking at this arrogant man. With this attitude, the eyes of the Disciples of the Duanmu clan were filled with endless anger, and they couldn't help cursing, "Damn! Obviously, two of them were eliminated three-on-one, I really don't know how he has the face to stand on the stage! "

"Yeah, so shameless!" If it wasn't clear that Elder's spiritual power was exhausted, I'm afraid it wouldn't be a problem to 1v3! "

"Although Qingruo Elder lost, she also eliminated two opponents. If her spiritual power is full, she will definitely win!" "

"That's it, have all these families lost their faces?" How dare you mock us like this! "

"Disgusting people!" Are these sinister villains worthy of going to the Profound Abyss domain! "

"Get out of Duanmu Mansion!" ! Get out of Duanmu Mansion! ! "


And Long Family patriarch saw this, cup one fist in the other hand lightly said with a smile "Duanmu Family lord, you let me win!" ”

The words were full of sarcasm...

And the other two Elders would not miss such a good opportunity, they said with a sneer “didn't expect the Duanmu family to lose so badly this time, eh, is it possible that the cultivation of the elders is too lazy? "

"Who knows!" Even the Elder has this level, I am afraid that there are few Disciples with innate talent in the Duanmu family! ”

Faced with the patriarchs who were talking nonsense with their eyes open, Duanmushuo just gave them a fiercely glance with his icy eyes...

These old fox's face is really better than the old fox. The city wall is still thick!

Why did the Duanmu clan lose? It's not that the patriarchs of these three clans and their elders have all joined forces, even if it is his own patriarch to play in person!

Naturally, I don't have any hope for the last round...

Although I don't know how Xu Sheng got his father to allow him to cultivate Immortal Rank martial skill, he estimates his strength Shouldn't be strong!

Even more how, from Duanmu Lian's description of himself, this Xu Sheng is powerless to fight back against the demonic cultivator who is also Immortal Monarch Realm!

Anyway, if you lose, you will lose. The Duanmu family has already occupied the qualifications to enter the Profound Abyss domain so many times, why not give them one more time?

Thinking of this, my heart is relieved a lot. ……


The Elder, who was in charge of the duel, took a deep breath, and the grim said, "All Disciples, be quiet! ! "

When his words fell, the Duanmu Family Disciples who were discussing calmed down...

Immediately, the former continued to open the mouth and said "third round duel" It is about to start, please send the last Elder to participate in each family! ”

After speaking, Xu Sheng under the stage looked towards Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo who were beside him...

It was vaguely visible, Duanmu Lian was clenching tightly. In the palm of his hand, he opened the mouth with hope and said, "Xu Sheng, it's up to you to win or not! come on! "

Although Zhou Qingruo didn't speak, her amber beautiful eyes were full of trust...

She didn't know why she felt this way, she always felt that Xu The existence of Sheng will make me feel at ease!

And, most importantly, I can't see through the slightest strength of Xu Sheng even now!



(end of this chapter)

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