Showdown, I’m Really A Titled Douluo Chapter 1266


Chapter 1266 Killing the Crystal Bear (Subscribe)

See the escape alive Xie Xie , the rest are all relaxed...

Although they don't like Xie Xie very much, they are all students of Class Zero after all, and they don't want to see anything happen to him!

Zhang Yangzi patted his chest and said, "Hoo, scared to death, I thought this guy was going to be hit"

Gu Yue narrowed her eyes and said, "didn't expect Xu Xiaoyan The first Spirit Ability of Xie Xie can actually restrain the crystal bear, it is really strong!"

You must know that even Xie Xie's second Spirit Ability only stopped the crystal bear for a second!

Wang Jinxi said in a grim tone, "You must hurry up! Once the spirit power is exhausted, it will be troublesome!"

At this moment, Xu Xiaoyan, who is at rest with the crystal bear, The delicate cheeks became more and more ugly...

gritted her teeth and said, "I... can't hold it anymore!"

next moment, only to hear that she is linked with the crystal bear The starry sky chain "clicked" and broke, and the whole person flew out forcibly...

Seeing this scene, Tang Wulin immediately stopped her with Blue Silver Grass, who was about to hit the ground. Coming down...

Vaguely visible, Xu Xiaoyan's mouth has overflowed with blood, forcibly controlling an opponent who is stronger than himself, the damage to her is not too big!

Tang Wulin asked with concern, "Xu Xiaoyan, are you alright?"

Xu Xiaoyan's face flushed a little, and he shook his head and said, "It's's okay"


Tang Wulin nodded and reassured, "It's okay, you can rest well, this guy will be handed over to us!"

Xu Xiaoyan did not try to be stubborn anymore, weak "en! "For a moment...

Now, her whole heart is attacked by pain, and she has no strength to fight!

Xu Sheng, who was watching all the happenings in the sky, was quite disappointed and said, "This match... surprisingly bad! No... it's very bad"

There is no plan at all, it is purely based on ability!

For example, if the previous Xu Xiaoyan didn't control the crystal bear at the expense of his own injury, Xie Xie would probably be eliminated directly!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help holding his chin up and thinking about it...

Could it be that the zero shift is a Captain missing?


Also aware of the lack of a Captain Gu Yue in Class Zero, after taking a deep breath, he opened the mouth and said "Everyone, listen to me for now."

When Zhang Yangzi heard the words, he pouted and said, "Gu Yue, why are you..."

Who knew that Gu Yue's beautiful eyes glanced at him, coldly said " If you think you can analyze the current situation better than me, and instruct everyone to defeat the Crystal Bear, then you come!"

Zhang Yangzi said, like a deflated balloon. "I...I have no opinion!"

Let him direct?

I'm afraid that the entire zero class will not have to get in!

Gu Yue looked towards the other students again and asked, "How about everyone?"

Other people heard the words and looked at each other before nodding...


Gu Yue is indeed the most suitable leader in their zero class, so there is not much opinion...

Seeing that no one refuted, Gu Yue's face softened a bit, "Then I'm welcome, Tang Wulin tried to implicate the crystal bear as much as possible, I carried out remote harassment, Zhang Yangzi and Wang Jinxi paid attention to the timing, and used the Spirit fusion technique to kill, after the crystal bear appeared weak spot, Xie Xie would find another chance to one strike Certain kill!"

This short sentence made everyone's eyes suddenly light up...

Although it was not very detailed, even very rough, it let them know What to do yourself! Maximize your team's strengths!

After that, with the tacit cooperation of everyone, the crystals on the crystal bear have been completely destroyed, which means that its defense has been greatly reduced, and it is a good time to kill!

Tang Wulin and Gu Yue said in unison, "Xie Xie!"

Xie Xie, who was hiding in the dark, secretly said, "I know!"

Next moment, the light dragon dagger in his hand merged with another shadow dragon dagger that could not be seen clearly with naked eyes...

In an instant, the entire dagger burst into an unprecedented edge, as if it could cut Drop everything!

without any hesitation, immediately moved towards the crystal bear whose eyes had been destroyed and lost its vision...

"Bang...", after fusion The double dragon dagger struck the crystal bear's neck with precision. However, it only cut through the muscles and could not damage the bones...

Seeing this, Xie Xie's eyes narrowed...


Not enough! That's not enough strength...

I have to work harder!

Thinking of this, he mobilized the strength of his whole body again, just for this last one

shouted "ahhhh Ahhhh!!! Go to hell!!"


"pu 呲!", the sound of flesh being cut off suddenly sounded, and the crystal bear's head was forcibly chopped off, and flew into the midair...

And its huge size His body, as if he had lost control, collapsed directly to the ground, losing his vitality...

Xie Xie, who fell to the ground again, looked at the crystal bear who had been killed by himself, and hurriedly He gasped and said, "Huh...cheng...success..."

Everyone in Class Zero who saw this scene was all cry out in surprise "'s amazing, how do you feel that Xie Xie's Spirit is better than that? Was it a lot stronger at the beginning, was it because he absorbed the spiritual power generated after Spirit Beast's death?"

"No...Xie Xie is twin spirits, just that was... fusion?"

"Hey... This kid is a pervert with a single Spirit, but he's still the owner of twin spirits?"

"That is to say, in the promotion competition, this guy hasn't shown his best performance yet. Strength?"

"No matter what, I'll finally kill this tough guy!"

"It's inseparable from Gu Yue's command, hahaha"



In the silver-white room, I saw several instruments that had stopped running slowly being turned on, and the consciousness of everyone in Class Zero returned from the virtual space to the body……

After about ten seconds, everyone woke up completely and stood up from the metal cabinet...

I immediately heard Long Hengxu talking to the staff. Words...

"How's the situation?"

"Not optimistic! Now the Ascension Platform still doesn't mean to expel his consciousness!"

Feeling The doubtful class Zero surrounded them with doubts...

"Director Long, what are you talking about?"

"Eh? Why is Master Old Xu lying here? Haven't woken up yet?"

" this...doing an examination for Master Old Xu?"

Wei Xiaofeng of the ugly complexion gritted his teeth and put the specific The situation told them...

In an instant, every student's face was extremely gloomy...

It was obviously difficult to accept!

Master Old Xu would rather let his consciousness be trapped in a virtual space in order to help himself and the others...

This is too great! !

Just as the atmosphere became more and more grim, Xu Sheng neither fast nor slow lying in the metal cabinet opened his dark eyes...

He said calmly, "I'm not dead yet. Why are you all crying and sad?”




(End of this chapter)

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