Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1129


Chapter 1129 Guardian (please subscribe)

But after speaking, Zhou Qingruo seemed to be watching The disappointment and sadness on Duanmu Lian's face...

In the bottom of my heart, I also felt a little uncomfortable, covered my mouth and coughed, "cough cough... However, if the other family did it, if Xu Sheng really did it. If you can find a way, maybe you can try it!"

This sentence does not carry any pity for the Duanmu family, it is purely to appease Duanmu Lian!

Yeah! Just that!

As for Duanmu Lian, who buried his head on the opposite side, a burst of rays of light suddenly appeared in those slightly dim beautiful eyes. He raised his eyes in disbelief and stared at Zhou Qingruo, stunned and said, "Qingruo you. Agreed? I knew that the patriarchs fell in such a sad way, and your heart must not feel very good!"

After finishing speaking, you approached her and stretched out his hand to hug her tightly. Live...

In her opinion, although Zhou Qingruo doesn't have any good feelings for the Duanmu family and doesn't want to have too much entanglement with them, she always has a father-daughter relationship with Duanmushuo, the patriarch. !

Maybe, she just covered up the sadness in her heart very well. In fact, the sadness is no lower than her own!

Looking at Duanmu Lian who hugged him tightly, Zhou Qingruo only felt that the other party at the moment was like a child! She didn't push it away...

Instead, she patted her back with some inexperience...

But next moment, she felt a fragrance from Duanmu Lian's The lovable body kept pouring in, and the smell made her cheeks blush a little...

I could even hear her heart beating faster...

In an instant, Zhou Qingruo, who was hugged tightly, had countless question marks in his heart, and said in amazement, "This is... what is this situation? Why do I face Duanmu Lian, and there is a situation when I am with Xu Sheng. ?"

Not only is the heartbeat accelerated, but even the cheeks become hot...

It stands to reason that they are both women, ordinary physical contact, impossible will have this reaction what!

Could it be that she...

A more appalling idea suddenly appeared in her mind...

Could it be that she treats Duanmu Lian's feelings, Same as for Xu Sheng? ? ?

is all love? ?

This is not right!

This is definitely not right! ! !

Thinking of this, Zhou Qingruo, whose face was flushed, subconsciously pushed away Duanmu Lian who was hugging her...

The latter took a few steps back and stabilized her figure, her face He showed a puzzled look on his face...

Why did he suddenly push himself away?

It wasn't until Zhou Qingruo came back to his senses that he realized that his reaction just now seemed a little extreme...

Facing the former's straight eyes, Zhou Qingruo Covering his blushing cheeks, he said, "Aren't you going to find Xu Sheng in the Profound Abyss domain? You should leave immediately, don't waste your time here!"

Duanmu Lian pursed her tender lips. , cautiously opened the mouth and said, "But Qing Ruo's face..."

I just hugged it lightly, so my cheeks wouldn't turn red like this, right?

Probably her own words touched her heart...

Zhou Qingruo, who had already felt a strong sense of shame, gritted her teeth and interrupted, "It's nothing, stop talking nonsense. Come on! Let's go!"

Duanmu Lian heard the words and didn't say anything more...

But if the former knew what was in her mind before, maybe she would do something Not necessarily anything!


And in the gap on the other side of the plane……

Xu Sheng, who was constantly breaking through the sacred ladder, suddenly stopped, Resisting the coercion emanating from it with spiritual power, the whole person began to gasp continuously...

After a few seconds, Xu Sheng raised his eyes awkwardly complexion, looking at the radiating rays The ladder of light...

Secretly opened the mouth and said, "It's only one hundred and thirty floors, but have you already reached this terrifying pressure? It's difficult to get to the top!"

That's right, Xu Sheng at this moment has reached the ladder of more than 130 layers, and the pressure it is receiving every second is at least thousands of times stronger! !

Although it won't completely crush him, it can also allow him to roughly judge where the limit he can reach...

However, just as he thought about it carefully. At the same time, from the upper stairs, a burst of dazzling rays of light suddenly erupted, covering the entire space...

After the rays of light dissipated, in the On the stairs stood two phantoms wearing golden armor, their cheeks were completely covered by the weird masks...

I saw one of the men clenched the lightsaber, Staring at Xu Sheng with ice-cold saying "Intruders! Retreat quickly! Otherwise...kill without mercy!"

Another man also echoed, "If you want to survive, get out of here quickly. This is not a place that ants like you can enter!"

At the same time as the words fell, those cold and ruthless eyes stared at Xu Sheng...

There is quite an imposing manner of doing something wrong...

Xu Sheng did not rush to do it, but narrowed his eyes and looked at the two people.

Their spiritual power level is not high, and Xu Sheng is an Immortal Monarch Realm!

But the only difference is that these two men seem to be composed of rays of light particles, melting every second...

It only takes about one hour , it will vanish!

After getting this information, Xu Sheng opened the mouth softly and said "You two, I don't mean to offend this place, it's just that some things have to reach the top!"

After listening Xu Sheng's words, the eyes of the two men flickered a few times, and sarcastically said in a disdainful tone, "The stairs to the top? Our souls can only reside in these hundreds of layers, but you want to rush to the top, it's just nonsense!"

Xu Sheng looked thoughtful nodded...

He didn't expect the two men in armor who suddenly appeared to be able to let him go easily...

The reason why he took the initiative to say these words is to get out of their mouths A little info!

In this way, it is easy to find a way...

Immediately, he did not show any anger, and said with some worry, "Why did you two say this? Is there anything else terrifying?"

Seeing Xu Sheng's timid appearance, the two men's vigilance relaxed a lot...

He grabbed the lightsaber with huge power in his hand and inserted it under the stairs...

Then in a self-deprecating tone, "terrifying?? More than terrifying! When you reach the top floor When you reach the stairs, it's your time to perish!"

"No one has ever reached the top, because they all perished on the way! Boy, I advise you to do it yourself!! Now retreat, you can still save A little life!"

Although it was not obvious, Xu Sheng caught some key points from the latter's words!

No one can reach, fall on the way, and the soul resides here! !

When Xu Sheng connected these short strings of words together, his dark eyes could not help shrinking...



(end of this chapter)

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