Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1174


Chapter 1174 Removal of side effects (please subscribe)

Duanmu Lian, who can’t figure it out, is full of doubts "Xu Sheng, did you just say something wrong? The side effects of this medicine pill are so strong"

Xu Sheng shook the head, seriously opened the mouth and said "no! That's right, I did. I want to give you these medicine pills!"

Zhou Qingruo's brows wrinkled, but the next second, she seemed to understand what Xu Sheng meant, and gradually relaxed...

Xu Sheng is impossible to harm them, and he proposes to let them take these two medicine pills, it is very likely that he can solve the side effects on the medicine pills!

Without side effects, the effect of this medicine pill is simply terrifying!

It is no exaggeration to say that if it is known to the entire cultivation world, it will attract countless sects and families to hunt down and kill!

This is a great realm upgrade! And there are no side effects. If those powerhouses who have reached Saint Realm grab them and take them, wouldn’t the cultivation base jump directly to the Emperor Realm!

Duanmu Lian heard the words, and there was a hesitant look on her delicate cheeks...

After a few seconds, she gritted her teeth and said, "Xu Sheng, since it's what you said, I believe in you!"

After she finished speaking, she took a deep breath, took the medicine pill to her thin lips, and wanted to swallow it...

You can take it down. For a second, she felt her head buzzing a few times, and the medicine pill in her hand had already arrived at Xu Sheng...

She rubbed her head a little aggrievedly, and complained "Xu Sheng, you What do you do, it hurts!"

Xu Sheng didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "Stupid! Who told you to take this medicine pill directly? Are you really not afraid of side effects? ”

This Duanmu Lian is sometimes very shrewd, and sometimes too simple...

Duanmu Lian, who was asked back, could not help clenching his palms, staring at Xu Sheng with evil eyes. Said, "Didn't you just ask me to eat it? Qingruo is watching, don't you want to admit it?"

"You mean it? Qingruo?"

Zhou Qingruo's amber beautiful eyes flickered a few times, and indifferently said "don't ask me, I didn't hear anything..."

Xu Sheng raised a bit of teasing in his heart, shrugged his shoulders. "Look, I'll just say it?"

Duanmu Lian looked at Xu Sheng, and then looked at Zhou Qingruo, who was selling himself, and pouted and said aggrievedly, ", hmph! Husband sings and wives follow, they even united to bully me!"

Xu Sheng was almost joking and interrupted, "Okay, don't feel wronged, these two medicine pills are indeed for you and Qing. If you eat it, but let me process it with divide force to get rid of the side effects of the medicine pill"

Duanmu Lian said sideways "hmph...even if you...get rid of the side effects???"

But when she was halfway through her words, her face froze...

Next moment, Shui Lingling's eyes gleamed for a while, and she stared at Xu Sheng in front of her. ...

The tone seemed a little urgent and said, "Remove the side effects, doesn't it mean that if Qing Ruo and I take it, we will have a breakthrough to Saint Real without any side effects. m! ”

Xu Sheng nodded slightly and said

, “It seems that you finally understand.”

In this regard, Zhou Qingruo understood it, almost instantly and clearly understood Thoughts...

It's not like Duanmu Lian, and I have to explain it in detail!

As for the Clouds Swallowing Beast, who is about to close his eyes and fall asleep, it seems that When I heard some unbelievable words, I suddenly opened my eyes...

secretly cry out in surprise "What is the dive force this man said? ! It even has the effect of purifying medicine pills! "

Soon, it saw what the so-called "divine force" was!

Xu Sheng's dark eyes narrowed, and he stretched out his hand and tossed it gently. A medicine pill that exudes a charming aura just hangs in mid-air...

Next moment, he secretly said, "Creation Divine Force! ”

Pitch black’s trembling Destruction Power was released all over the body, and soon, another light green, soft enough to make people want to get close to Life Power also emerged...


Under the control of Xu Sheng, these two forces slowly merged together, forming a creative divide force that exudes a strong sense of suffocation in the entire space!

Not only In this way, a thick black fog appeared immediately above the bright sky, covering it perfectly, including the ground, which kept shaking under the shroud of this power, and the violent wind was blowing continuously, okay? Shocking!

Clouds Swallowing Beast's eyes stared at the strangeness in the sky, and he wondered, "This... what kind of power is this? ? Even the sky and the earth are afraid! ! Can anyone really control this power? ”

Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo next to them, their eyes filled with astonishment again...

They thought that Xu Sheng's limit was the same as before, Now it seems that his power is hundreds of times stronger than he imagined!!!

I'm afraid, even the so-called Saint Realm, the emperor's realm, is just casual in front of him What can be obliterated

Xu Sheng did not pay attention to the actions of Zhou Qingruo and the two, but focused on the two medicine pills that appeared in the midair...

coldly shouted "go!"

At the same time as the words fell, the gushes out of the Divine Force of Creation quietly enveloped the two medicine pills, and then slowly penetrated into it, with naked eyes The visible speed cleans up the impurities inside...

In just a few seconds, the two medicine pills are more crystal clear and near-transparent than the previous ones, and it is difficult to say that they are medicine pills. Danyu is more suitable!!

After the Divine Force of Creation dissipated, Xu Sheng made a move towards the two medicine pills suspended in the midair, and pulled them to the front...

After Xu Sheng took it down, he handed it to Zhou Qingruo and Duanmu Lian beside him, lightly said with a smile "Try it, if nothing happens, there will be other surprises"

Duanmu Lian looked at the jade-like medicine pill in his hand, "Xu Sheng, you made this medicine pill look so good, I can't bear to take it! "

Zhou Qingruo, who was next to him, also showed a bit of reluctance in his beautiful eyes, and echoed it, "en! "

This kind of treasure, which can be called a work of art, is there no woman who can take it without seeing it?

Looking at the medicine pill in the hands of Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo, Clouds Swallowing Beast couldn't help blushing, and angrily shouted "Damn! ! Give this Uncle if you don't eat it! Ahhhh! ! ”

Or else, try to grab it yourself?

If you can get one, maybe you can...

But when I think of the previous Xu Sheng showed a power that even Heaven and Earth could hear, and the ambition that had just risen softened again...

Being killed for the sake of a vain momentary power, this is not what it is Such a smart monster beast choice!

Xu Sheng indifferently said, "No matter how good-looking this medicine pill is, it must reflect its value to be precious, right? "

Duanmu Lian heard the words, pursed her thin lips and put it into her mouth with great reluctance, and swallowed it...

Zhou Qingruo next to him also knew that he wanted to refute Xu Sheng was impossible, and swallowed it too...

After only a few seconds!

They felt a raging force unleashing from their belly...


(end of this chapter)

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