Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1080


Chapter 1080 Playing (Subscribe)

"Is it true that Xu Sheng is actually The Immortal Rank martial skill is only deliberately hidden, and this time it is exposed because it is covered by the name of the Book Collection Pavilion cultivation martial skill that entered the Duanmu family?"

Immediately, Zhou Qingruo thought of Xu again. Sheng's cultivation base is eerily improved, and it breaks through almost every time when it is on the verge of crisis!

But why did he do it?

After thinking about it for a while, Zhou Qingruo couldn't think of the benefits that this would bring!

next to Duanmu Lian extended the hand, poked the stunned Zhou Qingruo, and asked, "Qingruo, what are you thinking? Don't you think Xu Sheng is in such a short time. Is it too exaggerated to learn Immortal Rank martial skill in cultivation?”

If she hadn’t seen Xu Sheng before and after learning Immortal Rank martial skill, she would not believe that the cultivation world actually There are really people with such innate talent.

Zhou Qingruo, who came back to his senses, glanced at the former with those amber beautiful eyes, indifferently said "en! It's a little too exaggerated, but maybe it's Xu Sheng's cultivation martial skill. It is more innate talent in this aspect.”

I should ask Xu Sheng separately later on this matter, presumably he must have his own reasons for doing so!

Duanmu Lian saw Zhou Qingruo's suspicious appearance, a little doubt in her beautiful eyes, but she did not continue to ask...


“Heaven Middle Grade martial skill, tearing the wind palm!”

“Heavenly Rank high grade martial skill, blazing sun!”

“Heavenly Rank high grade martial skill Skill, thunder and raging waves!"

Suddenly, the natural phenomenon caused by different martial skills gradually solidified behind the three alien Elders, and strikes with the power of oppression force went away...

But Xu Sheng, who was trapped in the middle, couldn't help but raise a smile...

He secretly said "Earth Grade martial skill, black fog!"

After the words fell, I saw a thick pitch black mist spread all around him, completely covering Xu Sheng's silhouette and the scene inside...

And The elders who saw him show the black fog scene, shouted angrily "Boy!! Never try to escape!!"

"Obviously die! You are impossible to escape!!"

"Do you think that you can escape the combined attack of the three of us? Naive!!"

After the words fell, their three people got into the thick black at a very fast speed. In the fog, moved towards the position where Xu Sheng was before strikes away...

At this moment, the human-shaped black shadow slowly condensed from the outermost black fog...

Almost at the moment when his body solidified, the black mist on the martial arts stage dissipated in an instant...

The blocked sight of the three Elders recovered instantly, and suddenly they saw Clearly their target is not Xu Sheng at all, but strikes towards each other!

At this moment, even if you want to stop it, it's too late!


An earth-shattering sound echoed throughout the Duanmu mansion, even mixed with various dazzling rays of light...

After these dazzling rays of light disappeared, the three elders covered in dirt climbed up from the pit under the martial arts stage one after another...

From the messy clothes, they could vaguely It can be seen that everyone has suffered a lot of injuries!

I saw their furious and killing intent staring at Xu Sheng...

One of the Elders gritted his teeth and said, "This kid! How dare you stand in front of everyone's eyes


Another Elder clenched his palms tightly, "I have to kill him to get rid of my hatred! No one can stop me today! ”

“This child is going to die!” ! ! "

Xu Sheng heard the three people's words full of anger, and then turned around quickly nor slow, glanced at their furious appearance, and secretly said, "These Elders are really Immortal Monarchs." Realm? I feel like I have no combat experience at all! "

Especially losing one's sense in the duel, this is undoubtedly courting death!

When the Disciples of the Duanmu clan below saw this, they were all ruthless mocked "pu 呲! Killing me! The three Elders are still the powerhouse of Immortal Monarch Realm! To be played by Xu Elder like this! "

"didn't expect Xu Elder's strength to be so strong, otherwise it seems impossible would be so peaceful!" It looks like the odds of winning this round are great! "

"As expected of a man who has a close relationship with Elder Qingruo and Elder Lian, this strength is terrifying, let these despicable guys take a good look, even if it is three-on-one, they will still lose to us. Duanmu family! "

Only the faces of Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo in the audience turned ugly...

I saw the former with a grim face, "Earth Grade martial skill After using it, sure enough, Xu Sheng only learned the Immortal Rank martial skill of the movement class? "

If things go on like this, Xu Sheng's advantage will only get smaller and smaller!

Zhou Qingruo frowned and said, "Is it true that this Immortal Rank martial skill is a successful cultivation?" It's just luck, including the previous guesses are all my fantasy? " shouldn't be that simple!

If you really only cultivated that Immortal Rank martial skill, Xu Sheng shouldn't show that kind of thing when he takes the stage. Unparalleled confidence...


Duanmushuo, who was sitting in the first seat, had a surprised look in his pupils...

He couldn't think of Xu at all. Sheng will deflate the other three Elders...

Perhaps, you can trust him!

Thinking of this, Duanmushuo moved towards the side with a bit of sarcasm. The digital patriarch cup one fist in the other hand said, "Everyone, you let me win, didn't expect the weakest Elder of our Duanmu clan to be so strong, oh no, it should be compared with the Elder sent by the patriarchs. Appears stronger! "

Hearing this sentence, the other patriarch's faces became extremely gloomy...

One of the patriarch said with a sneer "Duanmu Family Lord, are you a little too happy now?" early? Our Elder of the Three Great Families did not use true strength! "

Another patriarch also said with an indifferent expression, "That's right! On the other hand, the Elder sent by the Duanmu Family master obviously used the Earth Grade martial skill, the dignified Immortal Monarch Realm powerhouse, so he was so poor in the martial skill. Could it be that the Duanmu Family did not have the Martial Skill above Earth Grade? "

"Well, if it's true as Patriarch Xu said, then the Elders like Immortal Monarch Realm, the Duanmu Family Lord, might as well persuade them to make plans early and join any of the families we are present is much stronger, At least not bad in martial skill! ! "

Duanmu Shuo was stunned for a while, then he had to brace oneself opened the mouth and said "martial skill does not represent the strength of a cultivator!"

Whether Xu Sheng can win, he has no idea...

But I hope the former has a back-up move, otherwise it will really lose!


On the martial arts stage, I saw that the three Elders burst out with more terrifying spiritual power fluctuations...

Elder's tone ice-cold saying "Boy, your strength is really good, but now, we have to use true strength! If you don't want to be obliterated, you should get off the stage quickly"

Although he was furious, he still Don't lose your mind!

After saying this here, even after "accidentally" killing Xu Sheng, I can find a good reason for the Duanmu family not to be held accountable...


(end of this chapter)

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