Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1172


Chapter 1172 Kill the demonic cultivator (please subscribe)

Xu Sheng gave a soft smile and said softly, "Look Your strength isn't that great?"

But those icy eyes stared at the demon cultivator, who was slumped on the ground, gasping for breath, and the latter's eyes were full of deepness. Deeply terrified...

This guy!

It's just a proper monster! Obviously everyone is an Immortal Monarch Realm, and he and the others are powerful demon cultivators, but he was able to kill one of them with no difficulty in the shortest possible time!

He glanced around from the corner of his eyes and found that the demon cultivators other than himself were completely suppressed by the two women!

Five to three, it can be said that there is no advantage at all! And it is estimated that it will not be long before these demon cultivators will be defeated!

Thinking of this, the demonic cultivator gritted his teeth and stared at Xu Sheng in front of him, and threatened in a gloomy tone, "Damn!! Who are you guys who dare to take care of our affairs, if we go out? What's the matter, the three of you will be hunted endlessly!"

Xu Sheng raised his eyebrows, calmly said "Are you threatening me?"

After he finished speaking, he squeezed his palm slightly, and in an instant, it seemed that an invisible big hand grabbed the throat of this demonic cultivator and lifted him forcibly...

The latter only felt the strong The suffocation was hiding the sky and covering the earth, and the complexion ashen coughed, "cough cough..."

As Xu Sheng suddenly increased his strength, the neck of the demonic cultivator Suddenly, a crisp "click" sound was heard, and his wide eyes seemed a little restless, and his whole body slumped so slowly, losing his vitality...

Immediately afterwards , and threw it on the cold ground...

On the other side, Zhou Qingruo's amber beautiful eyes full of chills were looking at the two severely injured demon cultivators in front of him. , coldly shouted "Go to hell! Immortal Rank middle grade martial skill! Heavenly Ting Luohuang Slash!"

The saber clenched in her hand, when even transformed into a size of dozens of meters The sword energy, not only that, there is also a terrifying and devastating thunder all around this sword energy, you can see the huge power it contains with naked eyes!

The two demon cultivators opposite Zhou Qingruo felt a strong oppression force pouring out of Zhou Qingruo's body, and their faces paled a bit...

They thought about it before. To abolish the spiritual power of this woman, and leave their lives to be trained as slaves!

But now it seems, accidentally, the loss is his own life! !

One of the demon cultivator's scarlet had a bit of unwillingness in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn! Let's go together!!"

The other demon cultivator beside him Grim's nodded "Good!"

Only one of them can't stop the terrifying sword energy!

Next moment, they released their martial skills. When the phantom appeared in front of them, Qi Qi moved towards Zhou Qingruo and rushed away...

"Bang" !!"

The earth-shattering explosion resounded in this space, and the whole around was shrouded in a dazzling rays of light...

even the ground All split up and in pieces by the violent impact!

After the rays of light disappeared, the scene was revealed...

Zhou Qingruo stood there unscathed and thought, staring blankly. The demon cultivator who collapsed in a pool of blood and was torn into two halves...

Obviously, even if the two demon cultivators joined forces, they did not stop her blow!


Duanmu Lian clenched his saber and smashed the two demon cultivators in front of him with a single blow, causing them to fly backwards a few steps before they were able to survive. Stabilizing her figure...

One of the demon cultivators cursed inwardly, "Damn! There's something wrong with this woman's strength! Isn't she Immortal Monarch Realm! Why does it make me feel so hard? Tangle!"

Another demon cultivator said anxiously, "If this continues, we will be beheaded by her sooner or later..."

But before he could say After finishing, he caught a glimpse of the corpses of his comrades who had been wiped out from the corner of his eyes, and couldn't help but cry out in surprise, "What?? Obviously they are Immortal Monarch Realm, and it is five to three!

Why are they beheaded so easily by the same realm people?

Could it be that the strength of the other two is not worse than the woman in front of me? ?

Hearing this exclamation, Duanmu Lian's eyes subconsciously glanced around, when even he found that Xu Sheng and Zhou Qingruo had already eliminated their opponents, and now there is only himself...

He narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems... I have to hurry up too!"

After the words fell, the whole person rushed towards the two people in front of him again without the slightest hesitation. demonic cultivator ......

Now she doesn't hold back at all, and every blow is extremely tricky, making these demonic cultivator you can't guard against it!

After a few minutes of passive resistance, the two passively resisting demon cultivators were finally found by Duanmu Lian to a deadly weak spot...

A cold glow passed over them With a "pu 呲" sound, they cut off their heads...

Immediately, he used these demonic cultivator costumes to wipe his blood-stained saber clean...

The sect Elder, who felt a little unfulfilled, came back to his senses and sighed, "Is this the strength of their three people? They can face five Immortal Monarch Realm without falling behind! Even in the Killing it in a short time! Enough to see the gap between Immortal Monarch Realm"

Thinking of this, he smirked wryly to the head...

Heard this before When a man says he is a burden, he is still a little unconvinced in his heart!

After all, he and they are Immortal Monarch Realm, but now it seems that what he said is not wrong, if he goes up to it, it will be of no use at all...

It's just a burden That's it!

But the sect disciples behind them didn't think so. After seeing all these demonic cultivators were killed, everyone's faces were very excited...

Among them One Disciple loudly shouted "It's amazing!! He actually killed all these demonic cultivators!"

The other Disciple was full of adoration, nodded and said "That's right. , especially the woman's last blow, which instantly wiped the heads of the two demonic cultivators, so handsome!"

"It's not a loss for us to trade treasure for our lives!! hahaha ha !"

"Survived! We survived! These damn demonic cultivators have finally been killed!!"

Wait until the three of Xu Sheng walked back again After that, the sect elder said with great gratitude, "many thanks to the three rescuers, didn't expect your strength to be so strong! You killed those five demon cultivators so easily!"

The tone of his speech was full of admiration...

Xu Sheng just smiled indifferently, "No need to thank us, besides, didn't you also pay a price for treasure?"

After finishing speaking, his dark eyes squinted at the dark golden box that was thrown aside...

He was still a little curious about what treasure was in the box...

The Elder was embarrassed Scratched his head, "Ha...haha, that's what I said, since these demonic cultivators have been resolved, we have to leave, if fated will meet again!"

After saying this, he led the The Disciples at the back left quickly...

He swore that he would never come to this piece of Central Plains again in this life, it is a gathering place of demonic cultivators!



(end of this chapter)

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