Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1155


Chapter 1155 The Weakness of Soul Demons (Subscribe)

When these Soul Demons are about to attack When Xu Sheng was in the middle, the latter's ink-colored eyes suddenly condensed, and terrifying spiritual power erupted from his body...

Moreover, these spiritual powers began to condense at a very fast speed into a barrier with rays of light. He was protected in it...

But in the next second, when the barrier constructed by spiritual power collided with these attacking soul monsters, it penetrated directly and was not hindered at all. To them...

Vaguely visible, these densely packed soul demons just forcibly slammed into Xu Sheng's body, and then quickly passed through him...

Violently The pain came instantly, but it only made Xu Sheng cold "hmph", and there was no change in his face...

It was as if nothing had happened...

See In this scene, Yun Family patriarch rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe it, "What... what? He was hit by the soul demon incarnated by my Yun Family Disciples, but he didn't show any pain! What is this kid's situation? ?"

He was well aware of the violent impact on his spirit after being hit by the soul demon, and he couldn't believe that someone could resist it with an expressionless face!

Moreover, he is a man who is almost the same as his cultivation base!

As for Duanmu Lian and Duanmu Lian who saw Xu Sheng being hit by these soul demons, a black line appeared on their foreheads...

Xu Sheng was obviously able to hide Open, but they just want to use their bodies to fight hard, and they are no stranger to this!

When he was in the Profound Abyss domain, he also liked to do it. As for the purpose, it seems to be to make the other party more desperate!

But this also made them roughly know that the barrier condensed with spiritual power could not stop these soul monsters in front of them! !

Just as he was thinking about it, Duanmu Lian's beautiful eyes happened to see the dense soul demons in front of them and set their targets on the two of them. Grim opened the mouth and said "Qingruo." , these spirit demons are here again!"

If Qing Ruo hadn't pulled herself back a few steps in time, I'm afraid she would have been instantly hit by these Gui Mei-like spirit demons. !

So, vigilance has been raised quite high!

Zhou Qingruo heard the words, nodded opened the mouth and said "en! These spirit monsters are all illusory Spirit Physiques, and ordinary spiritual power attacks cannot cause effective damage to them!"


Duanmu Lian frowned and asked again, "Then what should we do?

Zhou Qingruo's amber beautiful eyes gleamed for a while, and seriously said, "Avoid their impact first. ! Then try attacking them with a psychic martial skill! Maybe it works! "

Since the opponent is a Soul Body, it shouldn't be wrong to use a mental attack!

"roar! ! ! "The violent roar sounded from the mouths of these spirit demons again...

Before they could say a few more words, the eyes of these densely packed spirit demons froze, hiding the sky and covering The earth swept in...

Immediately, Duanmu Lian and the two did not hesitate, and coldly shouted "Heaven Middle Grade martial skill, Tianyinbu! "

"Heavenly Rank high grade martial skill, Blood Lotus Jiugongbu!" ”

The speed of those who have used movement method martial skill has been greatly improved, but they can only barely dodge these fast diving soul demons...

See you At this scene, the soul demon transformed by the Yun Family patriarch gradually filled with a strong killing intent, and said gloomily, "hmph! ! Do you really think our attack is so easy to dodge? ”

After the words fell, its body burst into flames and attacked Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo with a speed that naked eyes could not see, wanting to hit them with his own hands!

Zhou Qingruo, who had managed to dodge the attacks of these spirit monsters, was just about to breathe a sigh of relief...

But next moment, an unprecedented sense of crisis came from behind her again...

Without any hesitation, she immediately turned her head to look...

When she saw that Yun Family patriarch had transformed the soul demon that was infinitely close to her, her pupils were sharp. The ground shrank, and couldn't help but cry out in surprise, "So fast! ! "

She wanted to dodge, but it was obviously too late!

The soul demon hit its body directly, and then passed through...

Zhou Qingruo only felt a severe mental pain coming from her whole body, and even made her feel dizzy and couldn't move at all...

But it's not over yet!! Seeing that Zhou Qingruo had lost the ability to move, the other spirit demons rushed towards her again hiding the sky and covering the earth...

Duanmu Lian anxiously said "Qingruo! ! ! "

In desperation, she had no choice but to rush to Zhou Qingruo's body to resist these soul monsters attacking Zhou Qingruo, and let them madly attack her...

Suddenly, Duanmu Lian felt like he was being bitten by ten thousand ants, and his spirit was on the verge of collapse...

He couldn't help but let out a tragic voice...

"Ahhh Ahhhh!!!!!! "

The corner of Yun Family patriarch's mouth twitched, taunted "hmph hmph! Stupid!" ! He even tried to resist the attacks of these soul monsters for others! "

In his opinion, it won't be long before this woman's spirit will collapse and become a complete idiot!

After all, not everyone is opposite. That man!

He is simply a monster!!


On the other side, seeing Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo’s situation is a bit miserable , Xu Sheng's ink-colored eyes are getting colder...

It seems that these guys who are in the way must be quickly resolved!

And the opposite is by Yun Family Disciples The transformed soul demon didn't realize the seriousness of the problem at all...

They all looked at Xu Sheng with mocking eyes, opened the mouth and said "jié jié jié...Now you guys Do you know how good my Yun Family is? This Clan Protecting Great Array is just one of our Yun Family's trump cards! ! "

"Even the soul demon we transformed into can't resist, just die, maybe there will be a whole corpse!" "

"Yes, after you die, your body will be absorbed by us as nutrients, hahaha haha!" ! The thought of having three Immortal Monarch Realms for us to absorb makes me excited! "

"hmph, weren't those two women very arrogant just now? Now I am not punished by my Yun Family patriarch! "

Xu Sheng just pursed his thin lips, he didn't want to talk nonsense with them, and secretly said in his heart "Creation. Divine Sword!" ”

After the words fell, in front of his eyes, the divine force melted quietly, forming a golden Divine Sword exuding violent rays of light...

The coercion exuded caused a gust of wind in the surrounding space...

The appearance of this Divine Sword made the eyes of these spirit monsters have a greedy look...

They all swallowed their throats, opened the mouth and said "This... what treasure is this? ? It looks great! ! "

"No matter what the treasure is, it can't hit us. We, who are transformed into soul demons, are immune to all physical attacks!" ! ! "

"Come on, let's go together!" kill this guy! Hide the treasure in his hand! ! ! ”

After these words fell, these soul demons couldn’t help showing a cruel smile, and after locking Xu Sheng, they rushed in at a very fast speed...



(end of this chapter)

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