Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1255


Chapter 1255 Transfer Students (Subscribe)

Immediately, Wei Xiaofeng including Gu Yue and the others, all looked at Xu Sheng on the podium with resentful eyes!

Although the latter also taught them some common sense, most of them were about how to deal with each Spirit Master, and how to turn the surrounding environment into a favorable situation for them when faced with a difficult situation!

As for the mainstream knowledge of blacksmiths and battle armors, that is completely untouched!

It cannot be said that it is not mentioned at all, it is completely irrelevant!

Realizing the strange eyes of these little fellows, Xu Sheng lightly said with a smile "What? Why are you looking at me with such resentful eyes? Could it be that you miss me after you haven't seen me for so long?"

Wei Xiaofeng pouted and said, "Master Old Xu! You seem to have never told us the knowledge that dance teacher said before!"

Xu Sheng suddenly realized, face doesn't t change's reply "Ah... well, I don't know much about the teacher, so I will let the dance teacher explain it to you!"

If you let yourself Make it clear to them that Wu Zhangkong, who is also in charge of teaching the zero class, is not that absolutely does not have any use...

Getting Xu Sheng's personal answer, Zhang Yangzi sighed, "didn't expect Teacher Old Xu's strength is so strong, and his appearance is also Peak level, so he is weaker than dance teacher in this respect!"

Wang Jinxi also lacked interest in saying "Master Old Xu is worse than dance teacher in theory. At this point, it's hard for us to do things for you."

Tang Wulin unconsciously showed a smile when he saw this interesting scene...

When Xie Xie was told that he was going to be transferred to shift zero, he was a little anxious in his heart, but after so many days of communication, it seemed that it was not as bad as he imagined!

Maybe there will be some unity over time, that's not all!

Xie Xie next to him saw his pig-like smile, and said contemptuously, "Tang Wulin, why are you smirking! Don't you really like the ancient moon?"

That's right, the direction Tang Wulin looked towards was where Gu Yue was sitting, and with this expression, he couldn't get it wrong!

Tang Wulin's cheeks flushed all of a sudden, and he glared at the former, "Don't talk nonsense, I just think that the atmosphere of the zero class is not as bad as I thought, and it is still by Old Xu teacher and dance teacher. The two will lead together!"

Gu Yue, who realized that she was being peeped at, also looked at Tang Wulin, who was blushing with curious beautiful eyes...

From entering Class Zero After that, she could clearly feel that she had an unbreakable relationship with Tang Wulin...

The feeling of being bound for no reason made her a little repulsive, but she didn't hate it...

Seeing that the whole classroom became extremely noisy, Xu Sheng interrupted aloud, "Okay, today's class will not teach theoretical knowledge, I will set a small goal for you, physical exercise fifty laps, all Is it alright?"

Hearing this, all the students in Class Zero showed despair on their faces, wailing "Ah?"

"Don't do it. Now, if you don't finish the run within three hours, then add another fifty laps, but considering that you can't exercise your body, this time you can use Spirit!"

Hearing this sentence, The expressions of everyone in Class Zero softened a bit...

If you can use Spirit, the pressure will be much easier!

So, without complaining too much, they all ran to the square outside the classroom...

Not long after they left, a gentle word came from outside the door , "That...teacher, hello!"

Xu Sheng came back to his senses, looked sideways towards the door, and saw that it was a man with two pigtails, looking very Cute little girl, about the same age as Tang Wulin and the others!

Surprisedly said "Are you...Xu Xiaoyan?!"

After learning that there is one more person in the ranks of the zero-class ascension platform, he has already expected this scene!

Xu Xiaoyan's delicate beautiful eyes flashed a little astonishment, and said softly, "teacher, do you know me?"

She remembered that it was the first time she transferred to Eastern Sea Academy, right?

didn't expect there will be a teacher who knows him, especially this kind of teacher who is like a male god, the little face can't help but be a bit more shy...

Xu Sheng is gentle With a smile, "Well, I just saw your name in the teaching office, and I roughly guessed it."

It seems that there will be another female student in Class Zero, but that's fine, otherwise the entire Class Zero except for Except for Gu Yue, they are all male students!

Xu Xiaoyan was stunned for a while, "Ah...oh, I thought you knew me, teacher!"

To be honest, I was still a little disappointed...

But being able to be remembered once, shows that the teacher is also very interested in himself!

Thinking of this, she felt a lot of joy again...

Soon, she took out a recommendation book from her storage spirit tool and handed it to Xu Sheng. "By the way, teacher, this is my primary level Academy recommendation!"

Xu Sheng glanced at it and secretly said, "didn't expect this guy is in a Great Family!"

Nothing else, the primary level Academy recommendation books of ordinary students are signed "Academy", and this Xu Xiaoyan's recommendation is "Eastern Sea City Xu Family!"

As for the Spirit, it is the Star Wheel Staff that Xu Sheng has never heard of, and it can be roughly judged that it is a control system Spirit!

Seeing Xu Sheng accepting the recommendation book, Xu Xiaoyan showed a Tiantian smile, "teacher, am I now joining the zero class?"

Although she is Eastern Sea Academy, which relies on family to enter, is not bad in terms of strength!

Xu Sheng glanced at her, opened the mouth and said "it doesn't count!"

Xu Xiaoyan, who was waiting for Xu Sheng's words of approval, heard it, and the whole person was shocked. I was stunned...

"Eh... eh?? teacher, you just said no... don't count?"

Xu Sheng indifferently said "en! Class, in addition to these necessary things, it depends on all aspects of your situation to decide!"

If this Xu Xiaoyan did not have a particularly prominent point, he would not agree to the former entering the first class!

came back to his senses, Xu Xiaoyan said anxiously "teacher, then I..."

Before she could finish speaking, Xu Sheng interrupted, "First Don't worry, have you seen those students?"

Xu Xiaoyan's eyes followed the direction Xu Sheng pointed, and even when he found the zero-class students who were running around...

Doubtful nodded, "en!"

Xu Sheng opened the mouth again and said "go and run fifty laps with them, can't use Spirit!"

Xu Xiaoyan hesitated and said, "Fifty laps? Teacher, then why can they..."

These zero-class students are obviously using Spirit!

Why can't I use it myself?

Xu Sheng just glanced at her indifferently, "There is no reason! If you don't want to, then leave the zero class, or go to another class"

Hearing this decision The words of Xu Xiaoyan's eyes turned red...

Why? Why is this teacher just targeting himself?

Fifty laps, if you don't use Spirit, how can you possibly run down?

This means, simply means that you don't want to let yourself enter the zero class!

(End of this chapter)

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