Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1223


Chapter 1223 Gu Yue, win (subscription)

and carefully observed Wu Zhangkong, Those icy eyes had a surprised look, and she secretly asked, "Wind, Earth, Fire, have you used three attributes in a row?"

She obviously only has one spirit ring, so why can she use the Spirit Ability of so many attributes? Even he is full of doubts!

But for whatever reason, Class 5 must have missed this girl with a weird Spirit!

Otherwise, in the promotion competition, we can definitely go further!

And the students in class 1 are full of eyes...

"What a powerful control, even going to class 1 is enough?"

"Indeed, no wonder she rejected the dance teacher before, didn't expect she really has this innate talent and strength!"

"It's a pity! Genius, you can fight even if you meet one team!"

First of all, Xie Xie, the agility-attack system Spirit Grandmaster with two rings, plus only one ring and battle strength can match two Tang Wulin of rings Spirit Grandmaster, if there is another such powerful control Spirit Master, it is a perfect lineup!

Yun Xiao smacked his lips and said, "Wulin is indeed the girl you fancy, but her strength is so perverted!" The girl in the middle? Don't talk nonsense!"

This is nothing to me, but if it spreads out, it will only cause trouble to that girl!

Xie Xie raised his brows and grim said, "I'm afraid her Spirit level is not low, even higher than mine! So, don't think about it, just wash and sleep"

There is no doubt that the first class will soon have another genius, which also means that their overall strength is stronger. With their three people, can they really lift the fifth class to the first class!

In this regard, I have deep doubts in my heart...


Zhao Wu, who came back to his senses, glanced at himself The blood stains on his chest, sighed helplessly, withdrew his long spear...

If Gu Yue in front of him increased his spirit power input, I am afraid that he would have been pierced through his heart!

looked at Gu Yue on the opposite side, opened the mouth and said "I... I lost! I am convinced!"

I am a melee Spirit Master, and I have two times. He had the chance to defeat Gu Yue, but he still lost!

There is no complaint in my heart!

Seeing this, Gu Yue, who is opposite, said calmly, "you let me win!"

It seems that from the very beginning, he already knew that Scales of Victory was inclined towards him!

Faced with the result of this battle, the students of the first class opened their mouths wide and couldn't believe, "Zhao Wu actually lost... lost? I won't be dazzled?"

"Hey... This girl I've never met, actually defeated Zhao Wu!"

"I'm afraid that only Wei Xiaofeng and the three of us who have reached two rings can suppress them! Will you live with her?"

Hearing these words that could easily lead to conflict, Wei Xiaofeng said unhappily, "Go go go, what are you talking about, Gu Yue is going to join our class!"

Zhang Yangzi also said, "That's right, everyone will be a student in the first class in the future, so there is nothing to suppress or suppress!"

Wang Jinxi saw that both of them said so, nodded concise "Me too!"

Gu Yue smiled slightly, "Thank you!"

At this time, she looked at Xu Sheng in front of her beautiful eyes again and asked. "This teacher, have I met the requirements for joining the first class?"

Xu Sheng clapped said, "Of course, I'll keep my word. Also, congratulations on passing the review, and you will be a student in the first class in the future."

Gu Yue was stunned for a while, it seemed that she didn't expect Xu Sheng to talk so well, and she even directly approved her to join Eastern Sea Academy and become a student of the first class...

Slightly A bit suspiciously, "en? teacher, don't you ask me about my origin?"

Xu Sheng glanced at her, indifferently said "No need! I'm not interested in your origin, but you can tell me Me, what is your Spirit?"

He didn't use divide force, so he couldn't directly spy on each other's Spirit!

Hearing this affirmative answer, Gu Yue didn't say anything, replied "When my Spirit is an element, I can control all kinds of elements for my own use!"

Xu Sheng He held his chin and pretended to think, "Elementalist? I've never heard of it, but I'm sure its Spirit is very strong."

This should be a Spirit fabricated by Gu Yue, but since I know the latter That sentence, what Spirit is not important! "

Zhao Wu next to him said with a sullen face, "The intensity must be high, Gu Yue's continuous control can make me unable to move even a little bit with no difficulty!" ”

All the students had a big laughter when they heard the words, but no one laughed at his strength!

Xu Sheng took a deep breath and interrupted them

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, keep running in circles, Gu Yue, follow along with you to deepen the cohesion of the next class! "

Gu Yue did not refuse, "Yes, teacher? "

She doesn't seem to know what the teacher in front of her is called!

Xu Sheng immediately understood, "My name is Xu Sheng!" "

Gu Yue's beautiful eyes lit up, and after nodding she said again, "Yes, Master Old Xu!" "


The next day, in the Academic Affairs Office!

Dean Yu Zhen and Long Hengxu both looked at them with serious eyes. Xu Sheng and Gu Yue in front of me!

Yu Zhen’s righteous words scolded “Master Old Xu, how could you let an unknown person join Eastern Sea Academy without notifying me? For this, I must criticize you! ”

He must show his majesty as a principal, otherwise he will not be able to raise his head in front of any teacher in the future!

This is not a good phenomenon!

Gu Yue heard that, neither fast nor slow took out a recommendation book and handed it to Yu Zhen, "Principal, this is my primary level Academy recommendation! "

Looking at the primary level Academy recommendation book in her hand, Yu Zhen covered her mouth and coughed, "cough cough...Master Old Xu, even if there is no problem with this child's origin, she can't be dismissed hastily." Join a class? "

Xu Sheng's inky eyes flickered a few times, and he said seriously, "I personally tested Gu Yue's strength, and he is indeed qualified to join the first class."

Yu was scolded again. Zhen, choked up for a moment, and Brace oneself said, "Even if there is no problem with her origin and strength, Master Old Xu, you..."

Next to Long Hengxu's eyelids, he hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull it Pulling on the former's sleeve, he whispered, "Well, Dean, we're almost done! "

On the two most "arrogant and despotic" teachers of Eastern Sea Academy, Wu Zhangkong and Xu Sheng!

are also six rings Spirit Emperor, strong!


Especially Wu Zhangkong, whose strength is the strongest in Eastern Sea Academy!

But after Xu Sheng came, he had to take second place!

It can be said , there is no one that Dean can mess with him!

Yu Zhen, who realized that he was just playing with fire, took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Well, it seems that Master Xu has just joined Eastern Sea. For the Academy's sake, this time, I won't pursue it, but just this once! "

"Also, this new student is called Gu Yue, right? Even if you join a class, you have to work hard for cultivation."

After a few simple nagging words , they let Xu Sheng and Gu Yue leave the Academic Affairs Office...

Almost the moment Xu Sheng left the Academic Affairs Office, Yu Zhen and Long Hengxu were exhaled...

I just feel that my mood has suddenly improved...




(end of this chapter)

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