Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1135


Chapter 1135 Discovery of Xu Sheng’s Existence (Subscribe)

Good God As soon as the words came out, the faces of the other gods present became even more ugly...

God of Evil looked towards Tang San and asked, "Sea God, what can you do, now that the God of Creation is not here, The entire God Realm should be more obedient to you!"

The god of goodness is also nodded, agreeing, "That's right, although Ji Dong and I are God Kings, we can't face most Level 1 gods. What a right to speak!"

In terms of their strengths, they are even weaker than some Level 1 gods, if it wasn't for their Spirit fusion skills, they could exert great power, God The position of King has long been unstable!

Although the God of Judgment is no weaker than Sea God, his prestige is far less than the former who has been the God King for so long!

When Qianyu heard the words, he immediately understood the meaning of the words. After calmly pursing his lips, he looked at them lightly...

He was ignorant of these empty heads. I don't dare to be interested in things...

If there is a way to solve the cracks in the plane, it will be good!

Tang San mused, "God Realm is our last natural habitat, and nature is impossible to let it destroy!"

They are also God Kings, and the only chance is impossible to bet on Xu Sheng must do something himself...

After a pause, he opened the mouth again and said, "The crack of this plane is so powerful that it is impossible to close it by relying on our four gods! It is a matter of great importance, and we must call on all the gods of God Realm to participate together! At least, we must join hands to slow down its spread.”

Besides Xu Sheng, who was listening to their discussions like the air, seeing Tang San Having said this suggestion, I couldn't help raising my eyebrows and said, "en? It's a good idea to gather all the powers of God Realm to fight together, but it's not that easy to do!"

When I ruled God Realm, I even used martial power in order to make some arrogant Level 1 gods bow their heads, but with little success!

These gods are not intimidated by the threat of death in the slightest, and they still do things their own way, completely disregarding any God Realm magistrates...

Self All the same, even more how Tang San!

I saw Qianyu next to him heard the words, nodded and agreed, "I agree with what Sea God said, but everyone knows that some Level 1 gods are difficult to control, and they are not bound by anyone. At a critical moment, the chain may fall off!"

That's not what they hoped for!

God of Evil and Level, your meaning, looked at Tang San seriously, opened the mouth and said, "Then Sea God??? How to solve these people who don't obey orders 1 God!"

A hesitant look appeared on Tang San's cheeks, "This..."

These Level 1 gods are the mainstay of God Realm, even if they are God King, it is also difficult to handle!

Just when he was in doubt, Xu Sheng, who was standing by the side, burst out with a monstrous creation divine force, and coldly shouted "Kill!!" without any hesitation.

This kind of unacceptable Level 1 god will become more and more arrogant in the future. It is better to take advantage of this incident as an excuse to forcibly settle it! !

Although Xu Sheng said nothing, but the emotions he showed, under the rendering of the strong creation divine force all over his body, actually affected the space where he is now...

Tang San, who originally planned to solve this matter in a softer way, suddenly had a fierce killing intent in his heart...

The tone was ice-cold saying "If those Level 1 gods don't obey Management, then, don't show any mercy, kill it on the spot!!"

Feeling the strong killing intent that erupted from Tang San for the first time, the God of Kindness and the others also understood, the former is very serious this time!

And those arrogant Level 1 gods, if they don't choose to make the right choice, the situation will be dangerous!

Seeing that Qianyu had already negotiated almost, he opened the mouth and said "Then just follow what Sea God said, God Kings, I will leave first!"

, then turned around and left without the slightest hesitation...

When the god of goodness saw this, those beautiful eyes flickered a few times and said, "Then me and the evil also left first, this It's better to notify as soon as possible!"

God of Evil slightly nodded, so the two gods also left here...

After their three people have all left , Tang San was the only one left in the place...

I saw his pair of light blue eyes with complicated colors, and looked towards one of the directions...

"Brother Sheng, is it you who gave me no reason to raise that killing intent just now?"

As a Sea God, he can naturally control his emotions, but the fierceness just now killing intent is not my original intention at all!

Then, there is only one possibility, which is influenced by certain factors...

Although, what I see in front of my eyes is nothing!

Xu Sheng, who was looking at Tang San, said in a complicated tone, "It's me, God Realm, I'm going to trouble Little San!"

My emotions can depend on the creativity This is beyond my expectations...

So, if this is the case, can Tang San still understand?

After finishing speaking, Xu Sheng once again burst out with a terrifying Divine Force of Creation, constantly affecting the environment all around...

Vaguely visible, between him and Tang In the middle of San, a gust of wind blew without warning...

Seeing this strange scene of Tang San, his eyes narrowed quietly...

"so that's how it is! I understand, Brother Sheng, on the other side of the world, please!"

If he was not sure before that his mood changes were influenced by Xu Sheng, after all Everything you see before your eyes is nothing!

But now, I can be 100% sure that Xu Sheng is around me, and he has heard all the previous conversations!

This will tell yourself this by affecting your emotions!

As for why Xu Sheng couldn't be seen or even touched, Tang San's explanation in his heart was only one sentence!

That is Xu Sheng is coming to God Realm in another form, and the limitation is that its form has become "invisible"!

Seeing Tang San and merging these unrelated things together, Xu Sheng couldn't help but be dumbfounded after conjecturing his existence...

He thought to himself. Said, "Can this be inferred? He really has a tacit understanding with himself!"

When he ruled God Realm, he never saw his brain so smart, didn't expect his observational power and logic to be unexpected. So terrifying! !

However, the purpose of entering here has been achieved, and I have also obtained the dive force unexpectedly. It is time to leave here!

Thinking of this, he took a deep look at Tang San, turned around and moved towards the illusory gate behind him and walked towards...

And Tang San, who was standing there, felt The emotions in my heart were less and less affected, and I suddenly realized that Xu Sheng might have to leave...

Loudly said with a firm look, "Brother Sheng, you can leave at ease, God Realm this As long as I'm here, I'll be fine!"

Xu Sheng paused, lightly said with a smile "en! It's up to you!"

Immediately, again Take a step and step into this illusory gate...


(end of this chapter)

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