Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1169


Chapter 1169 Be sure to bring their bodies (please subscribe)

After listening to this sentence, Duanmu Lian My heart felt a lot better for no reason. Those demon cultivators attacked them with a fierce killing intent. Although I am kind, I am not Holy Mother!

Especially the demon cultivator, who has no conscience, she wants to destroy them all from the bottom of her heart!

Immediately, nodded and said "so that's how it is, I thought it was Xu Sheng who let them go!"

Xu Sheng opened the mouth with a smile and said "I At first, I thought about letting them go, but Qing Ruo definitely didn't want to, so I killed them."

In an instant, Duanmu Lian's heart rose with joy, and he said a little shyly. "Xu Sheng he... What he means by this sentence is that the reason why he killed those demon cultivators was thinking of me?" Xu Sheng and Duanmu Lian looked at each other, and said with a bit of jealousy in their cold words, "Xu Sheng, Lian, don't be too careless, the guy who was hiding in the dark has now left, what will happen next? "

Although she acquiesced that Duanmu Lian could have the same right to like Xu Sheng as she did, it didn't mean that she would back down!

Duanmu Lian immediately came back to his senses, Chaozhou Qingruo opened the mouth and said "Qingruo, you shouldn't be..."

she She felt a little remorse in her heart, and she unnaturally drew closer to Xu Sheng, no wonder Qingruo looked so bad...

It seems that you have to pay attention next time, try not to make it easy A move that caused misunderstandings...

Xu Sheng raised his chin and thought, "What Qingruo said makes sense. The demon cultivator who was hiding in the dark before must have been sent by someone!"

Moreover, the words he said when the other party left made him still a little curious...

Who is that so-called adult?

could even anticipate the appearance of himself and the others in advance, and specially sent a demon cultivator to observe...

Suddenly, an idea emerged in his heart...

Could it be...

He secretly said, "If that's the case, then it would be much more interesting!"

Seeing Xu Sheng alone was stunned. Now, Duanmu Lian interrupted, "Xu Sheng, don't be stunned, where should we go now?"

Before Xu Sheng could speak, the little Clouds Swallowing Beast interjected, "This Uncle still thinks Go back, and if you keep moving forward, you may meet more demonic cultivators, when the time comes, except for this man, you are just a burden!"

Zhou Qingruo's amber eyes narrowed, coldly shouted "Shut up, you are a captured monster beast, you are not qualified to be here, stop talking nonsense and chop off your head"

Feeling the strong killing intent in the words, Clouds Swallowing Beast immediately shut down He opened his mouth and said "wu wu...wu wu" with a fearful expression on his face.

Although people can't understand it, they can also understand that this sentence means begging for mercy!

Xu Sheng also picked up this Clouds Swallowing Beast, calmly said "Go ahead, since our goal is to kill all the demonic cultivators, it's naturally impossible to go home because of being watched. "

However, the factor that really affects his decision is the agreement with the plane spirit!

As long as you get rid of all the demonic cultivators in Central Plains, you can take control of this plane yourself as easy as blowing off dust!

Duanmu Lian praised without hesitation, "As expected of Xu Sheng!"

Immediately, he looked towards Clouds Swallowing Beast with disgust, scolded "What are you still doing? , hurry up and turn into a carriage, if it doesn't even work, I really don't know what reason I can find not to kill you"

The humble Clouds Swallowing Beast just feels like a sheep into a wolf Group, anyone can bully themselves at will!

But there is no way, I have no ability to resist!

In desperation, I had to transform into the carriage again. After Xu Sheng and the others were all seated, they continued to move forward...


At this moment, in a mansion in Central Plains that exudes a violent and dark atmosphere, a strong spiritual power coercion emerges in the surrounding space, which vaguely makes people feel like they are about to suffocate...

Vaguely, a man suddenly emerged from the unremarkable corner, and then moved towards the great hall not far away at a very fast speed...

Needless to say, this man is impressively The demon cultivator monitoring Xu Sheng and the others!

Let him walk outside the great hall, squat down slowly, and say in a very respectful tone, "Sect Master! I have something to report!"

Silence for a while. Seconds later, an extremely hoarse voice came from this great hall...

"Come in!"

Hearing this sentence, the demon cultivator stood up. He got up, pushed open the door of the great hall and walked in...

When he stepped into the great hall, the whole person's mind was startled for no reason, but he felt that several extremely sharp eyes were watching Looking at himself...

In an instant, cold sweat broke out on his forehead...

He squatted down quickly and looked at the man sitting on the chair in front of him. A terrifying old man!

brace oneself opened the mouth and said “Sect Master!”

The old man raised his brows, face doesn’t change and said “en! Say it carefully, you What do you want to report?"

Speaking of this, the words suddenly turned cold, and continued, "If you can't satisfy me, do you know the consequences?"

After saying this, the coercion of terrifying It swept the entire space in an instant...

In addition to the old man in front of him, there were also several powerful demon cultivators in the hall! Every one's cultivation base is above Immortal Monarch Realm, and many even reach Saint Realm!

Under this pressure, even they felt that their breathing was stagnant for a few seconds...

And the demon cultivator, who was squatting on the ground, naturally didn't need to say more, his tone trembled. He said everything he observed...

After hearing this, the old man's dark eyes narrowed, and he was quite surprised and said, "Oh? So, my prediction is not wrong, The guy who might hinder us from ruling Central Plains is here early."

The demon cultivator crouched on the ground opened the mouth again and said "Sect Master, in addition to what he just said, this man will also Use a strange power to resist the Immortal Monarch Realm's attack with no difficulty!"

The old man's expression did not change, but the rest of the demonic cultivators were not so calm...

They opened the mouth and said in a disdainful tone, "hmph! What a waste, asking you to peep is really just peeping, don't you know that they were assassinated in secret?"

"You bastard can only do something like this, I don't know if it was discovered by the other party!"

"tsk tsk tsk, after all, the other party is just an ordinary Immortal Monarch Realm. , even if there is some means, it is simply impossible to destroy our Demon Cultivator in Central Plains like the big population!"

"We have so many Demon Cultivators in Central Plains, just consuming all the energy will kill this guy. , not to mention that we have a cultivation base higher than Saint Realm!”

The last demon cultivator even cup one fist in the other hand and said, “Sect Master, I am willing to shoot, I must be absolutely sure. Remove the heads of those three people in a few days!"

The old man gave him a glance, opened the mouth and said "No...from this, you all person, go together, be sure to take them away corpses!"

The demon cultivators looked at each other, and Not daring to disobey each other, they said in unison, "Yes! "

At this time, the old man propped up his chin...

Only when he saw the bodies of the three people with his own eyes could the ominous omen in his heart be able to calm down...


(End of this chapter)

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