Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1152


Chapter 1152 Yun Family Banned? (Please subscribe)

The next day, Xu Sheng, Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo left the Mo Family mansion and moved towards other parts of Central Plains...

Although Xu Sheng also I don't know where to go next, but he has made a rough estimate. It will take at least seven days for his dive force to fully recover!

That is to say, as long as he continues to stay in this cultivation world for seven days and the dive force is fully recovered, he can completely destroy the space tunnels of the two planes and leave here!

Duanmu Lian glanced ahead, and then asked Xu Sheng puzzledly, "Xu Sheng, where are we going now?"

Although she and Zhou Qing Ruo planned to follow Xu Sheng, but from the beginning to the end, the latter never said where the destination of their trip was!

This can't help but make people feel uneasy in the bottom of my heart...

Xu Sheng heard the words, a few embarrassed expressions appeared on his face, "I don't care about Central Plains either. It's clear! So..."

Even if he can use the divide force to perceive the entire Central Plains clearly, it doesn't have much effect...

He just simply wants to be in this paragraph Waiting for his dive force to recover...

Zhou Qingruo's amber beautiful eyes glanced at him, and grim explained, "The entire Central Plains is divided into two halves, half of which is made by Duanmu Family , Mo Family and other families are controlled, while the other half is controlled by the other Great Family! Both of them have their own business!"

But the difference is that the former's comprehensive strength is not at all. The latter can be compared!

Even in the culture world, there are rumors that there is a legendary powerhouse in the other half of Central Plains, but most people just take it as a joke Look!

After all, no other powerhouse at the Emperor Level has appeared for thousands of years!

At this moment, Xu Sheng stared at the scene in front of him and interrupted Zhou Qingruo's words, "Have you stepped into the other half of Central Plains from here? The overall strength is indeed stronger!"

After using spiritual power to sense it at will, I knew that this little family in front of me actually owns the powerhouse of Immortal Monarch Realm!

I saw Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo heard the words, and they also cast their eyes and looked at the small family in front of them...

When they also sensed that there was an Immortal Monarch Realm inside When the powerhouse was opened, the former was surprised and said, "Even this small family that looks unremarkable has an Immortal Monarch Realm powerhouse!! It seems that the other half of Central Plains is indeed not to be underestimated"

Mingming On the other side, only the top rank families like the Duanmu Family have the powerhouses of Immortal Monarch Realm and above...

The current scene completely broke her cognition!

Zhou Qingruo also squinted his eyes and said, "According to this situation, there may be an existence of the emperor realm!"

Xu Sheng shook the head and said, "Impossible, I The entire Central Plains has already been perceived, and the cultivation base of the most powerhouse is only in Saint Realm! There is no Emperor Realm!"

However, it is also possible that the powerhouse that has reached the Emperor Realm wears shielded spiritual power Treasure, this has avoided his own detection!

But in addition to these, he also found a very "interesting" thing!

After a few seconds of pause, Xu Sheng opened the mouth again and said "Anyway, let's get out of here first."

But just as the three of them were about to leave here, At that time, the Disciples in charge of guarding this small family had already discovered Xu Sheng and the others!

As several strands of spiritual power erupted, these Disciples surrounded Xu Sheng and the others in the blink of an eye...

The Disciple headed by them questioned " Stop! Who are you? Why are you spying on my Yun Family!"

The Disciples behind him also echoed, "If you are sensible, tell me quickly, or don't blame us for being rude!"

"hmph! I saw them sneaking around here just now, and it's definitely a problem to want to leave now that we're here!"

"I think it's better to catch them and wait for the patriarch to decide!"


Xu Sheng saw this and explained calmly, "We just passed by this place! We didn't mean to peep." He was staring at the Disciples in front of him...

Hearing his words, the Disciple headed resolutely rejected his words, said with a sneer "Do you really think we are stupid? This is a forbidden place for our Yun Family, no one is allowed to enter, if you are not here for peeping, why are you here!"

What nonsense forbidden place, but just a reason...

He just wanted to catch all these guys!

Duanmu Lian couldn't help frowned, and secretly said, "Are the Disciples of these small families so unreasonable?"

They are directly using the power of Xu Sheng He was quickly teleported to this place, so he didn't even know that this place was a forbidden place for the Yun Family in front of him.

And Zhou Qingruo was even more direct, scolded with a cold face, "Tell you Yun Family's Disciple to go away, we are not interested in entanglement with you here"

She was sympathetic to Duanmu. Xu Sheng can be gentle, but treating the rest of the world without direct action is fine!

led Disciple only to feel ashamed to be told by a woman, fly into a rage out of humiliation and said, "hmph! It makes sense to break into the forbidden area of my Yun Family! Come on! Catch them! ”

In an instant, the eyes of these Yun Family Disciples had a strong look of unkindness, and they even had several points of **…

next moment, they moved towards The three of Xu Sheng rushed to...

Zhou Qingruo's face turned cold, coldly shouted "courting death!!"

After the words fell, she pulled out her shining The saber suddenly burst out with a terrifying Immortal Monarch Realm aura...

Then, he moved the saber towards the ground in front of him and slammed it into the ground...

“ Bang!!" A loud noise, the shock wave full of shocks took her as the origin, moved towards all around and spread away...

When it hit these Yun Family Disciples, it made them forcibly. Flying upside down...

"Ah Ahhhh!!!!"

All Disciples smashed to the ground one after another, the whole scene is so spectacular...

And Disciple, the leader, saw the scene in front of him, his whole body trembled involuntarily, and a strong sense of fear appeared on his cheeks...

The corners of his mouth trembled and said, "This woman is actually a fairy...Immortal Monarch... Realm powerhouse??"

The other Yun Family Disciples also stood up again, staring at Xu Sheng with fear...

They opened their mouths and said, "A single blow will kill them. Give Zhenfei so many of us, I'm afraid her cultivation base should be at Immortal Monarch Realm, so this woman will definitely satisfy patriarch!"

"Then why don't you hurry up and inform patriarch, If these guys run away, then we will lose face!"

"hmph! These three guys can now be rampant. Now, when the patriarch comes, definitely let them not have the will to live, unable to ask for death! "

Hearing these words, Duanmu Lian asked Xu Sheng with a puzzled face, "Xu Sheng, do you know what these Disciples mean?" "

And Zhou Qingruo, who was in front, also cast a questioning look at Xu Sheng...

In response, the corner of Xu Sheng's mouth just raised an arc, and said very mysteriously" You'll know right away"





( End of this chapter)

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