Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1096


Chapter 1096 dive force appears! ! (please subscribe)

I saw Xu Sheng coldly shouted "This guy simply doesn't want to listen to our explanation, all pay attention to dodge!!"

This kind of terrifying creature's attack, I'm afraid I'm hit One time is enough to shatter your bones! !

After the words fell, Duanmu Lian and the others began to burst out spiritual power and dodge...

Although the raging lava splashed far away, it didn't hit anyone. !

Seeing them like ants, coldly shouted "Do you # think you can dodge my attack like this? It's naive!"

After the words fell, it An extremely strange power erupted from his body, and it swept the entire space in an instant...

Vaguely visible, after everyone, including Xu Sheng, was touched by this power, forcibly The shackles are stuck in place, impossible to move at all!

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and Duanmu Lian couldn't help but cry out in surprise, "Oops! This power is so terrifying, it can restrain me of Immortal Monarch Realm with no difficulty. !!"

Then don't think about it, other people may be in the same situation as you!

An Elder said with a livid face, "Damn it! It's impossible to move at all, what is its strength?"

Even Saint Realm's all-terrain dragon can't rely on its power. Let the Immortal Monarch Realm be forcibly suppressed in place! This Yanglong is stronger than imagined

Another Elder's cheeks showed despair, and he said in a daze, "It's over, I'm afraid we all have to die here today!!"

Zhou Qingruo's amber beautiful eyes froze, and after struggling for a few times to no avail, she gave up without the slightest hesitation...

Now I want to survive, Unless a miracle can happen...

A cold voice sounded again, "Die!!"

I saw Yanglong open its bloody mouth wide open like a dozen meters A sacrificial bowl, showing extremely sharp teeth, and then, a flame that was enough to burn everything out from the throat, and it was slowly condensing into a spherical shape!

next moment, Xu Sheng and the others who are about to move towards the ground spray out! !

But at this moment, Xu Sheng's whole body actually bloomed with two strange rays of light that complement each other...

The imposing manner of the whole person changed greatly, enough to destroy everything The vast power room

After sensing the familiar power in his body, his dark eyes suddenly shrank, "This is... the power of creation? Why does it appear here?"

In this plane, your own creation power and other means should be banned! But didn't expect suddenly appeared at such a time!

Could it be that in this Profound Abyss domain, is there really a gap leading to the Doluo plane?

After Yanglong made a dragon cry, he spit out the hot Fireball that was dozens of meters in size and exuded fierce flames...

I can vaguely feel this Fireball. Like an irresistible natural disaster, it slowly fell with a strong oppression force and enveloped this world...

With a loud noise of "peng", this unstoppable huge Fireball exploded in an instant, dazzling The red rays of light mixed with hot flames spread out, drowning everything...

When Yanglong, who was looking down on the ground, saw this, coldly said "Under the flames, the For the ashes!!"

These guys with weak cultivation bases are simply impossible to resist their attacks!

can even think of their tragic death...

After a few seconds, the dazzling rays of light have disappeared, revealing the situation below...

I saw that around Xu Sheng and the others, a rippling shield appeared, completely isolating all the damage they suffered, and no one was injured!

Both Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo had closed their eyes in despair, and felt that there was no severe pain, and opened their eyes one after another...

They immediately discovered that After removing the shield in front of him, when he found that the source of power was Xu Sheng, surprisedly said "This... this is the barrier released by Xu Sheng? It can resist such a terrifying attack!"

And Zhou Qingruo's beautiful eyes flashed a burst of strange rays of light, secretly said, "Sure enough... every time in the most dangerous time, Xu Sheng always has this situation!"

She was in I had already anticipated that this might happen, but didn't expect it to be the case!

While the other two Elders said joyfully, "We are not dead! We are not dead!!"

"didn't expect Xu Elder to have such terrifying power. !"

And Yanglong's scarlet pupil showed a look of astonishment, loudly said "What?? No one was injured! How is this possible!!"

It is right His own strength is very clear, just rely on these guys, should not be able to resist!

But soon, its scarlet eyes looked towards Xu Sheng, which was shining brightly with rays of light all over its body!

Immediately, a fear spread in its heart...

How could it be! I would actually be afraid of a man who can be pinched to death! Who is he? ? ? "

At this moment, Yanglong looked at him with a look of dreading, and he didn't rush to do it...

I saw Xu Sheng's inky eyes staring at this Yanglong At a glance, indifferently said "Yang Long? We do not intend to offend this trip, how about letting us go? "

Yanglong didn't open his mouth to agree, but coldly said "Who are you? Why am I afraid of you? ? "

The corner of Xu Sheng's mouth raised an arc, and his hands condensed a rich life and Destruction Power!!

Yanglong felt this "This is...divine force?" ? ? You actually have a dive force! Could it be that you are another..."

Before it was finished, Xu Sheng's eyes stared slightly, and the diving force all over his body was instantly released, and a violent wind and terrifying power suddenly set off !!

“Buzz~ Buzz~ ~~”

Immediately afterwards, Xu Sheng waved his arm at will, and the dive force had spread to the entire space in the blink of an eye, making the full force The tens of thousands of meters of lava exuding hot steam began to sink slowly...

Not only that, but even the gravel suspended on the lava began to heal slowly, making the mutual The gaps are getting smaller and smaller, and in just a few seconds, the torn ground returns to normal...

In this scene, Duanmu Lian directly cry out in surprise "It's amazing! How did Xu Sheng become so powerful? It can actually make the whole ground stitched together again! "

The other two Elders also couldn't help but say "Is this the true strength of Xu Elder? Even terrifying to this point, I am afraid that the most powerhouse in the cultivation world may not be able to do it, right? "

"This kind of strength is definitely beyond the category of cultivator!" Qingruo Elder, you and Xu Elder are so close, did you already know? "

After hearing this sentence, Zhou Qingruo just called the head and said he didn't know, opened the mouth and said "I don't know, Xu Sheng is like a mystery, so I can't see through it at all. he! ”

This sentence is the truth, whenever she thinks she has seen through Xu Sheng, a new mystery will appear, making her dare not say that she knows Xu Sheng!


(end of this chapter)

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