Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1110


Chapter 1110 Great War General Pro (please subscribe)

After a while, the Disciples below began to squirm like locusts Passing through the border, the darkness is throbbing...

grandiose's moved towards the Duanmu clan's progress...

This spectacular scene can't help but make one of the Elders nervous. Looking down, said with a sneer "The Duanmu clan will cease to exist from today, hahaha haha!!"

Another Elder clenched his palms and said "en! Avenge the patriarch and destroy the damned Duanmu Family!"

"We have so many Disciples and Elders, so forgive the Duanmu family no matter what the heaven-defying means are, it is absolutely impossible"


"I can already think about how to divide up the resources of the Duanmu family!!"

Looking at the people who were still discussing, Mo Family patriarch said with some urging, "Everyone Elder, don't say any more, let's go first!"

He is still waiting for the Duanmu clan to be wiped out, and then take the opportunity to attack other clans, this is an opportunity encountered in the last ages, how can he easily give up !

After the words fell, these Elders didn't say anything, but quickly kept up with several Great Family troops...


At this moment, Duanmu Shuo, who was sitting in the first seat of the Duanmu Family great hall, suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart...

Secretly said, "What's going on? Why is there such a thing? I feel like if something happened to them?"

The elders around him felt ill at ease when they saw the former, and everyone felt uneasy!

One of the elders frowned and said, "Pity the elders, they have been to the Profound Abyss domain for a long time, and they don't know what the situation is now!"

The other elder is The face full of grim opened the mouth and said "danger lurks on every side in the Profound Abyss domain, accidentally will fall into the abyss, even if there are many elders to go together, I'm afraid I can only temporarily avoid the edge, try not to cause those terrifying as much as possible. The attention of creatures"

"You don't have to worry too much, there should be no problem with many Elders"

At this moment, countless terrifying spiritual power fluctuations suddenly It erupted from outside the Duanmu mansion...

and was moving towards the Duanmu mansion at a very fast speed...

Duanmu Shuo and Elder who sensed this situation We couldn't help but turned pale in fright!

"What's the situation? Why are there so many spiritual power fluctuations!"

"If you guessed correctly, there should be an enemy trespassing on our Duanmu clan! I feel sorry for the Elder and the others after they left!"

"Could it be that they were from other families, they just lost a duel, so they plan to do anything at all? There is no Top Rank family at all. Stance!"

"Damn, that's a scary amount of spiritual power fluctuations! Mostly other Three Great Families team up to attack! What should we do?"

Duanmushuo of patriarch forced himself to calm down, got up and said, "Elders, don't panic, just go out with me and see what's going on!!!" It still happened!


After Duanmu Shuo led most of the Elders and Disciples to the gate of Duanmu Mansion...

Vaguely visible, in the mansion There are already densely packed family Disciples outside, and the leaders are the other Great Family Elders!

I saw Duanmu Shuo's eyes fixed on the Mo Family patriarch, and said with a cold face, "Mo patriarch, and the elders of other families, you have led so many Disciples to come to our Duanmu Family, do you want to? Why?"

A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Mo Family patriarch's mouth, "Duanmu Family lord, you don't have to ask yourself, how many Disciples we brought here, we don't need to think about it. What are you going to do?"

"hmph! Duanmushuo, you despicable villain, we will definitely avenge the patriarchs and let the Duanmu family be completely destroyed today!"

"That's right, they were waiting for the opportunity to take advantage of the patriarch and the others without any precautions! It's humiliating the face of the Top Rank family. Today, you guys: you have to pay the price in blood!!" They shouted "Vengeance for patriarch!! Tread the Duanmu family!!"

"Avenge the patriarch!! Tread the Duanmu family!!"

This scene made Duanmu Shuohe The rest of the Elders are in a daze...

Didn't the patriarchs of their Great Family leave alive yesterday?

How can the tone of these Disciples sound like they have fallen, but even so, it has absolutely nothing to do with their Duanmu clan!

Duanmushuo frowned, and grim said, "What are you talking about, when did my Duanmu clan attack the patriarch of your Two Great Families? Is there any misunderstanding?"

The Mo Family patriarch on the opposite side heard the words, and there was a dark look in his eyes, and he interrupted his words immediately...

coldly shouted "Duanmushuo, you can't think about sophistry, you The Old Patriarch of the Duanmu family killed the patriarchs of other families in front of me, do you still want to hide it?"

If I let him go on, maybe the elders of other families will find out. What, when the time comes trouble!

Hearing this sentence, Duanmushuo suddenly realized...

I am afraid that everything that happened here was framed by this Mo Family patriarch, in order to arouse The anger of other families, join forces to fight the Duanmu family!

's face gradually covered with layers of frost, "So that's the case, your Mo Family is really a good strategy!!"

The elders of other families who have been bewitched Hearing this, everyone thinks that the former is arguing...

They all coldly shouted "hmph! Duanmushuo, you don't need to quibble. Even if you say anything today, it can't stop the fact that the Duanmu clan is about to perish!"

"Duanmushuo, do you know how ridiculous your words are, do you still want to say that the Mo Family did it?"

"nonsense, get ready for the destruction of the Duanmu family. It's the truth!"

Duanmushuo took a deep breath, icily said "It seems that you are determined to do something to my Duanmu family!"

"You don't have to be unsatisfied, we Duanmu If you really want to fight, you will have to lose a lot!"

"It seems that you have forgotten my Duanmu Family Old Patriarch, no wonder you dare not be so impudent!"

"Please also ask the ancestors of the old family to help us kill these guys!"

Just as their words fell, the hunched silhouette of Old Patriarch Duanmu Xun suddenly slowly descended from the sky. Landed down...

Those cloudy eyes looked at the Mo Family patriarch and the others not far away, coldly shouted "What a big tone, just because you guys want to destroy my Duanmu Family, It depends on whether the old man agrees or not!”

The Mo Family patriarch opposite said disdainly, “Old Patriarch in Duanmu, don’t you think that you are the only one in the Great Family who has reached the Half Step Saint Realm? "

As soon as he said this, Duanmu Xun's pupils shrank suddenly, cry out in surprise "Could it be..." Mo Family Old Ancestor, with terrifying spiritual power fluctuations quietly erupted all over his body...

"They really can't do it, what if you add me?"


(end of this chapter)

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