Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1127


Chapter 1127 The possibility of returning to the Douluo plane (please subscribe)

absorbed Xu Sheng After the martial skill, the resistance of these creatures has obviously reached a terrifying level, and the flames all over their bodies seem to have been assimilated...

Next moment, the eyes of these creatures looked at Xu Sheng again, and roared loudly. Get up...

Under the long and narrow voice, it seems to be provoking Xu Sheng!

Xu Sheng's inky eyes turned a little cold, icily said, "Do you really think you can't do anything about evolution?"

next moment, majestic spiritual power It quickly condensed into a sword with a dazzling white glow in his hand, and after clenching it, he quickly swung it towards these creatures...

In an instant, several piercing breaths emanated from it. The 100-meter sword energy was released in an instant and rushed out in all directions...

I saw these sharp sword energy touch these creatures, and the sound of "pu 呲!!" sounded one after another. , cut them in half with no difficulty...

The blood of dark green sputtered out of its body, and the corpse was split in half, followed by a violent retching The breath of the aura...

Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes and said, "Does it really work? It seems that as long as you don't use the elemental martial skill to attack, you can kill these creatures!"

However, he guessed wrong!

Although these creatures were torn into pieces by sword energy, they still had strong consciousness, locked each other's positions, and began to move at a slow speed...

Until dozens of pieces of minced meat touched each other, they began to fuse like mud...

In a blink of an eye, several alien creatures of different shapes resurrected in new postures!

Xu Sheng subconsciously took a step back and secretly said in his heart, "It can be merged even after death! And then continue to live as a new creature! What the hell is this monster!"

Even Xu Sheng had to feel a chill about the ability of this creature...

Especially those monsters that were merged, either had a dozen scarlet eyes, or had six or seven Huge legs with the waistline of an adult tree!

These monsters showed a weird sneer one after another, and said intermittently ""

Although the words are vague, Xu Sheng vaguely Can hear the meaning of this sentence!

These monsters are saying they can't kill them!

Xu Sheng stared at these monsters for a long time before shrugged and said, "Well, I really can't beat you... So, I won't play with you!"

After the words fell, his decisive Yujian jumped into the air, and moved towards the depths of the waterfall with the help of swooping...

Seeing this, these monsters rushed with extremely fast The speed went to intercept, and even many jumped up, trying to strike down Xu Sheng of Controlling Sword Flight...

However, the results were very limited!

These fusion monsters that tried to block, after being severely impacted by the Spirit Sword, were broken down into pieces again and fell into the scarlet river

"pu" With a bang, Xu Sheng stepped on the Spirit Sword, and instantly fell into the depths of this waterfall...

The fusion monsters behind them stopped their pursuit, just so stupid Staring at the direction Xu Sheng left...


Entering Xu Sheng in the waterfall, took a deep breath, opened the mouth and said "Finally come in"

Immediately, he opened his eyes and looked towards the situation in the waterfall...

It was roughly the same as what he had in mind. Inside the waterfall, there was another Completely independent space! That is where the crack of the plane is!

After a careful search, Xu Sheng quickly found the terrifying crack with a size of thousands of meters in front of him, and violent winds continued to pour out of it...

If you get closer, you will most likely be pulled in by the suction, and then you will be strangled by the space in an instant! !

Xu Sheng's inky eyes froze, and he used spiritual power to construct a doppelganger that was almost exactly like him, and then moved towards this plane crack and slowly approached...

At first This doppelganger can also rely on spiritual power to temporarily resist the suction, but as the distance gets closer, the suction gradually reaches a terrifying level...

The doppelganger is instantly involved in the plane In the gap...

However, the result Xu Sheng imagined did not happen, he could still sense that the previous doppelganger had not been strangled according to the spiritual power!

This made him raise his eyebrows, saying curiously "Oh? This seemingly dangerous gap in the plane didn't kill it!"

But when he tried When the doppelganger came out of the crack of the plane, there was no movement at all...

It seems that the huge suction has cut off the probability that it can come out!

This means that if Xu Sheng enters it, although he will not lose his life immediately, he will be locked in it, and it will be difficult to escape from this crack...

However, if you don't enter, it will be a waste of time...

Thinking of this, Xu Sheng can't help falling into silence...

In this crack in the face, Even he didn't know that something existed. If it fell due to an accident, there would be no possibility of recovery...

After being silent for a few minutes, Xu Sheng's dark eyes revealed firmness. Color...

The purpose of coming to this plane is to close the crack in this plane. After all, if it is allowed to expand, it is likely to open up the channel with God Realm...

By then, it will be too late! !

Immediately, he looked towards the crack in the plane exuding a dangerous atmosphere...

Immediately, a burst of spiritual power enveloped his body, weakening all The suction...

In this way, Xu Sheng step by step approached the crack of the plane. When the suction was no longer able to resist the spiritual power, he directly gave up the resistance...

In the blink of an eye, a gust of wind instantly enveloped him, and drew it into the cracks of the plane...

Xu Sheng, who was involved in it, only felt a violent rush in his mind. I felt dizzy, and my perception of the surroundings began to blur...

It was difficult to relieve the dizziness by my own power for a while...

Afterwards, this severe dizziness lasted for an unknown amount of time. , began to slowly disappear...

And Xu Sheng's ink-colored eyes began to gradually clear...

He reached out and rubbed his somewhat drowsy head, pouring spiritual into it power, and try to dispel the dizziness that affects his judgment...

After solving these, Xu Sheng's eyes looked forward. The breath of fascination...

Even he was attracted by this strange sight for a while!

's eyes narrowed slightly, and he secretly said in his heart, "Is it possible to return to the Doluo plane?"

I saw not far ahead, there was a A row of vast white stairs! There is a faint divine breath in the middle...





(End of this chapter)

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