Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1246


Chapter 1246 Awakening (please subscribe)

Hearing Xu Sheng's words, Wei Xiaofeng and the others also stood up quickly Up, face doesn't change and introduced his Spirit...

But when Gu Yue said that his Spirit was an elemental messenger, Tang Wulin said in a surprised tone, "en? Gu Isn't Moon's Spirit a dragon?"

Whether it was from the Spirit fusion skills she and Wang Jinxi used, or from his own inner feelings, he always felt that the other party's Spirit should be a dragon!

Hearing this sentence, Gu Yue's beautiful eyes flickered, and she shook her head and said, "No, my Spirit is an elementalist! It should be an accident to be able to release Spirit fusion skills with Wang Jinxi"


After Wang Jinxi and Wang Jinxi released the Spirit fusion technique, the opponent's Spirit was on the verge of destruction. If it wasn't for Xu Sheng's shot, the former would have lost the qualification to become a Spirit Master!

So, this also means that they won't have the possibility of a second cast!

Tang Wulin looked thoughtful nodded, "so that's how it is..."

How could I forget such a simple question!

Spirit fusion skills don't necessarily have to be of the same kind, as long as the two of them fit together enough, there is a high chance of releasing them!

Wei Xiaofeng sneered and "tsk", opened the mouth and said "Who told you that must Spirits are of the same kind to release Spirit fusion skills?"

Lian I haven't learned this theory. Is this guy really worthy of class zero?

Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi nodded agree, that Xie Xie has reached the second ring, and his strength is strong, he is qualified to enter the zero class!

But this Tang Wulin, although he has a brute force, makes him face two rings, but the real spirit power level is only one ring!

It can be said that even in the worst class, it is at the bottom!

Xie Xie, who couldn't stand it, said coldly, "Who doesn't know the same thing, who can't release the Spirit fusion skill, what's our business?"

Wei Xiaofeng clenched his fists tightly and said, "You guy..."

Damn, if he hadn't been able to beat this guy, he would want to beat him right now!

Wang Jinxi and Zhang Yangzi also showed a few traces of anger on their faces...

I feel that there are two interfering guys from the fifth class here, and the days to come will definitely not be so peaceful. ...

Gu Yue glanced at them and sighed, "Be quiet, everyone is now a student of Class Zero, so there's no need to give tit for tat!"

As zero The only female student in the class, after these words blurted out, Wang Jinxi and the others also said sorry and turned their heads to the side...

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely embarrassing...

Looking at the little fellows in front of him, Xu Sheng opened the mouth and said with a smile, "Just like Gu Yue said, you will all be students of Class Zero in the future, so it's not okay to be so exclusive to each other! It seems that we have to let you both. Unite a little"

At first glance, the face is completely harmless to humans and animals...



I saw that the man who released the Spirit carefully checked Wu Zhangkong lying on the bed...

Yu Zhen immediately asked, "How is the situation of the dance teacher? ?"

A look of bitter smile appeared on the man's face, "Dean, the dance teacher should have suffered a mental blow, and I can only ease his mental trauma a little, if nothing else. I should be able to wake up within three days"

Long Hengxu next to him was overjoyed and sighed with emotion, "Three days? tsk tsk tsk, Master Old Xu is really cruel. !"

Yu Zhen also helplessly said "Master Old Xu is indeed a bit ruthless!"

If it is a physical aspect, you can try treatment, and spiritually, Eastern Sea Academy will also No one has this ability!

So, if you want to wake up, you can only rely on Wu Zhangkong's own willpower...

Just when Yu Zhen and Long Hengxu were about to leave and come to visit three days later, Wu Zhangkong, who was lying on the bed, coughed weakly...

"cough cough..."

Then, opened the pair of light blue ice-cold pupils... …

Long Hengxu who heard the voice was surprised and said, "en? Dance teacher, are you awake?"

Didn't it take three days to wake up? From Wu Zhangkong's coma to now, I'm afraid it's not more than two hours, right?

Yu Zhen glanced at the man beside his eyes and seemed to be asking him what was going on...

The latter wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said embarrassedly, "Dean, there appears to be an early awakening. There are only two possibilities, one is that the dance teacher has a special situation, and the other is that he is stronger in mental force than most Spirit Masters, so he heals faster.”

This injury is not serious, said It's not too light, but Wu Zhangkong is awake now, and it's like slapping himself in the face...

Wu Zhangkong replied indifferently. Get up...

Yu Zhen walked over, "Wu teacher, let you suffer, didn't expect Old Xu to be so ruthless"

Wu Zhangkong's cold eyes slightly As soon as he lifted it, he stared straight at Yu Zhen...

It was as if he was saying that he looked like this, and he even mocked him!

But when I think of Xu Sheng's ability to control everything, I feel inexplicably unwilling...

Also a six rings Spirit Emperor, this is the first time that Wu Zhangkong has been defeated so thoroughly. , even the opponent's defense can not be broken!

Yu Zhen, who was being stared at, felt cold for no reason, and insisted saying with a slight smile "That... dance teacher, according to the initial agreement, the head teacher of Class Zero will be taught by Old Xu. Do it, you have no opinion."

Wu Zhangkong took a deep breath and said as calmly as possible, "I admit defeat, I lose, he is naturally qualified to be the head teacher of class zero!"

The skill is inferior to others, he admits it!

Seeing Wu Zhangkong, he didn't bother me because of this, and the big stone hanging in Yu Zhen's heart was also put down...

He comforted and said, "Although the head teacher of Class Zero is Teacher Old Xu. , but it's just a name, because Director Long and I are going to let the two of you manage the zero shift together at the first."

Long Hengxu next to see the look thrown by the former, and hurriedly nodded "That's right. That's it!"

Get your fart ready!

If it wasn't for the fear that Wu Zhangkong would have a gap in his heart and do something extreme, he would have been asked to teach other classes!

Wu Zhangkong heard the words, the icy color on his cheeks eased a little...

It's still a little unacceptable for him to give away the students he finally taught. !

But now it seems that as long as they can teach Tang Wulin, that's enough!

And... my spirit power level is almost breaking through Level 10!

Of course, he wouldn't be stupid enough to challenge Xu Sheng again, ignoring the latter's spirit power level, to defeat him, he must at least be at the Spirit Douluo level! !

Otherwise, it is inviting humiliation to oneself!

Thinking of this, I just gave a faint "um"...

Yu Zhen pursed her lips, "Since you're okay with dance teacher, just cultivate here, After all, the head teacher of the first class is Teacher Old Xu, so don't worry too much!"

"Of course, if the dance teacher wants to serve as the head teacher of other classes, Director Long and I also agree very much!"

Long Hengxu echoed, "Dance teacher, take a good rest, we will leave first!"

After the words fell, the two turned around and left...



(end of this chapter)

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