Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1244


Chapter 1244 Win (Subscribe)

With the strength gap between him and Xu Sheng, it is naturally impossible to approach Destroy this huge Fireball, otherwise, when it erupts, you won't be able to escape!

Immediately afterwards, a burst of more intense spirit power poured out from Wu Zhangkong's body, and forcibly condensed into a huge ice wheel in front of it, about tens of meters in size!

As soon as his mind moved, the entire ice wheel with a blue chill began to spin wildly, and the strong cutting force contained a violent sky-splitting sound...

Accompanied by With the sound of "Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~~", the entire ice wheel immediately moved towards the front and lashed out, and moved towards the ash-gray's Fireball that was several times larger than it at an extremely fast speed.

When the two collided, with a sound of "peng", the ash-gray Fireball that had reached its limit exploded instantly...

Vaguely visible, the terrifying white aftermath moved towards the whole All around rushed away...

As Wu Zhangkong faced the aftermath of the attack, subconsciously stretched out his hand in front of him...

Although the body was not hurt in any way, that The severe pain from his soul still made him "hmph" coldly!

You have to suffer such terrifying mental damage at such a long distance. If you get close to solving it...

The consequences can be imagined!

And Xu Sheng, who realized that his attack was unsuccessful, raised his eyes and looked towards Wu Zhangkong, who had an ugly face but was still standing on the stage, surprisedly said, "If you know you can't escape, just do it. Do you use long-range attacks to weaken the damage as much as possible?"

But the aftermath alone is enough for him to eat a pot!

After a few seconds, he finally got over the God Wu Zhangkong from the pain of Frightening-Soul Sting, and found that Xu Sheng was stunned, crying out in surprise "Good chance!"

Hesitantly, the silhouette of the whole person turned into an arc of ice blue, aimed straight at Xu Sheng, and reached the latter in the blink of an eye!

Seeing this scene, Yu Zhen, who was standing not far away, suddenly became nervous, and said in a grim tone, "Have you found a weak spot!"

Long Hengxu next to him shook the head, "It shouldn't be, Dean, take a closer look, Mr. Old Xu's face never showed panic, presumably everything was expected by him"

Yes, standing in the original The Xu Sheng of the land just deliberately showed a weak spot, and Wu Zhangkong, who really wanted to win, rushed over desperately!

I saw his palm slightly raised, and countless thick and slender Ghost Vines rose up from the ground, moved towards in midair dance and strangled away in the form of hiding the sky and covering the earth...

Seeing Ghost Vine coming from all directions, just a short distance away from Xu Sheng, he immediately gritted his teeth, angrily shouted "Don't underestimate me!"

The first spirit ring lights up again...

The third Spirit Ability, Frost Slash! !

A majestic and majestic sword energy blesses the Sky Frost Sword, forcibly extending it to several meters...

Directly aiming at the Ghost Vine in front of it and slashing Go...

The sharp sword energy collided with the thick Ghost Vine, emitting a fierce spark "Tzzzzzzzz ~~"

When the fire light gradually disappeared, Wu Zhangkong's ice blue eyes were startled, and he said in an unbelievable tone, "What??"

The Sky Frost Sword with the third Spirit Ability did not cause any effective damage to Ghost Vine, it was only in the A thin imprint was left on the surface!

In other words, your own attack can't even cut the plants that the opponent summons at will! !

Taking advantage of his lack of strength, the Ghost Vine behind him quickly clings to his body, binding his limbs completely, and the ash-gray flames on the rhizomes continue to burn...


Rao Shiwu Zhangkong, in the case of pain all over his body, he couldn't hold back at all...

He shouted "aaahhhh!!"

Wei Xiaofeng Hearing this cry, patted his chest and said, "Hi... How terrifying is the flame stained on the Spirit of the Old Xu teacher? Let the dance teacher make such a miserable cry!"

Zhang Yangzi next to him teased, "Would you like to call Master Old Xu to let you experience it after the end?"

Wei Xiaofeng rolled his eyes immediately, said ill-humoredly "get lost! Why don't you try it yourself?" "

Wu Zhangkong of six rings looks like this, change it to her own words...

I am afraid that I will die if I try, this is no joke!

Gu Yuexian glanced at the two of them and said indifferently, "Look carefully, although this ash-gray flame wraps the dance teacher, it doesn't harm his body, most of it is torture from Spiritual Plane! "

Once the others heard it, they also noticed this...

Immediately said in surprise, "It's true! But the dance teacher did his best, who told him that he met Old Xu." Where's the teacher?"

Wang Jinxi had a relaxed expression on his face, "The dance teacher has been bound by Old Xu's Spirit, and basically lost the chance to struggle. If he wants to win the victory, he will know immediately. It's over!"

Xie Xie on the other side sat on the ground with a "thump"...

Those eyes stared at him and screamed in pain. Wu Zhangkong, "How can this happen... The third Spirit Ability of dance teacher, even those plants can't be chopped!"

Obviously they are six rings Spirit Emperor, but the strength gap has reached Is this level?

Tang Wulin next to him swallowed, although he couldn't believe the scene just now, but that's the truth!

Even the opponent's most basic defense can't be broken, and it's still bound!

The probability that the dance teacher can win has returned to zero!


After about a minute, only the sound of "pu tong" falling...

Already in a coma under the mental torture Wu Zhangkong collapsed on the cold ground...

The fast-eyed Long Hengxu rushed to his side and checked it carefully...

Although he is very unhappy watching Wu Zhangkong, he is also a non-negligible existence to Eastern Sea Academy, and he can't just watch it happen...

The gentle spiritual power penetrates into Wu Zhangkong's body to perceive After a while, Long Hengxu was relaxed...

"Huh... it's okay, but I'm in a coma!"

Immediately, he stood up again and moved towards Yu who was looking around I nodded...

The latter immediately understood, after coughing, looking at the teacher and the students under the stage, opened the mouth and said, "In this duel, the winner is Teacher Old Xu, so after that In the zero class, Teacher Old Xu will be the head teacher!”

The only teacher who beat Xu Sheng to win said with a big smile “hahaha ha!! Teacher Old Xu won! It's over!"

As for the other teachers who suppressed Wu Zhangkong, their faces were all helpless...

"It's over, this year's salary is gone! aaahhhh !"

"Hey, there's no way to do this. Who knew that Master Old Xu's strength would be so terrifying? But it's not a loss to spend all this money to watch this showdown!"

"That's right! You can still earn more money, but I don't know if there will be a showdown like today!"

Nonsense, one year's salary has been lost, so naturally I have to say this Showdown value!


(End of this chapter)

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