Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1119


Chapter 1119 Leaving (Subscribe)

Her entire cultivation base also has Heaven and Earth turning upside down Changes, especially Duanmu Lian, can even feel the slightest bloodline suppression from him!

If the latter also absorbed the bloodline in one of the blood pools, the suppression ability would be even stronger!

Of course, for Xu Sheng, the bloodline on their body is completely insignificant!

Seeing that he was fully awake, Duanmu Lian put down the big stone hanging in his heart, and was delighted, "Qingruo, are you awake?"

It seemed that he absorbed it very well. Well, at least there is no danger!

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Qingruo's amber beautiful eyes with no emotion froze quietly and looked towards Duanmu Lian next to him!

said in a rather cold tone, "Well, I've woken up!"

She could clearly feel that her cultivation base was about to reach Half Step Saint Realm! It is only a matter of time before breakthrough!

Although the bloodline absorbed this time has little effect on the cultivation progress, it is undeniable that it will definitely make the future cultivation road much smoother!

Duanmu Lian patted his chest and said, "I just scared me to death! Seeing you in such pain, I even want to put you in my blood pool"

Boat When Qing Ruo heard the words, her face sank quietly...

Put herself in her blood pool? Wouldn't that absorb both bloodlines?

Don't think about the final outcome at all, it must be taking one's own life, but putting it that way, it must be Xu Sheng who stopped the former's actions!

Otherwise, Duanmu Lian will kill him!

Xu Sheng, who had been silent all the time, stared at their lovable bodies, folded his arms, lightly said with a smile "Qingruo, Miss Lian, since you have already absorbed the bloodline. , let's put on your clothes first!"

These two people even forgot that they were naked and lovable bodies soaked in the blood pool!

If there are other men here, they will definitely be attracted by such a beautiful scene...

Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo looked towards Xu Sheng, first He was stunned for a while, and when he realized that his lovable body did not have any covering clothes, his cheeks gradually became hot...

The former hurriedly reached out to cover his sensitive parts, gritted his teeth and said a little ashamedly " Xu Sheng! Why didn't you tell us earlier, so that we were all seen by you!"

She and Zhou Qingruo have been seen by Xu Sheng for so long!

Xu Sheng raised his brows, and neither fast nor slow said, "I've seen it all before, so now it's ok even if I don't wear it!"

I heard mixed words. With a sense of ridicule, Duanmu Lian could not help but turn his head and pouted his mouth coldly "hmph"...

Zhou Qingruo did not show any dissatisfaction, just as Xu Sheng said, just so long Within the time period, every part of the body of myself and Duanmu Lian has long been seen...

Just like the plug, if you pull the plug, does it mean that you are not plugged in?

Thinking of this, she immediately took out the light blue robe from the storage Universe Bag, covering up the charming ketone body...

Seeing this, Duanmu Lian also Without continuing to investigate the problem just now, he quickly put on his robe and said, "Let's go, Xu Sheng, Qingruo, it's time to find a way to leave the Secret Realm!"

This Secret Realm The best things in the world have been obtained by the two of them, so it is a waste of time to continue to stay!


And above the secret passage, the digital alien Elder is looking down hesitantly...

They are thinking about Xu Sheng entire group entering There have been several hours in the secret passage, but there is no fluctuation or abnormality of spiritual power. It is possible that the whole army was wiped out because of the trap!

"You said, did something happen to the guys of the Duanmu clan? Why haven't they come up from the secret passage yet?"

"I don't know, something happened. Good! That way no one will stop us from going in to get the treasure!"

"Come on, do you think the guys from the Duanmu clan will leave us even a treasure? Dream about you!"

"Damn it! We have come to this point, we have not received anything, and we are still working for others in vain"

During this heated conversation, Xu Sheng and the others came out of the secret passage. Came out...

Immediately, I saw that they quickly closed their mouths, and a vigilant color quietly emerged in their hearts...

Knowing the person and the face but not the heart, if this Duanmu family The elders suddenly started, but they didn't even have a chance to react!

Xu Sheng glanced at the elders, lightly said with a smile "What? You guys continue to talk!"

One of the elders responded with an embarrassing smile, "… ...No need! I have just said what I have to say!"

Another foreign elder smiled flatteringly and said, "Xu Elder, I wonder if you got anything good?"

Before Xu Sheng could answer, Duanmu Lian who was standing beside heard this sentence, coldly shouted "Does it have anything to do with you?" He was stunned, and his face was a little unbearable...

But there was no way, in front of Xu Sheng and the others, their strength was not enough to see, if they fought, they would be killed in minutes. Behead!

Thinking of this, I had to hold back my embarrassment, "This...we are sloppy, there is really no need to tell us! But judging from the faces of several people, it should be a good thing."

In the bottom of my heart, I secretly said, "Damn, you are so arrogant. If you can't beat them, how can you make them so crazy in front of you!!" At one glance, she said to Xu Sheng with a bit of urging, "Xu Sheng, let's go!"

She had an ominous premonition in her heart since she entered Secret Realm, and she always felt that the Duanmu family might come out what happened!

Xu Sheng whispered "en!", looked deeply at these elders, and then turned around and left...

After Xu Sheng and the others left, they stayed where they were. The elders of my family were just relaxed, as if they had escaped alive in a life-and-death crisis...

"They are finally gone, if they stay any longer, I feel like I'm going to suffocate!"

"That's right, I hope you won't encounter these monsters with perverted strength in the future!"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and take a look at the secret passage, there may be some they can't see. The thing on the top!"

The Elder of the dignified Top Rank family can only pin his hopes on the treasure that others don't need!


On the other side, in the Duanmu mansion, a Long Family Elder was seriously injured and collapsed to the ground, staring at the approaching man with hateful eyes. Mo Family patriarch, grit your Mo's just despicable! Actually... to do such a thing! ”

Mo Family patriarch said with disdain, "hmph? mean? It's just a joke! ”

After speaking, he walked to the front of the former, and stepped on it with a terrifying and mighty foot...

A loud noise of "peng!"...

One after another scarlet's blood burst open, and the Elder's body was forcibly trampled by Mo Family patriarch!

Looking at the minced meat below, Mo Family patriarch I just glanced at him indifferently, and then looked away...


(end of this chapter)

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