Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1124


Chapter 1124 Breakthrough Illusion (Subscribe)

And this Illusion seems to have heard what Xu Sheng said, again A cold voice sounded...

"Weak spot? In my Illusion, it is impossible to have a weak spot"

The words just fell, and a vague silhouette once again came from A dark corner condensed and formed, next moment, the pair of scarlet's eyes suddenly lit up, the figure suddenly burst, moved towards Xu Sheng at a very fast speed and rushed over...

There is no accident , once again precise strikes on his body!

Even Xu Sheng couldn't help but say "Ahhhhh!!" in this severe pain.

This kind of attack from the spirit is superimposed. Get hit once, and it will rise once, and the pain is unbearable!

And the scene in front of me, as if being watched by Illusion, came the cold words again, "You who can only mourn now are just Final Struggle. If you want to find a weak spot, Simply nonsense!"

No one has ever been able to break the Illusion it creates!

After all, as long as you enter this Illusion, the spiritual power and actions of the entrant will be blocked. Even if it is a cultivator, without spiritual power, except for the physical strength, it is no different from an ordinary person!

Therefore, it is with no difficulty that I want to obliterate this man!

Xu Sheng, who was enduring the pain, coughed softly and said weakly, "Really? Then you merely this too!"

Immediately, he was half-squatting on the ground. , stood up slowly...

The shocked voice suddenly sounded...

"What?? You have already been attacked dozens of times, why do you I can still stand up!!”

This is dozens of superimposed mental shocks!

Not to mention the Immortal Monarch Realm boy in front of him, even the Saint Realm powerhouse will have a nervous breakdown because of the pain!

But when the creature that manipulated Illusion sensed it carefully, it was even more dazed!

Because the two women who entered with this man even withstood this extremely terrifying shock! ! !

If you had to say it, it would be three monsters! !

This is a blatant provocation for myself! !

These guys must collapse and die under severe torture, so that they can vent their anger!

Thinking of this, an icy voice suddenly sounded, "hmph!! I want to see if you can resist this round of attacks"

In an instant, there was a Dozens of blurry silhouettes appeared in an instant around the black fog, and each of them contained heart-pounding power!

If you add the previous ones, the intensity of these mental shocks has reached a hundred times the terrifying! !

Seeing this scene, Xu Sheng's dark eyes narrowed quietly, and he said, "Oh? Did you fly into a rage out of humiliation?"

He knew what was going to happen next. How terrifying of the mental shock...

If I hadn't found a way to deal with it, I'm afraid I would really be on the verge of collapse under this extreme pain!

Just as he was thinking about it, the surrounding blurry creatures began to move towards Xu Sheng in a densely surrounded state...

I saw that they were about to touch it. After Xu Sheng, the creature manipulating Illusion let out bursts of sneering laughter...

"Hahaha! Under this severe pain, break down!!"

Xu Sheng's The corner of the mouth raised an arc, next moment, the whole person's silhouette disappeared in place like Gui Mei...

And those creatures that rushed around, no doubt, were empty, one after another. They collided and turned into black mist...

This completely didn't expect situation made Illusion scream in disbelief, "How is this possible? Why are you able to use spiritual power and move fast! Obviously these have been forcibly blocked by me!!

Xu Sheng, who was moving fast, glanced around with his dark eyes, coldly said "you Don't know more things? Do I have to tell you one after another? "

It's true that this Illusion can block movement and spiritual power...

But the creature that manipulates the Illusion has no idea that he can withstand such a terrifying mental shock!

Besides, I have been in this Illusion for three or four hours, and my body has already adapted to this Illusion!

Therefore, Xu Sheng wants to use spiritual power and action completely. There is no difficulty!

Presumably, Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo have also realized this!

sensed the alien creature that he was being provoked, and said hoarsely "Damn! ! Despicable human beings can survive under such circumstances, but..."

Xu Sheng's cold words interrupted it immediately, "There are no buts! Go away! ”

After the words were completely blurted out, Heaven and Earth, which was shrouded in black fog, began to fade away frantically at a speed visible to naked eyes...

The bright beams began to reappear. Lasing out...

It was followed by a screaming scream...

"! impossible! ! When exactly did you crack my Illusion! Do not! ! No Ahhhh!!!!!! ”

When the piercing scream disappeared completely, the Illusion was successfully broken...

Xu Sheng's consciousness returned to reality...

His inky eyes glanced at his body, indifferently said "Is it over? "

From the very beginning, the solution to this Illusion is very simple, but I never thought of it...

That is...



On the other side, Duanmu Shuo and Zhou Qingruo, who were in Illusion, looked up at Illusion, which had begun to fade...

Obviously not in one place, but it seemed to be synchronized They said in unison, "en? Has Illusion gone away? ”

After the Illusion has become shattered, with a trance, the consciousness of both of them are detached from the Illusion and return to the body...

Only Seeing Duanmu Lian rubbed his eyes and looked at "en? Qing Ruo, have you left Illusion too? "

Zhou Qingruo slightly "nods", softly "um" for a while...

paused and opened the mouth and said again, it should be Xu Sheng who cracked the Illusion! "

Both of them have seen through this Illusion, but who knew that it was broken first by Xu Sheng!

But it's okay, it saves a lot of trouble!


At this moment, Xu Sheng on the other side walked away and said with concern, "Qingruo, Miss Lian! Are you two okay? "

Since Zhou Qingruo and Duanmu Lian survived, they must have endured a mental shock no weaker than their own!

Duanmu Lian rubbed his head and whispered softly. Said "It's okay! That kind of violent mental shock is too painful, and it has not been relieved yet! "

Zhou Qingruo recalled the pain before, she couldn't help pursing her thin lips, nodded and said "en!" Like this superimposed mental shock, if it continues for a few more times, I can't resist it! "

Xu Sheng heard the words, did not urge to leave, but comforted, "Then let's rest here for a while..."

Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo heard the words , first glanced at each other, and then they all meditated cross-legged...

In a dangerous place like the Profound Abyss Domain, it is very important to restore the state!

… …

(end of this chapter)

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