Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1115


Chapter 1115 Cold Attribute bloodline (please subscribe)

I saw Duanmushuo blocking the attack With a heavy punch, the backhand smashed it out dozens of meters away...

The spiritual power of the whole body skyrocketed, coldly shouted "hmph! If you want to destroy my Duanmu clan, you have to pay the price! Immortal Rank low grade Martial skill, Heavenly Curse of Fierce Soul!"

After the words fell, the spiritual power floating around Duanmushuo's body had been dyed a scarlet color, and the degree of danger could be seen just with naked eyes!

However, it is not over yet, a huge monster quietly solidifies behind it, spewing out several attacks of fiery rays of light from its sharp fangs, The cumbersome words floating in the air are like curse marks...

The elders of the Three Great Families turned pale in fright one after another, one of them shouted "Get out of the way! This is Duanmu Clan's strongest martial" Skill! It can make the touched opponent scattered ashes and dispersed smoke within a few minutes!!"

Another Elder stared at the monster phantom in front of him with an ugly face, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it. To actually use this terrifying martial skill, is this even letting go of your own family's Disciple?"

"So what, I don't believe he really dares to release it! So many Disciples Don't you lose your life?"

"Are you all so blind? If you didn't see the attack, you rushed over? Once you encounter it, no matter what the cultivation base is, it will fall!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately woke up from the discussion, and immediately moved towards all around at the fastest speed to escape...

But even so, there are still a few Elders I didn't react and was hit by the hot attack from the monster...

In an instant, these strange spells climbed onto each of their body parts...

An extreme fiery sensation kept moving from their chests towards their limbs and hearts...

"Ahhhh!! What's going on? Why is my body so hot??"

"Ahhhh!! p>

"Help me! Help me!!"

"en? ? Why is there only a feeling of heat? There is simply no feeling of pain. Could it be that this martial skill is just a false name? ?"

"tsk tsk tsk! That's it? You're still killing any opponent of the cultivation base in a few minutes. It seems that you are all frightened by this Duanmushuo!"

Hearing these words, Duanmushuo raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth...

indifferently said "Really? Look at your limbs"

Feeling that something was wrong, the elders looked towards their limbs one after another, their eyes widened in fear and said, "What... what? My fingers actually started to melt! What exactly is the situation? Why don't I have any pain! "

"My left leg!" When did my left leg disappear? aaahhhh! ! What exactly is this martial skill? ? "

"The devil!" You are the devil! It made my lower body disappear out of thin air! What exactly happened! ! ”

In the dozens of seconds after they screamed, they were all melted away by the curse mark without pain, leaving no corpse or blood...

This stimulation The scene in this scene directly caused the elders on the opposite side to shudder for a while, and they took a few steps back...

Such a terrifying martial skill, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a demon cultivator!

hope As they flinched in fear, Duanmushuo sarcastically said, "Oh? Is this afraid? Don't you want to destroy my Duanmu clan? "

"hmph! Turn around and see how many Disciples in your family are left?" Even if you can't kill you, your Duanmu clan will be destroyed today! "

"We are not afraid of you, just to avoid unnecessary sacrifices, after all, Disciple alone can kill you all!" hahaha ha! "

"It's a pity that the Disciples of the Duanmu clan would not be bad if they were taken as slaves! Duanmu Family Lord, what are you staring at me for? is it possible that can kill me? "

"Although the martial skill just now is strong, it can move so slowly, as long as you pay attention, it is impossible to hit someone!" "

The corner of Duanmushuo's eyes glanced at the Disciples who were about to be slaughtered, and said gloomily, "nonsense!" Die! "

After the words fell, he and the elders behind him rushed out again with strong killing intent...


On the other side, only Seeing the change of time, Zhou Qingruo's lovable body, which was soaked in the blood pool, began to tremble, and her tone also intermittently said "cough cough... ok... ok... so cold! ”

This kind of cold is not just physical cold, but also mental stimulation! Even her, it is difficult to maintain herself in this cold!

hear The exclaimed Duanmu Lian opened her beautiful eyes instantly, looked towards Zhou Qingruo, who was shaking, and asked doubtfully, "en? Qingruo, are you cold? I'm clearly feeling dry here! ”

Since she entered the blood pool, her whole body was in a relaxed and comfortable state, and she did not feel cold at all!

Besides, she has reached the cultivator of Immortal Monarch Realm, I shouldn't feel anything about the ordinary cold...

However, Zhou Qingruo seemed to have not heard it, the whole person's lovable body curled up into a ball, and his mouth trembled as he said, "It's so cold... cold... cold! "

While speaking, Zhou Qingruo's fingers and hair gradually filled with layers of ice blue frost...

Seeing this strange scene, Duanmu pity this. Only then did I realize that something was wrong "Xu Sheng, Qing Ruo she..."

was watching Zhou Qingruo's Xu Sheng nod and said "en! I saw it"

Immediately, he approached Zhou Qingruo and held her wrist...

When the spiritual power poured in, an Extreme The chill came from Zhou Qingruo's body...

The icy cold temperature made Xu Sheng's pupils tighten a little, and he subconsciously said, "Cold! "

No! It's not just cold!

It's even extreme cold, like every part of the body is burning!

After a few seconds, Xu Sheng let go of his wrist, looking at this cold temperature with a complex face, looking a little pitiful Zhou Qingruo...

Duanmu Lian on the other side saw this , asked urgently, "Xu Sheng! Now how to do? If anything happens to her, will she? ”

She just saw Xu Sheng touching Zhou Qingruo, and her whole body trembled...

No need to think about it to know that the cold is definitely not normal!

Xu Sheng said with a grim expression, "The bloodline that Qingruo has absorbed is of the Cold Attribute, so if you want to obtain it completely, you must endure the coldness of this Extreme alone! "

"The most important thing is that if you interrupt her absorption of bloodline now...the consequences will be unimaginable!" "

Even he doesn't know how to help Zhou Qingruo. In the current situation, only she can survive with her strong will!

Once she fails, What awaits her is death!

Duanmu Lian was stunned, and after a few seconds he said anxiously "What? how so! ! If something happened to Qing Ruo, I...I"

In an instant, her eyes would turn red...

If she had absorbed that blood pool in advance , Qingruo doesn't have to endure this kind of pain anymore!

Xu Sheng pursed his thin lips and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, Qingruo's temperament is very firm, even if it comes from The double-layered coldness of spirit and body is far from enough to shake her! "

Hearing his words full of trust, Duanmu Lian's pupils shrank suddenly, and secretly said "Xu Sheng..."

He believed that Qing Ruo could hold on. So?

Then why don't you trust your friends over the years!


(end of this chapter)

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