Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1187


Chapter 1187 Release bloodline (please subscribe)

Heavenly Sound Sect after saying this Sect Master, there is something wrong with the whole person, trifling Immortal Monarch Realm, actually crushed himself in terms of coercion, this is simply a great shame!

Especially just now he tried to use spiritual power to resist this coercion, but it didn't work at all....

Xu Sheng heard his shocked tone, indifferently said "What? My return salute. , don't you like it?"

Wanting to use spiritual power to resist the divide force is tantamount to nonsense!

Heavenly Sound Sect Sect Master coldly said "hmph! Only play these small tricks, no matter how strong your coercion is, the old man doesn't believe that your strength can be so terrifying!"

As long as he starts, he can immediately judge his true strength. He absolutely does not believe that the opponent's strength can surpass two realm!

Thinking of this, I saw him secretly say "Immortal Rank high grade martial skill! Thunder footwork!" The existence has become extremely illusory, especially the lower body is attached to the silk arcs...

next moment, as Heavenly Sound Sect Sect Master's mind moved, the whole person immediately issued "Tzzzzzzz ~~ "The voice, at a speed that naked eyes can't see clearly, rushed towards Xu Sheng...

While the latter just concentrated the dive force in his ink-colored eyes with neither fast nor slow, suddenly, in front of his eyes Everything has slowed down dozens of times...

The Heavenly Sound Sect Sect Master, who has been close to Xu Sheng, saw that he did not use any martial skills, and his heart coldly shouted "hmph! Even the martial skills" If you don't use it, courting death!!"

After finishing speaking, the fist mixed with huge power slammed straight to its head...

If the ordinary Immortal Monarch Realm was hit In, either dead or disabled!

But in front of Xu Sheng, this attack, which was slowed down dozens of times, was slower than a snail!

After he extended the hand, with no difficulty firmly grasped the fist of the Heavenly Sound Sect Sect Master...

The latter was shocked, "What??"

Without waiting for him to think, Xu Sheng ruthless smashed his elbow into the chest of the Heavenly Sound Sect Sect Master in front of him...

With a loud "peng!" Heavenly Sound Sect Sect Master only felt severe pain, and the whole person flew out in an instant, and staggered back a dozen meters before he could stabilize his body...

Watching from the side All the Clouds Swallowing Beast smacked his lips and said, "Does this guy's power have such a strong suppression force on the Emperor Realm? Does that mean that Xu Sheng can really kill this Emperor Realm guy?"

No, I'm afraid it's not possible, but very likely!

The Heavenly Sound Sect Sect Master, who stabilized his body, glanced at the injury on his chest, complexion ashen opened the mouth to Xu Sheng and said "You kid! It's just a monster!!"

No wonder this kid gives himself a terrifying sense of crisis after entering Central Plains...

didn't expect, his reliance is not the cultivation base at all, but the Weird power!

Through the simple test just now, it can be judged that the opponent's strength is not weaker than himself!

Facing the former scolding, Xu Sheng smiled slightly, "many thanks, but you are much weaker than I thought!"

Heavenly Sound Sect Sect Master clenched his palms tightly, "It will only be a verbal argument! Wait a while and see if you can still laugh!"


On the other side, Zhou Qingruohe Duanmu Lian was very passive under the alternate attack of the four demon cultivators. If it continued like this, the situation would not be optimistic!

Duanmu Lian opened the mouth with a grim face and said "Damn! These guys cooperate very well, and there is no point to counterattack"

Zhou Qingruo stretched out his hand Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, he stared at the four demonic cultivators in front of him...

If these demonic cultivators were to face off alone, it would be impossible for them to be their opponents, but there was no way, if the other four joined forces , then not necessarily!

The demon cultivators on the opposite side saw Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo, and they frigid irony and scorching satire and said, "Oh! Without that man and monster beast messing around, you two are absolutely impossible for us. Rivals!"

"Surrender, maybe we can spoil you for a while, and it's not worth fighting for so long!"

"I know what you're thinking. , that man and monster beast must have been killed by our Sect Master now! The powerhouse of the Emperor Realm is not something he can covet!"

"That's right, after enjoying it, absolutely It will give you a pleasure, of course, it is also possible to be our slave, hahaha!!"

Hearing these words, Duanmu Lian's face became extremely cold, looking towards Zhou Qingruo, who was next to him. "Qingruo!" Qingruo slowly turned on the boat, "en! I understand!" After saying this, they immediately released their spiritual power and tried to activate their bodies. Their bloodline...

Suddenly, "Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~~", the bloodline of the two of them was immediately released, and the terrifying power emanated caused the surrounding space to vibrate violently... …

After the demon cultivator on the opposite side felt the changes in the two of them, his face suddenly changed dramatically...

One of the demon cultivators cry out in surprise "This... what is this? Why are their breaths soaring?"

The other demon cultivator gritted his teeth "Damn! They must not be allowed to perform successfully, otherwise,"

"That's still What are you waiting for, hurry up! Take advantage of this opportunity to kill them"

After the words fell, these demonic cultivators rushed straight towards Duanmu Lian and Zhou Qingruo, wanting to take advantage of the fact that they were releasing bloodline. If so, kill him!

Zhou Qingruo's amber beautiful eyes suddenly burst into an icy chill, coldly said, "I'm sorry, it's too late!"

After she finished speaking, the sword in her hand was slow. The frost condensed on her face, which made people tremble...

And Duanmu Lian slowly condensed the mark of pale red, and could vaguely feel the terrifying power from her body!

In the next second, the two of them met the demonic cultivator coming from the front...

"hmph! Although I don't know what happened to the two of you, don't think that In this way, we can easily defeat us! Go to hell!"

Zhou Qingruo heard the words, his face did not change, he immediately clenched the saber in his hand, and immediately cut off it in an illusory posture. The arm of a demonic cultivator...

"pu 呲!" With a sound, the arm was thrown into the air, and the blood that was continuously flowing was directly frozen...

The demon cultivator who had his arm chopped off didn't even experience pain, but when he saw his left arm became empty, "This... how is this possible? I should have avoided it!"

Before it fell, a sword with a cold glow slashed again...

He immediately lowered his head, and when he watched the sword pass over his head, a fluke appeared in his heart. ...

But the next second, he realized that there was a headless body in front of his eyes...

After taking a closer look, he realized that this headless body was just right. It's yourself! ! !

This bizarre scene made the rest of the demonic cultivators take a few steps backwards, staring at Zhou Qingruo in front of them with dread...

Even if they escaped, why still? will be cut off the head? ?



(end of this chapter)

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